

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Cesario Cambaza

PhD Candidate

23 November 2023
Knowledge is the elixir of life.

I am very interested in action research, development, and extension as a way of consolidating scientific knowledge to bring solutions to real problems affecting needing rural communities. This includes research in the areas of irrigation (engineering, design, development and management), Land and Water Resources Management and Rural Development.

Personal interests:

My main interest is to work with rural farming communities to help in their development. During my study and work journey, I’ve had different experiences and acquired a set of skills that can help to improve the living conditions of these communities. By doing this, in my view, I will be contributing for part of the local communities’ solutions seeking for livelihood improvement, which ultimately helps in local and country or regional development. In the other hand, I am passionate on teaching and tutoring. Hence, my other interests include university lecturing on the fields related to my background studies and my research.


- 2020: Potential impact of temperature and atmospheric pressure on the number of cases of COVID-19 in Mozambique, Southern Africa, DOI:;

- 2020: Using nature-based water storage for smallholder irrigated agriculture in African drylands: Lessons from frugal innovation pilots in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, DOI:;

- 2020: Irrigation management transfer in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of policy implementation across scales, DOI:;


- 2011: Study of sowing dates as one of the methods for water management in irrigation systems to reduce the yield losses in rice (OrizasativaL.) production in Chókwè District, Gaza Province, in Southern Mozambique,Universitàdeglistudidi Firenze andIstitutoAgronomicoperl’Oltremare, Florence - Italy

- 2007: Estudo de datas de sementeira para reduzir o risco de falha da cultura de milho (Zea maysL.) em agricultura de sequeiro no Distrito de Chókwè, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo – Mozambique;

Relevant presentations:

- 2019: 'Irrigation Package for Sand Rivers' (IPSAR), a feasibility study conducted in the Limpopo River, Mozambique presented at the 3rdSADC-GWP Groundwater Conference, September 2019.


Markus Pahlow, Ƶapp

Pieter van der Zaag

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