2015 Calendar(PDF, 3.5MB)
Sections of the 2015 Calendar
1.General Information pp1-7 (PDF, 32KB)
2. General Regulations and Policies
- Academic Award Regulationspp8-13 (PDF, 42KB)
- Admission Regulationspp14-27 (PDF, 79KB)
- Enrolment and Fees Policies and Regulationspp28-42 (PDF, 89KB)
- General Course and Examination Regulationspp43-57 (PDF, 91KB)
- Other Regulationspp58-62 (PDF, 41KB)
- Academic Policiespp63-64 (PDF, 26KB)
- General Policiespp65-66 (PDF, 26KB)
3. Award Regulations
- Contentspp67-71 (PDF, 117KB)
- Faculty of Artspp72-220 (PDF, 575KB)
- Faculty of Commercepp221-254 (PDF, 154KB)
- Faculty of Educationpp255-319 (PDF, 263KB)
- Faculty of Engineering and Forestrypp320-349 (PDF, 140KB)
- Faculty of Lawpp350-366 (PDF, 92KB)
- Faculty of Sciencepp367-453 (PDF, 364KB)
- Bridging Programmes Board of Studiespp454-459 (PDF, 47KB)
- Doctoratespp460-485 (PDF, 126KB)
4.Course Catalogue pp486-864 (PDF, 1.8MB)
5.Index pp865-877 (PDF, 60KB)