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Leave a gift in your will — UK

15 July 2024

Leaving a legacy gift in your will is a wonderful way to ensure that you continue to make an impact in our community many years into the future.

Each donation, whatever the size, supports students and researchers in years to come.


On this page

Everyone leaves a legacy. What will yours be?

Leaving a legacy give means leaving behind a part of yourself for which you want to be remembered.

It is recommended that you involve the people you care about the most when deciding how to make a legacy gift.

If you have any questions about how to make a gift or leave a legacy donation in a way that aligns with your values, please feel free to get in touch with Wendy Gundry, our Trust administrator in the UK, atinfo@aslconsultancy.co.uk or07545 616722.

To learn more about the University and areas that you might be interested in supporting, please contactAssociate Director of Advancement Charu Uppalatcharu.uppal@canterbury.ac.nz or +64 27 451 8091.

The Ƶapp NZ Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales.
Company #:5382333
Charity #:1111164

How to make a gift in your will

It is helpful for us to know if you have left the Ƶapp NZ Trust a gift in your Will. This allows us to plan ahead and ensures we can acknowledge your generous support during your lifetime.

The Ƶapp NZ Trust was set up especially to receive donations in the UK, with all donations being passed directly to the University to benefit students, researchers, and the UC community. This will also allow UK donors to claim any tax benefits eligible under UK law.

You may want to discuss your wishes with your immediate family. We strongly recommend you seek independent legal advice, especially with regards to inheritance tax, when writing or altering your Will.

If you already have a Will, the suggested wording below will help your legal advisor prepare a codicil to reflect any changes you wish to make.

The same wording can be incorporated into your bequest clause if you are writing a Will for the first time.

I GIVE ... % of my residuary estate free of all taxes to the Ƶapp NZ Trust (registered charity no:1111164) for its general purposes/ AND I REQUEST (without creating any binding trust or any legal obligation) that in applying the same it shall give effect to any written expression of wishes left by me relating to this gift.

AND I DECLARE that the receipt of a proper officer of the said body shall be a full discharge to my Executors and Trustees.

What your gift could support

It's not about the depth of your pockets, but the width of your heart.

Gifts left to the Ƶapp NZ Trust support the work of the University and can come in many sizes and forms. Legacy gifts do not need to be vast sums of money, or large percentages of an estate.

Gifts can be directed to anything you choose, but traditionally they support five key areas:

  • Student support services and scholarships
  • Research and teaching
  • Libraries and collections
  • Buildings and facilities
  • General purposes

We can help you realise your vision for your gift and would welcome the opportunity to discuss your ideas at any time under no obligation.

When you make a gift to the Ƶapp NZ Trust, 100% of your donation goes directly to its intended purpose.

The Trust does not deduct any fees, so as a donor you can be confident that your generosity and foresight will help future generation of students and researchers.

Frequently asked questions

What can I leave to the Ƶapp NZ Trust?

Many of our donors choose to leave a sum of money, however property, insurances, investments and other assets can also be gifted. If you would like to leave money, you have two choices – you can leave a specific sum of money, or you can leave a share of your estate.

The advantage of leaving a share of your estate is that the value of your bequest will not be eroded over time with the effects of inflation, which would be the case if you specify a sum. A dollar today may not be worth the same in ten years’ time. You can also choose to leave a residual gift – the balance of your estate once all specific bequests have been allocated.

I am thinking of leaving a scholarship to help a specific group of students. Is this possible?

Yes. You are welcome to identify the areas or purpose you would like to support. Current projects are likely to change in the future, and providing the UC Foundation with some flexibility means your gift will be used where the need is greatest.

However, if you do wish to choose a specific purpose we can discuss this with you to ensure we can identify a suitable fund or project, and can honour your wishes in the long term. In the case of endowment funds, we have specific wording you can use.

Do I need to draw up a new Will to include my gift?

No. A document called a codicil can be used to add a gift to an existing Will. A legal adviser will need to be consulted for this but it is inexpensive, quick and very easy to do.

Do I have to tell the Trust about my intentions?

This is at your discretion and we appreciate that making your Will is a very personal decision. We encourage you to notify us of your intentions so that we may express gratitude during your lifetime.

This doesn’t mean you are obligated in any way to leave a gift, and we respect your freedom to change your mind at any time.

Taking care of what matters most

Wills aren’t just for millionaires and billionaires.

Having a will ensures that your family, friends, and pets are well looked after, and you can continue to make a difference for the causes you care about long into the future.

A will not only covers the distribution of assets, but also the care and guardianship of minor children, other dependants, or pets.

Some things to consider when making a will

  • Who will administer your estate and execute your will?
  • Who are the potential beneficiaries?
  • If something happens to your beneficiaries before you pass away, do you have back up choices?
  • Do you have any debts to pass on?
  • Is there something sentimental that you’d like a specific person to have?
  • If you have minor children or other dependants, who will be their guardian?

Free Wills Month

During the months of March and October, anyone aged 55+ can make a will with a participating solicitor for free as part of the Free Wills Month programme.

To find out about participating solicitors near you, or for more information, please visit

Two women hug during graduation.

Through leaving a gift in your will to the Ƶapp NZ Trust, you are not only changing the world today with your generosity.

You are providing future generations of students with the tools and skills they need to break barriers, solve problems, and change the world.

Leaving a gift in your will to a cause you care about creates a ripple effect that continues to make a difference long into the future.

It inspires others to be generous as well, magnifying your impact in years to come.

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