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Nutrients for Mental Health, Anxiety and Depression: can multinutrients improve people’s symptoms of anxiety and depression?

30 December 2023

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What We Did

We administered a broad-spectrum multinutrient product (vitamins and minerals) or placebo to 150 people in the Otautahi community who were experiencing functionally impairing symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Using gold-standard research, we delivered a randomised-controlled trial (RCT) for 12 weeks, followed by a 10 week open label phase, where participants were able to try the micronutrient product. We have also followed these people up 12 months after they entered the study, to look at any possible longer term effects micronutrients might have on mental health

Who Was Involved
  • University of Otago- Dr Caroline Bell (Psychiatrist, associated PhD supervisor), Professor Joe Boden (statistician), Dr Roger Mulder (Psychiatrist)
  • Canterbury District Health Board- Claire Gilbert (Clinical Nurse Manager, Anxiety Disorders Service, associated PhD supervisor)
  • General Practitioners- Dr Rebecca Nicholls (GP Liaison for the study)

Why It Matters

Rates of anxiety and depression are increasing, despite the availability of well-established treatments such as psychiatric medication and psychotherapy. It is clear that there is a disconnect between people experiencing mental health difficulties and the treatments that exist. This may be in terms of a lack of workforce (psychiatry and psychology), negative side effects of treatments or stigma accessing such treatments. Novel treatments for anxiety and depression must be established to mitigate the serious impact these illnesses have on society, both in terms of lost productivity and loss of life. There is some evidence that nutritional supplementation with vitamins and minerals (multinutrients) may improve people’s mental health symptoms; however, very few studies have explored this effect in people experiencing problematic symptoms of anxiety and depression. This trial is necessary to explore whether or not multinutrients might be a treatment for anxiety and depression and if so, will provide a cost-effective, simple and straightforward treatment option.

Learn More
  • This is a link to the published study protocol:
  • This is a link to a systematic review of micronutrient RCTs for anxiety and depression written by Julia, Meredith and associate supervisors.
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