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Student story

Franzisca Doser

20 July 2023

"UC is partnered with so many amazing high-class universities around the world..."


Bachelor of Arts in Education and European and European Union Studies, with a minor Psychology

Master of European Union Studies

What are you up to at UC?

I’m doing a taught master’s degree in European Union studies. My thesis focuses on the integration of refugee children in Europe. Ultimately I'd like to see more of a bicultural approach with refugee kids, rather than just assimilating them into European culture.

Do you have a particular interest in Europe?

I do! I was raised in Germany but I have a Kiwi passport. I came to UC to study education and psychology but I fell in love with the passionate lecturers in the National Centre for Research on Europe. The global perspective they offer really appealed to me.

What kind of doors is your degree opening up for you?

Nowadays a lot of companies are looking for consultants to help them deal with the European Union. My degree teaches a lot of diplomacy and negotiation skills, but personally I'm interested in something called “monitoring and evaluation”. That's where you go into big organisations like the UN and look at how they implement their programmes.

What made you choose UC?

It seemed the most open to diversity and friendly towards different cultures. I was prepared to change my mind, but when I arrived I just loved the campus. It’s so green and everything is so centralised. The staff are excellent too. Every single one of my professors knows me and says hello. It's relaxed and there is a big focus on individuality, so I know they have my well-being at heart.

Has your degree seen you do a lot of travel and internships?

Yes, loads. I’ve been to a conference in Melbourne and on exchange to Singapore. At the end of my degree I'm doing an internship in Singapore at the Asia Europe Foundation. I’ll also be doing a field trip to Germany for my research.

Sounds like great international exposure!

Even though it’s far away, UC is a great place to study international issues. It’s well-rounded and you get to see the world through a relatively unbiased lens. If you want to go on exchange or do an international internship there are loads of opportunities. UC is partnered with so many amazing high-class universities around the world.

If you had to pick a word to describe UC, what would it be?

Enabling. Empowering. Inclusive. That’s three!

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