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Student story

Hao Zhang

20 July 2023

"I reckon our University is the best choice for international students who want to become an engineer..."


Master of Engineering Studies with an endorsement in Construction Management

Construction Manager, Capri Construction and Residential Services, Auckland

Hao travelled from China to complete Construction Management postgrad studies, with ambitions to join the extensive construction industry.

Knowing about UC's reputation in Civil Engineering, Hao chose to complete his master's here to increase his capabilities and market himself to employers.

"Construction Management covers every aspect of the construction industry, on topics such as safety management, budgeting and contract administration. The programme combines theory and practice which helps you improve your understanding of the construction industry," he says. "Studying Construction Management makes you more attractive to employers in this growing industry."

He found the study culture in New 茄子视频app官网best suited his chosen career aspirations.

"There is more focus in New 茄子视频app官网universities on using your degree as a means of having a better career and landing a better job after university. Here you are really encouraged to select an area of study based on your interests so that you can develop your knowledge in an area that you are interested in."

"I really enjoyed my subject area as the knowledge you gain is very practical, and I am able to compare the differences in construction between New 茄子视频app官网and China."

As an international student, Hao especially enjoyed the quieter and more research-focused study environment.

"I think that New 茄子视频app官网is an excellent place to study if you are considering going abroad. The natural, pure environment of New 茄子视频app官网is very attractive to international students. New 茄子视频app官网is a very quiet and comfortable place to live which greatly benefited my studies.

"The level of scientific research here is very high which means that you are able to study advanced topics and theory. You have the opportunity to work with many talented students from all over the world."

Getting to be a part of the community was one of Hao's favourite things about UC, and something that he encourages other students to experience by studying globally.

"I really enjoyed the diversity of the UC campus, this would have to be the best thing about studying overseas. Since I started here I have met people from all over the world and made a lot of new friends. This have given me the opportunity to learn about many different cultures and languages."

During study, Hao was also a member of the UC Climbing Club and spent a lot of his spare time in the outdoors.

"New 茄子视频app官网also has one of the best natural environments in the world which you can enjoy when you aren't studying. On the weekends or during the holidays I would go tramping with my friends and see the spectacular natural views that New 茄子视频app官网has to offer."

Hao now works at Capri Construction and Residential Services, having achieved his goal to become a Construction Manager overseeing projects in Auckland. He hopes to remain working in New 茄子视频app官网in the long term.

"My master's study really helps me a lot in my work. UC has the top academic level in Engineering subjects. I reckon our University is the best choice for international students who want to become an engineer!"

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