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Student story

Jessica Gopalan

20 July 2023

"Being at Uni Hall has changed me in the most positive way I could ever imagine.."


Bachelor of Arts in History and Cinema Studies

Coming to UC for studies in History and Cinema Studies, Jessica decided on staying at University Hall accommodation near campus for the full student life experience.

"It looked extremely inviting and comforting from the get go," she says. "A major aspect for me when picking a hall was the number of residents, and with over 550 residents at Uni Hall it was really exciting knowing I would have so many new people to meet. The close proximity to the University made it extra convenient also!"

The community at Uni Hall lived up to its reputation, and gave Jessica the added bonus of developing close friendships.

"Being at Uni Hall has changed me in the most positive way I could ever imagine. I have learnt a lot about myself at Uni Hall and have learnt to take all the opportunities given to me," she says.聽

"The best thing about Uni Hall is that I've made lifelong friends who I consider my family. The comforting nature and strong bond you share with fellow residents was an aspect that truly made my experience flourish."

She highly recommends other students consider staying in UC accommodation, and particularly Uni Hall, after having such an amazing and fulfilling experience there.

"Coming from someone who was originally going to go flatting instead of staying at a hall, I can tell you that after being at Uni Hall, I couldn"t imagine it any other way."

Choosing to study History and Cinema Studies was inspired by a long-held passion of both subjects, and her knowledge of UC's reputation in History.

"Ever since I was young I have had a colossal passion for History and this impacted my decision on studying History at UC. I want to revitalise History and be able to share all my knowledge on a local and global frontier."聽

"Cinemas Studies was a small passion for me that I wanted to grow into and since being at UC my passion for films has grown immensely," she says.

After such an impactful first year, Jessica would eventually go onto the PACE 395 internship course in her final year to practise her degree skills in industry.聽

"This course not only gave me valuable relationships but it gave me fantastic job experience that has helped me in attaining employment. Stephen and the team who run the internships are amazing and they really changed my outlook on my degree and what it was made up of."

Her first job role out of university was with Canterbury Museum which was "both fulfilling and interesting" to her degree area.

Since then Jessica has switched gears and begun a career in finance, to truly test her skills and experience from university.

"From my degree I have learnt that the Arts doesn't just teach you your subject, it teaches you lifelong transferable skills that make you dynamic enough for ANY career. I know this as I am thoroughly enjoying my new path."

As such, Jessica strongly advises others to go beyond their expectations and discover new areas and interests while studying.

"I think it's so important to allow your walls to fall down and to try and be open to anything offered to you at UC. I think at some stages I was so focused on passing that I never really truly allowed myself to play the field in terms of subjects and/or clubs. If you're interested in something, take a chance and go for it. Speak to your lecturers and understand yourself enough to know when you need help 鈥 trust your instincts!

"I absolutely love UC and am seriously happy with my choices. I discovered I love the vibe of Uni and all of the new experiences I have shared with my closest people."聽

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