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UC Choice


16 October 2023

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering


What led you to engineering at UC?

The WiE CAN (Women in Engineering Residential Programme) camp was a huge turning point for me. It broke down what engineering was and broke down the stereotype of only men doing engineering. It was really welcoming and approachable, and got you excited about studying engineering. It also made UC more approachable because you've experienced the uni and department and made some friends before starting.

You鈥檝e won a few scholarships, too!

UC awarded me the Emerging Leader鈥檚 Development scholarship, the Pacific Engineering scholarship, and the Academic Excellence scholarship. They were really accessible, and it was another reason I chose UC because it allowed me to be able to go into the halls my first year, where I met a lot of my friends.

What鈥檚 the coolest thing you鈥檝e done in your Engineering courses so far?

You do lots of group projects in engineering. The most famous one is the bridge building competition, where you design and build a four metre long bridge out of wood and your team tests it by walking across it. People come watch and support their friends. It's a really fun competition that鈥檚 been going on forever. Anyone who studied Civil Engineering at UC talks about their bridge.

You鈥檝e also been involved with some mentoring; was that useful?

ENGMe is a really valuable program where all first-year engineers are assigned a mentor. You go, there鈥檚 free food, and they tell you how to succeed in engineering and give you tips and tricks. My mentor got us tutors for our tests, gave me her old notes - it was so helpful.

How has studying at UC opened doors for your future?

UC Engineering has really good industry ties through both the department and the Engineering clubs. Over summer I worked as a Structural Engineering intern, and most people there had studied at UC. And the clubs hold a lot of industry events where you can network, get an industry mentor, and take field trips to big plants. UC is really well respected as an Engineering university.

Get involved. Even if you're not 100% sure, just try everything and meet everyone. It's such a supportive environment and I just love UC as a campus, and I think it fosters a really positive culture.

Speaking of clubs, you鈥檙e in quite a few!

I'm a keen debater, and the debating society really shaped my first-year experience because it was like another community. The club scene is something that sets UC apart quite substantially from any other New 茄子视频app官网university. I'd recommend it heavily because no matter what you're interested in, there's a club for you where you can make friends, get together, and do things that you enjoy or try new things.

How do you see the future of engineering, especially for women?

I鈥檇 like to grow more Pasifika women in engineering. The WiE CAN camp is really good at selecting minorities within women who wouldn't usually go to engineering camps. Supporting initiatives like that is important because it provides an inclusive, safe space for women who study engineering to get together and build a community.

Being from 艑tautahi Christchurch, are you happy with your decision to stay local and attend UC?

I wouldn鈥檛 change my decision for the world. What you get at UC with the clubs, the support networks, the mentoring, and the scholarships, you can't get that anywhere else. And you can't study engineering to the same level anywhere else in New Zealand. I love what I study and so I'm so glad that I came to UC to study it.

Can you sum up your UC experience in three words?

Lots of fun!

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