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UC Choice


16 October 2023

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Mechatronics Engineering


What is Mechatronics?

It鈥檚 a mix between Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. A lot of our projects are designing the mechanical system of a physical system, but also doing the electrical side like sensors or coding in the motor. It's quite a lot of robotics and that type of work.

What inspired you to study engineering?

I see climate change as a big issue facing our generation. Doing engineering gives me the skills to work on solutions for that. My career aspirations are to do meaningful work that contributes positively towards that looming problem.

What sort of equipment do you get to use at UC?

One of the things I really like is the Mechatronics lab, which is 24-hour access. It's got 3D printers, lots of tools, laptops to code on. Being able to use all that stuff has been super helpful. They encourage people to go in and work on their own projects. I know lots of people who have coded up their own remote-controlled cars and 3D printed parts for it.

You moved back to Christchurch from India and started halfway through a semester. How was that?

I managed to get into one of the halls, which was so good because I didn鈥檛 know anyone. I met heaps of people and made a good bunch of friends. I was able to fit in even though I joined halfway through. It was just a good culture of people willing to chat to the new kid and say hello.

Has living in Christchurch inspired you to pick up any new hobbies?

Since coming to UC, I've started surfing lots. I鈥檇 also never done skiing or snowboarding, but then I realised you can easily do that here. Last winter was my first season. Snowboarding is so much fun. It's cool to be able to do both the summer and winter sports, and it's all super close.

UC has become a home for me. In my first week I made friends who I still see daily. I'm excited for this coming year at UC and am super grateful that it has been the place where I've built my own community.

You started a club 鈥 tell us about it!

I founded the 茄子视频app官网 Human Powered Club. As an avid biker, I thought it鈥檇 be cool to combine my passions for biking and engineering. We had a goal of designing a really cool recumbent bike, and last year we built our first one out of recycled parts. It was lots of fun, and we have an overarching goal of setting the land speed record for a human powered vehicle in New Zealand.

Speaking of sustainability, what direction do you see it going in the future?

One thing that's happening now is a big shift towards electricity as a form of power, away from standard coal or other petrol. With people trying to find renewable ways to use electricity, I think that's going to be one big area where we can definitely improve.

How else has UC prepared you to succeed?

Almost every year I go to the Careers Advisors to get help on my CV and job and scholarship applications. With my first CV, I didn鈥檛 really know how to make one, but they went over every single step and helped me make it really professional. It鈥檚 been helpful with applying for jobs and internships.

Any words of wisdom for students coming to UC from other countries?

If you talk to people, you鈥檒l find others who have lived overseas or have those connections all the time. It鈥檚 hard to take that first step of talking to someone new, but just try. Through group projects, you get to know people really well and often end up staying in contact with them. Another good way to find people with common interests is through clubs.

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