ࡱ> \^[ zbjbjVV 0><<P)||333GGGG,sG    IKKKKKK$d>o3@o  R 3 II" +VG450|3Z4@t4oog:| :   SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY B.Sc.(Hons) Research ProposalAll B.Sc.(Hons) candidates must complete and submit a proposal to the 4th year co-ordinator before commencing with their research project. You should consult your supervisor prior to submitting this proposal. The proposal will be reviewed by the 4th year co-ordinator and may be returned to the candidate if revisions are required. Note: This form is to be completed using the space provided in a type font not smaller than 10 point. Please submit your proposal no later than the end of the third week of semester one. PROJECT INFORMATIONDate:Student Name: Student No: Address: Phone: Email: Supervisor(s): Phone: Email:  Title of Proposal: Introduction (Present the problem and the significance of the problem in lay terms. This should lead up to a statement of the hypotheses or objectives in the next section. An extensive literature is NOT required here.):  Objectives (State your hypotheses and the scientific merit of your hypotheses. What new information may your research contribute to the scientific community?): Methods (Outline the experiments that you will use to test your hypotheses): Timeline (Summarise your work plan and milestones for completion of your project): Permits (list any necessary permits from ERMA, Animal Ethics or permission to import foreign material, etc):   Student Signature: Date:  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Supervisors Signature: Date: THE STUDENT SHOULD GIVE THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE 4th YEAR CO-ORDINATOR (MARIE HALE) BY THE END OF THE THIRD WEEK OF SEMESTER ONE. REQUIREMENTS: Equipment needed (make sure that it is available and that you have permission to use it): Consumables needed (discuss costs with your Supervisor): Technical Services (do you need anything to be constructed by technicians?): Travel (anticipated itinerary, its cost and source of funds): Animal Housing, Aquarium Space, Controlled Temperature Cabinets/Rooms, Glasshouse Space needed (please indicate how much and when): Field Station Facilities, including accommodation (use and duration): Supervisors Comments on the Project Proposal: Is this proposal acceptable to you? Yes No Suggested Associate Supervisors (if any): Comments about costs (e.g. how will costs be met; if from a grant then state which grant.): =Z\P T U W i r " , - 5 f g h { | } жְʪ֣㝑 hE~CJhv5CJ\hvhE5CJ\ hECJ hE5CJ hUnCJ hCJhehE~5CJhhQhhQCJH* hhQCJ hE~CJ hECJ hE5CJ$ hE5CJ hUn5CJ hECJjhUnU3#<=[\g h `XS$a$$a$gdHkd.$$If40rj # 4 af4$d$&Ifa$$d$&Ifa$$d$&Ifa$gdld$&If $&/If h | okd/$$Ifl0r>5& t04 la$If $$Ifa$        " * , 3 : ; F H p   $ ) * 2 < > a , / @ A ǻǻǵǵǗ heCJh|qphE5CJ\hvhv5CJ\ hvCJ hCJ h.FCJ hECJ hvCJhvhE~5CJ\ hE~CJ hECJhv5CJ\hvhE5CJ\;       ! $If\kd/$$Iflr5&& t04 la ! " 5 6 7 8 9 $Ifgdk$Ifokd80$$Ifl0r5&aa t04 la9 :          ! 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