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Resurgent COVID-19, flu and other viruses are pushing New Zealand’s health system to the limit

01 June 2022

Ƶapp's Dr Matt Hobbs and Dr Lukas Marek ask how the country's health system will cope with the predicted surge in seasonal viruses on The Conversation.


Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 protects you from the most severe form of the virus, as well as protecting others.

As Aotearoa New Ƶappheads into the colder winter months, theon our health system and staff are growing significantly.

On top of the ongoing, flu cases have.

Conditions are also primed for potential outbreaks of other illnesses including,Ի(鳧).

If we are to weather the coming storm, there will need to be a recommitment to public health measures that slow the spread of respiratory infections, as well as a renewed drive for widespread vaccination.

The first wave ofswept through Aotearoa New Ƶappin late February and March.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 - Good Health and Well-Being Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Unfortunately, as seen in many other countries, the fall in case numbers has been much slower than the rise, with infectionsin all age groups.

Case numbers have been driven by a high number of infections in young people between the ages of 10 and 29 years old. But the elderly have borne the brunt of hospitalisations, largely due to the higher risk offor older adults.

Age stratification aside, persistent inequities have also left Māori and Pasifika at the sharp end of the outbreak both in terms of cases and.

Hospitalisation rates andare rising in many age groups, mirroring trends.

An unwanted COVID-19 resurgence

New Ƶappcan expectthis winter.

While 95% of New Ƶapphas received the second dose of the vaccine, one of the highest rates, fewer have received a. We also have lower than optimal levels of childhood vaccination.

will add a layer of complication for our medical services.

A recent(CDC) suggests one in five COVID-19 survivors aged 18 to 64 years old, and one in four survivors aged 65 years and above, experienced at least one condition that might be attributable to previous COVID-19 infection.

Despite being labelled as one of this, there is currently no test for long COVID.

Worryingly,in Australia have started to trend upwards. Evidence fromhas shown that the overwhelming majority of people are dying from, not with, COVID-19.

Winter will bring more than COVID-19

Health professionals are not just worried about COVID-19. The flu and other viruses are also expected to hit hard this year.

Thanks to closed borders, managed isolation and quarantine, and lockdowns, the last time New Ƶappexperienced awas in 2019.

We are now more vulnerable to the virus. There has already been a reportedin Dunedin.

In response, the government has made two million vaccines available and has the widened eligibility for people to get vaccinated for.

Unfortunately, there is growing concern that part of the population may not get vaccinated due to, or may be unable to due to.

As with COVID-19, looking across the Tasman can help us understand what is likely to happen in New Zealand.

Much like New Zealand,have, until now, been very low due to closed borders.

The latest Australian national surveillance forshows a steep rise in rates of the flu, as well as rising hospital and ICU admissions.

Vaccination gaps exist for other diseases

Before the COVID-19 pandemic even started, our research highlightedfor vaccine-preventable diseases.

Public health officials are now noticing furtherin routine childhood immunisations.

In April, the World Health Organizationa 79% increase inin the first two months of 2022.

Meaningfully addressing long-standingin childhood vaccination programmes takes on new urgency in the face of these vaccination gaps.

Lessons can also be learned from the COVID-19 vaccination programme regarding the success of handingto Māori and Pasifika community providers to improve vaccination rates.

The health system is under unprecedented pressure

We have long been warned that anmight struggle with a seasonal.

Pressure points have appeared across the country. On May 23,was at capacity. Two days later, Nelson Hospital also hit capacity limits, leading to temporary ambulance ramping at the.

,, andhave recently urged people to consider alternative care for minor conditions to help alleviate the pressure.

Community health providers areto meet demands.

What can you do?

During the winter, we spend more time in indoor spaces with. We are also becoming more complacent with our mask wearing as policies relax.

In the future, vaccines will need to.

But for now, it’s important to remember that three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine remain effective against hospitalisation even for newer, as well as lowering the risk of infection.

But there are things we can all do to avoid the worst this winter has to offer, including to:

  • ventilate indoor spaces – especially in crowded rooms
  • ɱ𲹰where social distancing is not possible, particularly indoors
  • get vaccinated against COVID-19, which helps to protect you from the most severe form of COVID-19, as well as protecting others by decreasing transmission. Other routine vaccinations for flu and measles will also be important to consider.

Finally, workplaces should continue to support people to stay home and isolate if required.

This article was originally published on The Conversation.

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