

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Bird checklist

27 August 2024

We have a checklist of the birds that have been spotted by researchers in Ngel Nyaki forest and on the Mambilla Plateau. From the sunbirds to the eagles, view our bird checklist.


Recorded in Nigeria by Tony Disley, 13 Nov 鈥 22 Dec 2003

  1. Long-tailed Cormorant: Seen at Lagos
  2. Cattle Egret: Seen at many sites including Jos, Mambilla, Gashaka Gumti National Park and Lagos
  3. Black-headed Heron: Single birds seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  4. Hammerkop: Single birds seen in Gashaka Gumti on most days
  5. Spur-winged Goose: A single bird flew over Ngel Nyaki
  6. Black-shouldered Kite: Birds seen every day at Jos, on all car journeys and also at Yelwa
  7. Black Kite: Seen every day at Jos
  8. Yellow-billed Kite: Very common seen everywhere
  9. Palm-nut Vulture: A single adult bird flew over Leki conservation centre
  10. Hooded Vulture: Very common seen everywhere
  11. African White-backed Vulture: Seen every day at Ngel Nyaki/Mambilla
  12. Ruppell's Griffon Vulture: Seen on most days at Ngel Nyaki/Mambilla
  13. Short-toed Eagle: A single adult seen in flight at Ngel Nyaki
  14. Brown Snake Eagle: A single adult seen at Ngel Nyaki
  15. Bateleur: An adult bird seen at Leinde Fadali (Mambilla Plateau)
  16. African Harrier Hawk: Birds were seen at Jos, Mambilla and Gashaka Gumti National Park
  17. Pallid Harrier: A ringtail was seen circling with two Lanners at Jos
  18. Marsh Harrier: Seen regularly at Mambilla and also seen at Jos
  19. Gabar Goshawk: Several were seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park, and a melanistic bird was seen at Jos
  20. Shikra: Seen at several sites, mainly in Gashaka Gumti National Park but also Abuja and Jos
  21. Red-necked Buzzard: First seen at Jos where it was seen on each day, and was regularly seen at Ngel Nyaki
  22. Whalberg's Eagle: A single bird was seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park in flight and perched
  23. African Hawk-Eagle: Single birds were seen at Ngel Nyaki and Leinde Fadali
  24. Crowned Eagle: A bird almost certainly this species was seen very briefly from above at Leinde Fadali but unfortunately not long enough, this would be a new bird for me.
  25. Martial Eagle: Adult birds were seen near Ngel Nyaki and in Gashaka Gumti National Park wherean juvenile was also seen
  26. Common Kestrel: Seen at many sites including central Abuja
  27. Fox Kestrel: Birds were seen at Jos and Ngel Nyaki, no more than 3 at any one time, birds were also attracted to grass fires at Mambilla
  28. Red-necked Falcon: A single bird was seen at Jos, in flight and perched.
  29. African Hobby: A falcon species either this sp or European Hobby was seen briefly in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  30. Lanner Falcon: A pair were seen both days at Jos and birds were seen regularly in the Mambilla area, with a pair regularly seen circling above a small Fulani compound trying to take Chikens or chicks. On one occasion the male bird was succesfull in taking a small chick, before flying to nearby eucalyptus trees and eating it.
  31. Stone Partridge: A small group were seen and heard one morning behind the Ornothological institute at Jos
  32. Double-spurred Francolin: Birds were heard calling regularly at Jos and Mambilla, several sightings all in flight after being flushed were made at the latter site
  33. Scaly Francolin: Small groups were seen on two occasions inside the forest at Ngel Nyaki
  34. Little Button-Quail: A small quail sp either this species or Quail was flushed in fading light between Yelwa and Ngel Nyaki, despite repeated attempts it could not be flushed again
  35. White-spotted Flufftail: A bird was heard calling on a few occasions in a forest fragment at Ngel Nyaki
  36. Wattled Plover: Birds were heard at Yelwa/Ngel Nyaki on a few days with 2 being seen on one occasion
  37. Common Sandpiper: A single bird was seen on the River in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  38. African Green Pigeon: Birds were seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki with upto 8 birds seen feeding on fruiting figs
  39. Tambourine Dove: Seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki, but only seen perched on one occasion
  40. Blue-spotted Wood Dove: Seen on several occasions at Ngel Nyaki
  41. Lemon Dove: Heard at Ngel Nyaki?
  42. Cameroon Olive Pigeon: Seen on several occasions at Ngel Nyaki and on the walk to Leinde Fadali, mainly seen in ones and twos but the largest flock being ten
  43. Speckled Pigeon: Seen from the airport at Yola
  44. Red-eyed Dove: Very common, heard at all sites and seen regularly
  45. African Mourning Dove: Seen and heard in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  46. Vinaceous Dove: Seen regularly in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  47. Adamawa Turtle Dove: Very common at the Ornithological institute at Jos, but otherwise only one sighting on the drive down from Mambilla to Serti
  48. Laughing Dove: Very common and seen at all sites visited apart from Forest habitat
  49. Senegal Parrot: One seen at Jos
  50. Red-headed Lovebird: Small flocks seen only in flight in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  51. Great Blue Turaco: Heard regularly at Ngel Nyaki听but only one bird seen briefly, but what a bird!!
  52. Green Turaco: Heard every day at Ngel Nyaki and seen on six occasions
  53. White-crested Turaco: One seen well in flight from a vehicle near Gashaka Gumti National Park and birds heard and seen in a forest fragment at听Ngel Nyaki
  54. Violet Turaco: A single bird seen at Jos Ornithological Institute
  55. Western Grey Plantain-eater: Seen regularly in the more lowland sites including Abuja
  56. Levaillants Cuckoo: Seen on two occasions, once in Gashaka Gumti National Park and once in forest fragment at听Ngel Nyaki
  57. African Cuckoo: A female was seen at听Ngel Nyaki
  58. Didric Cuckoo: One female was seen at Jos
  59. Senegal Coucal: Seen at Jos, Gashaka and Mambilla
  60. Chestnut-backed Owlet: Heard every night at Ngel Nyaki?
  61. African Wood Owl: Heard on three nights at Ngel Nyaki
  62. Marsh Owl: Two birds were seen near Ngel Nyaki at dusk on 14th December
  63. Nightjar sp: Nightjars seen several times at the forest edge at Ngel Nyaki, Swamp Nightjar or Blk shouldered?
  64. Long-tailed Nightjar: A single male was seen on the drive upto Jos
  65. African Palm Swift: Common bird seen at many sites
  66. Swift sp - Seen at Ngel Nyaki probably European Swift seen distantly
  67. Swift sp - a couple of birds seen from the car on the drive from Mambilla - Serti had clear white rumps but did not look like Little Swift, possibly Horus Swift?
  68. Little Swift: Seen at many sites
  69. Speckled Mousebird: Birds were seen at Ngel Nyaki and Gashaka Gumti National Park, mainly in small groups with max being c.12
  70. Bar-tailed Trogon: Two sightings of single birds at Ngel Nyaki in the forest interior.
  71. Grey-headed Kingfisher: Very common at Ngel Nyaki, also seen at Gashaka Gumti National Park
  72. Striped Kingfisher: Birds were seen at Jos and Gashaka Gumti National Park
  73. African Pygmy Kingfisher: A single bird was seen at Ngel Nyaki
  74. African Giant Kingfisher: Several were seen along the river in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  75. Black Bee-eater: Seen most days at Ngel Nyaki and one morning at Yelwa
  76. Blue-breasted Bee-eater: Seen several times at Yelwa and at Leinde Fadali
  77. Red-throated Bee-eater: Seen everyday at Jos and in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  78. White-throated Bee-eater: Common bird in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  79. Blue-bellied Roller: Seen a couple of times on the drive from Yola to Jalingo
  80. Abyssinian Roller: Very common roadside bird on the drive from Yola to Jalingo to Serti
  81. Green Wood-Hoopoe: Three seen at Jos
  82. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill: One seen on track on the drive into Gashaka Gumti National Park.
  83. Red-billed Hornbill: Seen on the drive from Jalingo to Serti
  84. African Grey Hornbill: Seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park and on the drive from Jalingo to Serti
  85. Piping Hornbill: Seen on most days at Ngel Nyaki, maximum of 6 birds
  86. Naked-faced Barbet: Seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki with upto 13 birds visiting a single Fig tree
  87. Western Green Tinkerbird: One seen at Leinda Fadali (Mambilla)
  88. Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird: Seen and heard regularly at Ngel Nyaki
  89. Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird: Seen twice at Jos Ornithological Institute
  90. Yellow-spotted Barbet: Seen regularly in a fruiting Fig at Ngel Nyaki where upto 8 birds were seen in the tree at one time
  91. Vieillot's Barbet: One seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  92. Double-toothed Barbet: Seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki in pairs
  93. Bearded Barbet: Two seen at Jos and a single bird seen in Abuja
  94. Yellow-billed Barbet: A single bird was seen in forest fragment at Ngel Nyaki
  95. Whalbergs' Honeybird: A juvenile seen briefly and then watched going to roost was seen again early morning and then again at the same roost site that evening. According to Birds of Western Africa this is only the 5th sighting in Nigeria and at a new site
  96. Honeyguide sp: One seen at Ngel Nyaki was probably Lesser Honeyguide
  97. Cardinal Woodpecker: A single bird seen at Jos on 16th November and another at Ngel Nyaki on the 2nd December
  98. Elliot's Woodpecker: Singles were seen on two dates at Ngel Nyaki
  99. Grey Woodpecker: One was seen at Jos on 15th November
  100. Rufous-naped Lark: A common bird in the grassland on Mambilla, with lot's of singing males
  101. Sun Lark: A pair were seen by the Ornithological Institute at Jos on 15th November
  102. Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark: At least 30 were seen a few miles away from the Insitute at Jos on 15th November
  103. Black Saw-wing: A common bird at Ngel Nyaki with as many as c.40 being seen daily
  104. Fanti Saw-wing: About c.10 birds were seen at Leki conservation centre on 22nd December
  105. Red-breasted Swallow: Several birds were regularly seen outside Abuja Capital Motors in Abuja
  106. Lesser-striped Swallow: Small numbers were seen on Mambilla plateau at Ngel Nyaki and Leinde Fadali with mixed hirundine flocks
  107. Red-rumped Swallow: Birds were seen in Abuja
  108. Rock Martin: Birds were seen at Abuja Capital Motors, and were also seen on the drive down from Mambilla to Serti
  109. Wire-tailed Swallow: Small numbers were seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  110. Barn Swallow: A common bird on Mambilla with flocks of c.80 quite regular
  111. House Martin: Small numbers seen on Mambilla with birds also recorded in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  112. Yellow Wagtail: Regularly seen in the grassland on Mambilla with small flocks of upto 25 regularly encountered
  113. African Pied Wagtail: Seen once in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  114. Plain-backed Pipit: A couple of birds seen at Jos and a common bird on Mambilla with many singing males
  115. Tree Pipit: Heard and seen everyday on Mambilla
  116. Yellow-throated Longclaw: Seen everyday on Mambilla
  117. Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike: Seen at Jos (male & fem/imm) and Ngel Nyaki (a male with Yellow shoulder patches).
  118. Petit's Cuckoo-Shrike: Sighted on at least 4 days at Ngel Nyaki in main forest with most sightings involving fem/imm but one sighting of a male bird.
  119. White-breasted Cuckoo-Shrike: A single bird seen flying across road near Gashaka Gumti National Park.
  120. Western Mountain Greenbul: Sighted everday at Ngel Nyaki in main forest & forest edge as well as some of the closer forest fragments
  121. Little Greenbul: Lots of singing birds at Leki conservation centre and reserve
  122. Slender-billed Greenbul: Seen on several days at Ngel Nyaki and also seen at Leki Reserve.
  123. Simple Leaf-love: One seen at Leki Reserve
  124. Yellow-throated Leaf-love: Seen or heard several times on Mambilla in forest fragment and also seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  125. Leaf-love: Three birds seen in Gallery forest along track from Gashaka village to Kwano
  126. Cameroon Olive Greenbul: Small parties seen in the forest interior on a few occasions at Ngel Nyaki
  127. Common Bulbul: Very common everywhere!
  128. NightiNgele: Heard singing just outside Gashaka village & seen in scrub on the edge of forest fragment on Mambilla
  129. Grey-winged Robin-Chat: One seen briefly at Ngel Nyaki in the main forest
  130. Red-capped Robin-Chat: Singles seen at Ngel Nyaki on two different days, one brought into the open briefly by imitating the call.
  131. White-crowned Robin-Chat: Seen very well and heard singing just outside Gashaka village, another Robin-Chat either this species or Snowy-crowned seen briefly in flight near Yelwa village on Mambilla Plateau
  132. Common Stonechat: Common bird on Mambilla Plateau
  133. Whinchat: Common bird on Mambilla with several being seen most days, also seen at Jos
  134. Heuglin's Wheatear: After widespread controlled burning on Mambilla, between 15鈥20 birds were seen singing and song-flighting
  135. Familiar Chat: Common bird at Jos and seen several times at Ngel Nyaki
  136. Sooty Chat: Seen on several occasions on Mambilla Plateau, with both males and females being seen
  137. Cliff-Chat: Several seen on both days at Jos on rocky outcrops
  138. African Thrush: Recorded at Jos, Mambilla and Gashaka Gumti National Park
  139. Bangwa Forest Warbler: One was heard on the edge of forest fragment at Ngel Nyaki
  140. African Moustached Warbler: Birds were seen on Mambilla and at Gashaka Gumti National Park
  141. African Reed Warbler: A couple of birds were heard in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  142. Melodious Warbler: Singles seen a couple of times at Ngel Nyaki, also heard singing
  143. Rock-loving Cisticola: Several were seen at Jos on and around the rocky outcrops
  144. Stout Cisticola: Almost certainly seen on Mambilla, but not heard singing, this bird caused confusion especially with Croaking Cisticola
  145. Singing Cisticola: Seen a few times in Gashaka Gumti National Park, including adults with food and recently fledged young
  146. Croaking Cisticola: Seen several times on Mambilla and heard singing and performing weak songflight
  147. Tawny-flanked Prinia: Regularly seen on Mambilla and in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  148. White-chinned Prinia: Small groups (3鈥6) seen several times mainly on frgment edge, in bushy srcub
  149. Black-collared Apalis: Encountered on several occasions mainly in main forest at Ngel Nyaki but also in very small forest fragment near Yelwa
  150. Black-throated Apalis: Only one sighting of a single bird on forest edge at Ngel Nyaki
  151. Yellow-breasted Apalis: Two to three birds seen at Gashaka Gumti National Park
  152. Buff-throated Apalis: One bird seen in gallery forest along track from Gashaka to Kwano
  153. Grey Apalis: Commonly heard bird at Ngel Nyaki, with several good views
  154. Grey-backed Cameroptera: Seen and heard at many sites, including Abuja, Gashaka, Jos and Ngel Nyaki
  155. Green Crombec: One seen at Leki Conservation Centre on 22nd Dec
  156. Oriole Warbler: Heard several times on Mambilla in forest fragment, and seen very well on three occasions
  157. Willow Warbler: An extremely common bird at Ngel Nyaki, probably the most numerous bird present, with upto 12 seen in one tree on several occasions often with Graden Warbler
  158. Blackcap: A single female was seen in a fruiting fig tree at Ngel Nyaki
  159. Garden Warbler: A common bird in the forest at Ngel Nyaki
  160. Whitethroat: A single bird was seen in forest fragment on Mambilla
  161. Pale Flycatcher: One seen just outside Gashaka Village
  162. Northern Black Flycatcher: Seen both days at Jos and all three days at Gashaka Gumti National Park
  163. Spotted Flycatcher: Seen several times on Mambilla and in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  164. Grey Tit-Flycatcher: One seen along track to Kwano in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  165. African Dusky Flycatcher: Seen on three occasions on Mambilla Plateau, twice in forest fragment and once at Yelwa village
  166. Pied Flycatcher: Common bird at Ngel Nyaki, seen everyday
  167. Senegal Batis: One seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  168. Common Wattle-eye: Heard at most sites visited but only seen three times
  169. African Blue Flycatcher: Seen on Mambilla several times and also in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  170. African Paradise Flycatcher: A white male was seen at Ngel Nyaki with further black & red birds being seen at Yelwa and in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  171. Black-cap Babbler: Heard at Jos, seen and heard in Gashaka and on Mambilla
  172. Yellow White-eye: Regularly seen at Ngel Nyaki and also in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  173. Violet-backed Sunbird: A female seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  174. Collared Sunbird: A female seen on one occasion at Ngel Nyaki
  175. Pygmy Sunbird: A pair seen at Jos and a male at Ngel Nyaki
  176. Cameroon Sunbird: Seen twice in the forest at Ngel Nyaki
  177. Green-headed Sunbird: Seen in forest fragment at Ngel Nyaki and birds seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  178. Scarlet-chested Sunbird: A male and female seen at Jos
  179. Variable Sunbird: A very common bird at all sites
  180. Orange-tufted Sunbird: Seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki
  181. Northern double-collared Sunbird: Very common at Ngel Nyaki
  182. Copper Sunbird: Seen in Abuja, Gashaka and at Ngel Nyaki
  183. Splendid Sunbird: Seen at the Gashaka transit camp (Serti), at Ngel Nyaki and in Gashaka National Park
  184. Common Fiscal: Seen several times on Mambilla Plateau
  185. Yellow-billed Shrike: Seen in Abuja, Gashaka Gumti National Park and at Jos
  186. Northern Brubru: Single birds seen at Jos and in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  187. Northern Puffback: Seen on several occasions at Ngel Nyaki including a female collecting nest material and a male singing, also a male and female seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  188. Pink-footed Puffback: A single male seen once at Ngel Nyaki
  189. Brown-crowned Tchagra: One bird seen on the first morning at Ngel Nyaki
  190. Marsh Tchagra: A single bird seen on the edge of the marshy area below Yelwa village
  191. Yellow-crowned Gonolek: Seen and heard at Jos Ornithological Institute
  192. Tropical Boubou: One heard at Jos Ornithological Institute
  193. Yellow-breasted Boubou: Heard everyday at Ngel Nyaki and seen on several occasions
  194. Sulphur-breasted Bush-Shrike: One bird seen briefly at Jos Ornithological Institute
  195. Square-tailed Drongo: Birds seen on two occasions in the forest at Ngel Nyaki were thought to be this species
  196. Piapiac: Seen in Abjua and enroute to Serti
  197. Pied Crow: Common bird seen at many sites
  198. African Golden Oriole: Seen three times in Abuja
  199. Black-winged Oriole: Seen several times at Ngel Nyaki, in the main forest and fragment
  200. Purple Glossy Starling: Several seen at Jos
  201. Bronze-tailed Glossy Starling: A mixed flock of this species seen just outside Gashaka Gumti National Park at the park headquaters with Lesser Blue-eared Glossy Starling, numbering at least 250+
  202. Lesser Blue-eared Glossy Starling: See above species
  203. Violet-backed Starling: A single male was seen visiting a Fig species at Ngel Nyaki
  204. Yellow-billed Oxpecker: Between 10鈥20 seen regularly on Mambilla in close attendance with the Fulani's cattle
  205. Grey-headed Sparrow: Common bird seen at many sites
  206. Bush Petronia: Birds were seen at Jos and Ngel Nyaki
  207. Speckle-fronted Weaver: At least 14 birds of these pretty little birds were seen in the Jos area
  208. Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver: Two birds were seen at Jos
  209. Bannerman's Weaver: Birds were only seen at Ngel Nyaki, with no more than 3 at any time.
  210. Baglafecht Weaver: Seen on several occasions in the forest fragments at Ngel Nyaki, the max number being 4
  211. Spectacled Weaver: Confusion with the next species clouded the picture on which species were involved especially with so many not being seen well or long enough to be positively identified. Only one definite sighting was made, a juvenile in Gashaka Gumti National Park identified on bill shape
  212. Black-necked Weaver: See above species, most sightings of these two species probably refer to this bird. Birds were seen at Ngel Nyaki and Gashaka Gumti National Park
  213. Black-billed Weaver: Seen on three occasions in the main forest at Ngel Nyaki
  214. Village Weaver: Seen at many sitesVieillot's Black Weaver: Seen on all 3 days in Gashaka Gumti National Park, max number being c.40
  215. 216. Dark-backed Weaver: Single birds seen twice at Ngel Nyaki
  216. Brown-capped Weaver: Birds seen on three occasions including a pair
  217. Western Bluebill: One sighting of a single bird in the sub-montane forest at Ngel Nyaki
  218. Black-winged Red Bishop: Seen regularly in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  219. Red Bishop: Seen regularly at Jos
  220. Yellow Bishop: Seen occasionally on Mambilla
  221. Yellow-mantled Whydah: A transitional male was seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  222. Pale-fronted Negro-finch: One sighting of a single bird at Ngel Nyaki briefly.
  223. Grey-headed Negro-finch: Seen 2鈥3 times at Ngel Nyaki
  224. Fernando Po Oliveback: Seen occasionally at Ngel Nyaki, including at least one bird seen repeatedly taking nest material from grassy banking upto a dead trunk in a very large tree (c.60鈥70 feet up)
  225. Dybowski's Twinspot: Four sightings at Ngel Nyaki & Yelwa on Mambilla and also seen twice in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  226. Rock Firefinch: Seen on both days at Jos Ornithological Institute
  227. Bar-breasted Firefinch: Seen regularly in Abuja
  228. Red-billed Firefinch: Seen regularly in Abuja
  229. Red-cheeked Cordo-bleu: Recorded in Abuja, Jos, Mambilla and Gashaka Gumti National Park in
  230. Lavender Waxbill: Seen one morning at Jos
  231. Orange-cheeked Waxbill: Birds were seen on Mambilla
  232. Black-crowned Waxbill: Seen regularly in good numbers on Mambilla
  233. Common Waxbill: Seen at both Mambilla and in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  234. Bronze Manikin: A common bird seen at many sites
  235. Black and White Manikin: Birds were seen on Mambilla at Ngel Nyaki
  236. Magpie Manikin: Several birds were seen in Gashaka Gumti National Park
  237. Village Indigobird: Seen regularly in Abuja both male and female, with female Indigobird sp seen at Jos
  238. Pin-tailed Whydah: Three birds seen near Yelwa
  239. Exclamatory Pardise Whydah: Seen daily at Gashaka Gumti National Park, including displaying males
  240. Yellow-fronted Canary: Seen regularly at Jos, Ngel Nyaki & Gashaka Gumti National Park
  241. Thick-billed Seed-eater: Seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki
  242. Oriole-Finch: Seen regularly at Ngel Nyaki
  243. Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting: Birds seen and heard daily at Jos and at Ngel Nyaki
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