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Cybersecurity Lab

27 August 2024

UC's Cybersecurity Lab was established in 2011 as a unit to coordinate and support work in cybersecurity and dependability. Learn more about our research.


The Cybersecurity Lab is part of the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the 茄子视频app官网. The lab carries out research in the area of cybersecurity and dependability. Our focus is on exploring innovative strategies and developing cutting-edge technologies to safeguard against cyberattacks.

If you are interested in Cybersecurity and Dependability and are looking for a supervisor for your Ph.D., Masters, or Honours study, please contact Mengmeng Ge and Etienne Borde. We also seek motivated undergraduate students who want to do research in the cybersecurity area.

  • Deceptive Cybersecurity
  • AI for Cybersecurity
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity Education
  • Evaluation based Security Modelling
  • Moving Target Defence
  • Software Security
  • Dependable Software Engineering
  • Cybersecurity and Multi-Agent Systems
  • IoT Security

Staff and Researchers at UC

  • Jin B. Hong (Ph.D. April, 2015, UC): Scalable and Adaptable Security Modeling and Analysis. First employment: Postdoc, UC, NZ
  • Mengmeng Ge (Ph.D. CSSE): Security for the Internet of Things
  • Simon (Enochson) Yusuf (Ph.D student in CSSE): Dynamic Cyber Security Modeling and Analysis
  • James Spicer (CS honours student): Distributed Vulnerability Scanning for Safelite
  • Nic Robinson-O'Brien (SE honours student): SPNP improvement
  • Andrew Dolan(SE honours student): Safeview improvement
  • Nguyen Tuan Anh (Ph.D., August 2015, KAU): Availability Modeling and Analysis of Data Center Systems using Stochastic Reward Nets. First employment: Postdoc, Kunkuk University, Korea
  • SeulKi Lee (Ph.D., 2014, KAU): Reliability and Availability Analysis for UAS by Using Hierarchical Fault Trees and Continuous Time Markov Chains. First employment: Korea Institute of Geoscience And Mineral Resources, Korea
  • Sang Min Lee (Ph.D., 2012, KAU): Modeling and analysis of lightweight Intrusion Detection Systems, First employment: SK telecom Co., Ltd. -> Current: Telecommunications Technology Association of Korea (TTA)
  • HeeSoo Kim (M.E., 2016, KAU): Android Malware Detection using Machine Learning, First employment: Penta Security Systems Inc., Korea
  • Suhan Kim (M.E., 2016, KAU): Development of New Security Metrics, Current: PhD student at KAU.
  • FangCheng Jia (M.Sc. in CSSE, 2015, UC): A Security Assessment Framework for Software Systems, Current: PwC, Wellington, NZ
  • Hyeongjun Jin (M.E., 2015, KAU): Security Analysis of Network Separation Mechanisms
  • Miseon Wi (M.E., 2014, KAU): Security Evaluation of Smart Grid using Attack Countermeasure Trees. Current: Hyundai Mobis security team.
  • Matthew Ruffell (Computer Science Honours student in CSSE, 2016, UC): Applying Bytecode Level Automatic Exploit Generation To Embedded Systems, current: PhD student at UC
  • Monty Anderson (Software Engineering Honours student in CSSE, 2017): Visualisation of Hierarchical Attack Representation Models

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