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New ƵappYearbook of International Law

27 August 2024

The New ƵappYearbook of International Law is an annual, internationally refereed publication. It's intended to stand as a reference point for legal materials and commentary on public international law and issues that concern New Zealand, Antarctica, and the Southern Ocean. Learn more.

About the Yearbook

The New ƵappYearbook of International Law (Brill), launched in June 2004, is an annual, internationally refereed publication intended to stand as a reference point for legal materials and commentary on public international law generally and with particular emphasis on issues concerning New Zealand, Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, including critical writing in those areas. It is currently edited by Dr David Jefferson and the Associate Editor is Dr Christian Riffel. The Yearbook is published by Brill.

The Advisory Board

The Yearbook has come about through the contribution of academics and practitioners from New Ƶappand abroad. The Yearbook boasts an exceptionalAdvisory Boardconsisting of leading national and international academics and practitioners who are called upon to provide input through the double blind refereeing process used to assure the quality of the submissions published in the Yearbook.

Contents of the Yearbook

While it is a New Ƶapppublication, the Editors of the Yearbook have been conscious to include submissions within the general ‘Articles and Commentaries’ that encompass broader issues. New Zealand, as a relatively isolated nation, is mindful of wider international law and policy developments that may either directly or indirectly impact upon the area.

The Yearbook also serves as a valuable tool in the determination of trends, state practice and policies in the development of international law in New Zealand, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and to generate scholarship in those fields. In this regard the Yearbook contains an annual ‘Year-in-Review’ of developments in international law of particular interest to New Zealand.

Equally so, New Ƶappoffers a unique environment, owing to its size, population and strategic proximity to the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the South Pacific, that makes the New ƵappYearbook of general interest to the international community. It is for the latter reason that the Yearbook contains a section dedicated to the ‘The South Pacific’.

Submissions Process

Submissions should be sent to the General Editor, Dr David Jefferson, at david.jefferson@canterbury.ac.nz. Submissions must comply with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. The word limit for notes and commentaries is 3000-7000 words, and the word limit for articles is 8000-15000 words (both including footnotes). All submissions are subject to a two-stage review process. An internal review will be made to decide whether the submission is worthy of sending to external review. If so, then a ‘double-blind’ (author and reviewer remain anonymous to each other) review process is used to make the final decision as to publication. The Editors undertake to make a decision on publication within a reasonable time.


Editions by year

Articles and Commentaries

  • The Lawfulness of New Zealand’s Military Deployment to Iraq: “Intervention by Invitation” Tested(Sanja Nenadic)
  • Reviving the Obligatory Abstention Rule in the UN Security Council: Reform from the Inside Out(Stephen Eliot Smith)
  • Jurisdictional Headache: Finding a Solution to the Layers of Trade Governance between New Ƶappand China(Hugh Goodwin)
  • The Promises and Perils of the TBT Agreement: Food Quality, Food Labelling and Market Access(Mariela Maidana-Eletti)
  • Holding Sovereignty Ransom: The German Constitutional Court and a Sovereign’s Inability to Act During Financial Crises(Jia Meng)
  • The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determination in Australia: Using a Human Rights Approach to Promote Accountability(Amy Maguire)

The South Pacific

  • The Pacific Islands Forum 2014 (A H Angelo)
  • The Pacific Islands Law Officers’ Network 2014 (Kerryn Kwan)

  • The Conference on Small Island States 2014(Mothla Majeed)
  • The Challenges to Human Rights Posed by Threats to Food Security in the Pacific Islands(Sue Farran)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law (Claire Breen)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law (Fleur Adcock)
  • International Economic Law (Charlotte Frater)
  • International Environmental Law (Josephine Toop)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries (Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System (Alan D Hemmings)
  • International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law (Treasa Dunworth)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation (Mark Gobbi)
  • Factors Influencing the Content of Acts that Implement New Zealand’s International Obligations(Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • Rebecca J Cook, Joanna N Erdman and Bernard M Dickens (eds) Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies (University of Pennsylvania Press 2014)(Rhonda Powell)

  • Dinah L Shelton Advanced Introduction to International HumanRights Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2014)(Claire Breen)

  • Joan Apecu Laker African Participation at the World TradeOrganization – Legal and Institutional Aspects, 1995-2010
    (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2014)(Sadeq Z Bigdeli)


  • A Solution for the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism: A ‘Fourth’ Option to Obviate the Need for a Fourth Decade?(Elisabeth Perham)

  • Extractive Industry, Human Rights and Indigenous Rights in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone(Andrew Erueti and Joshua Pietras)

  • Up in Arms: A Humanitarian Analysis of the Arms Trade Treaty and its New ƵappApplication(Susan O’Connor)

  • Is the United Kingdom Nuclear Deterrence Policy Unlawful?(Brian Drummond)

Commentaries and Notes

  • Whaling in the Antarctic: Some Reflections by Counsel (Elana Geddis and Penelope Ridings)

  • The Arab Spring: A Testing Time for the Application of International Humanitarian Law(Claire Breen)

The South Pacific

  • The Pacific Islands Forum 2013 (A H Angelo)
  • The Pacific Islands Law Officers’ Network 2013 (Kerryn Kwan)

  • Triple Wins or Trojan Horse? Examining the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme Under a Twail Lens(Ema Hao’uli)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law (Claire Breen)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law (Fleur Adcock)
  • International Economic Law (Charlotte Frater)
  • International Environmental Law (Josephine Toop)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries (Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System (Alan D Hemmings)
  • International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law (Treasa Dunworth)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation (Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • Alexander Gillespie (ed) The Causes of War: Volume 1: 3000 BCEto 1000 CE (Hart Publishing 2013) (Cameron Moore)

  • Erik J Molenaar, Alex G Oude Elferink and Donald R Rothwell (eds) The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions (Martinus Nijhoff 2013) (Alan D Hemmings)

  • John Hatchard (ed) Combating Corruption: Legal Approaches to Supporting Good Governance and Integrity in Africa (Edward Elgar 2014) (Neil Boister)


  • The Silent Killer: Toxic Chemicals for Law Enforcement and the Chemical Weapons Convention(Treasa Dunworth)
  • Amidst Fragmentation and Coherence: A Systemic Interpretation of the World Heritage Convention and the UNFCCC Regime
    (Ottavio Quirico)
  • Open Trade Negotiations as Opposed to Secret Trade Negotiations: From Transparency to Public Participation
    (Michelle Limenta)
  • The UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and New Zealand: A Study in Compliance Ritualism
    (Fleur Adcock)

Commentaries and Notes

  • Mali: A Legally Justifiable Intervention by France? (Amy Laird)
  • Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v Italy: Greece intervening): A Case Note(Daniel Scherr)
  • Maybe there is a Judge in Strasbourg? The European Court of Human Rights and Torture in Italy(Viviana Zanetti)

The South Pacific

  • The Pacific Islands Forum 2012 (A H Angelo)
  • The Pacific Islands Law Officers’ Network 2012 (Tracey White)
  • Confronting the Challenge of Human Trafficking for Forced Labour in the Pacific: Some Thoughts from New Zealand
    (Thomas Harré)
  • The Interplay of Law, Custom and the Availability of Resources in Tokelau’s Criminal Law(Danica McGovern)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law (Claire Breen)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law (Fleur Adcock)
  • International Economic Law (Tracey Epps)
  • International Environmental Law (Josephine Toop)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries (Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System (Alan D Hemmings)
  • International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law (Treasa Dunworth)
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction, Non-proliferation and Disarmament (Angela Woodward)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation (Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • Ulrich Fastenrath, Rudolf Geiger, Daniel-Erasmus Khan, Andreas Paulus, Sabine von Schorlemer and Christoph Vedder (eds)From Bilateralism to Community Interest: Essays in Honour of Judge Bruno Simma(OUP 2011) (Duncan French)
  • Luc Reydams, Jan Wouters and Cedric Ryngaert (eds)International Prosecutors(OUP 2012) (Damien Rogers)
  • CL Lim, Deborah K Elms and Patrick Low (eds)The Trans-Pacific Partnership. A Quest for a Twenty-first-Century Trade Agreement(CUP 2012) (Jane Kelsey)
  • Paula Gerber and Melissa Castan (eds)Contemporary Perspectives on Human Rights Law in Australia(Thomson Reuters 2013)
    (Paul Rishworth)


  • Speculation and Significance: Japan’s Scientific Whaling Before the International Court of Justice (C Brighton)
  • Bereft of Life? The Charter Prohibition on the Use of Force, Non-state Actors and the Place of the International Court of Justice
    (Lewis Mills)
  • The War in Afghanistan – Was the Use of Force Legal and/or Wise? (Patrick C R Terry)
  • Ending Impunity: Bringing Superiors of Private Military and Security Company Personnel to Justice (Kate Neilson)
  • To Ratify or Not to Ratify? Exploring the Barriers to Wider Ratification of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol (Andreas Schloenhardt and Ellen Bevan)

Commentaries and Notes

  • Reflections and Challenges: Entering into the Second Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism (Alex Conte)
  • “Moving Forward – But Where is it Heading?” A Comment on Developments in the UN Sixth Committee’s Discussions on Universal Jurisdiction (Elana Geddis)

The South Pacific

  • The Pacific Islands Forum 2011 (A H Angelo)
  • Citizenship Laws in the Realm of New Ƶapp(Elisabeth Rose Perham)
  • Trade Negotiations with the Pacific Islands: Promise, Process and Prognosis (Chris Noonan)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law (Natalie Baird)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights Under International Law (Fleur Adcock)
  • International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law (Treasa Dunworth)
  • International Environmental Law (Josephine Toop)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries (Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System (Alan D Hemmings)
  • International Economic Law (Tracey Epps)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation (Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • David Grinlinton and Prue Taylor (eds),Property Rights and Sustainability. The Evolution of Property Rights to Meet Ecological Challenges(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2011) (Elizabeth Toomey)
  • Tarcisio Hardman Reis,Compensation for Environmental Damages under International Law: The Role of the International Judge(Kluwer Law International 2011) (Ceri Warnock)
  • Daniel PL Choong,Freedom from Poverty: NGOs and Human Rights Praxis(University of Pennsylvania Press 2010) (Kris Gledhill)
  • Kenneth S Gallant,The Principle of Legality in International and Comparative Criminal Law(CUP 2009) (Stephen Eliot Smith)
  • James Thuo Gathii,War, Commerce, and International Law(OUP 2010) (Mohsen al Attar)


  • How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Could Heighten Financial Instability and Foreclose Governments’ Regulatory Space(Jane Kelsey)
  • Australia – Apples: How the WTO Appellate Body Dealt with the Application of Jurisprudence from the
    Continued SuspensionDispute(Jessica Giovanelli)
  • Territorial and Universal Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage from Misappropriation(Benedetta Ubertazzi)
  • The Transnational Peasant Movement: Legalising Freedom from Want(Mohsen al Attar)
  • A future Perspective on the Disposition of the Insane and the Unfit to Stand Trial in the International Criminal Court(Justin Harder)

The South Pacific

  • Commentary on the Pacific Islands Forum 2010(Tony Angelo)
  • ‘The Canoe Will Sail When the Wind is Right’: Moving Towards Sub-regional Human Rights Arrangements in the Pacific?(Kathryn Hay)
  • The Report of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on New Zealand’s Relationships with South Pacific Countries(Tony Angelo and Elisabeth Perham)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law(Natalie Baird)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights Under International Law(Fleur Adcock and Claire Charters)
  • International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law(Treasa Dunworth)
  • International Environmental Law(Geoffrey Leane and Josephine Toop)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries(Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System(Alan D Hemmings)
  • International Economic Law(Tracey Epps)
  • Nuclear Weapons, Non-proliferation and International Security(Alberto Costi)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation(Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • Samantha Besson and John Tasioulas (eds),The Philosophy of International Law(OUP 2010)(Isobel Roele)
  • Neil Boister and Robert Cryer,The Tokyo International Military Tribunal: A Reappraisal(OUP 2008)(Richard Nottage and Luke Nottage)
  • William CG Burns and Hari M Osofsky (eds),Adjudicating Climate Change: State, National and International Approaches(CUP 2009)(Sanjay Chaturvedi)
  • Rebecca J Cook and Simone Cusack,Gender Stereotyping, Transnationsl Legal Perspective(University of Pennsylvania Press 2010)(Annick Masselot)
  • Jane Kelsey (ed),No Ordinary Deal – Unmasking the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement(Bridget Williams Books 2010)(Sadeq Z Bigdeli)
  • Brian D Lepard,Customary International Law: A New Theory with Practical Applications(CUP 2010)(Natalie Baird)

Articles and Commentaries

  • New Zealand’s Policy of Implied Recognition of States: One Step Ahead or Falling Behind?(Stefan Talmon)
  • Law, Policy and Practice: The United Nations Collective Security Regime and the Contribution of the New ƵappDefence Force(Claire Breen)
  • Getting it Wrong or Being Ignored: Ten Words on Advice for Government Lawyers(Stephen R Tully)
  • Transcending the Fisheries Paradigm: Towards a Rational Approach to Determining the Future of the International Whaling Commission(Michael Bowman)
  • Sea Shepherd v Greenpeace? Comparing Anti-whaling Strategies in Japanese Courts(Trevor Ryan)
  • Australia v Japan: Whaling in the International Court of Justice(Joanna Mossop)
  • Complaint and Grievance Mechanisms in International Law: One Piece of the Accountability Jigsaw
    (Duncan French and Richard Kirkham)
  • Jus Cogens, The Veto and the Responsibility to Protect: A New Perspective(Hannah Yiu)
  • Resolving International Disputes: The Role of the Courts(K J Keith)

The South Pacific

  • Pacific Islands Forum 2009(Tony Angelo)
  • Turmoil in the Pacific 2009 – A Year Perhaps Best Forgotten(Brenda Heather Latu)
  • The New Constitution of Pitcairn: A Primer(A H Angelo and R Kessebohm)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law(Natalie Baird)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights Under International Law(Fleur Adcock and Claire Charters)
  • International Humantarian Law and International Criminal Law(Treasa Dunworth)
  • International Environmental Law(Geoffrey Leane and Josephine Toop)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries(Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System(Trevor Hughes)
  • International Economic Law(Tracey Epps)
  • Nuclear Weapons, Non-proliferation and International Security(Alberto Costi)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation(Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • Vaughn Lowe, Adam Roberts, Jennifer Welsh and Dominik Zaum (eds),The United Nations Security Council and War: The Evolution of Thought and Practice Since 1945(OUP 2008)(Kennedy Graham)
  • Douglas Guilfoyle,Shipping Interdiction and the Law of the Sea(CUP 2009)(Karen N Scott)
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (Regional Delegation in the Pacific),Under the Protection of the Palm: Wars of Dignity in the Pacific(ICRC 2009)(Natalie Baird)

Colloquium: Responding to Contemporary Challenges and Threats to Antarctic Security: Legal and Policy Perspectives

  • Antarctica and International Security Discourse: A Primer(Donald R Rothwell and Hitoshi Nasu)
  • Challenges to the Antarctic Treaty: Looking Back to See Ahead(Christopher C Joyner)
  • Global Principles, Universal Values and the ATS: Regime Integrity as Antarctic Security(Duncan French)
  • Beyond Claims: Towards a Non-Territorial Antarctic Security Prism for Australia and New Zealand(Alan D Hemmings)
  • ‘Safe Ships and Clean Seas’: Evading a Mandatory Shipping Code for Antarctic Waters(Julia Jabour)
  • Marine Scientific Research and the Southern Ocean: Balancing Rights and Obligations in a Security-Related Context(Karen N Scott)

Colloquium: International Aggression as Crime: Implications for International and Domestic Law

  • New Ƶappand the ‘Supreme International Crime’: Vengeance or Hypocrisy?(Neil Boister)
  • The Threshold in the Proposed Definition of the Crime of Aggression(James Potter)
  • Territoriality and the Crime of Aggression(Netta Goussac)
  • The Crime of Aggression under German Law(Sascha Mueller)
  • Stage-Fright in “Godsown”: The New ƵappParliament and the International Non-Aggression and Lawful Use of Force Bill(Kennedy Graham)

Articles and Commentaries

  • Elements of Crimes in Early Confirmation Decisions of Pre-Trial Chambers of the International Criminal Court
    (Roger S Clark)
  • Assignment of Counsel of Choice to Indigent Accused at the ICTR: An Analysis of a Threat to Fair Trial Rights and What May Be Done About It(Erica Leaney)
  • Reconciling Regional and Global Dispensations: The Implications of Subantarctic Extended Continental Shelf Penetration of the Antarctic Treaty Area(Alan D Hemmings and Tim Stephens)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights Law(Natalie Baird)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law(Claire Charters)
  • International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law(Treasa Dunworth)
  • International Environmental Law(Ceri Warnock)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries(Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System(Trevor Hughes)
  • International Economic Law(Tracey Epps)
  • Nuclear Weapons, Non-Proliferation and International Security(Alberto Costi)

The South Pacific

  • The Pacific Islands Forum 2008(Tony Angelo)
  • South Pacific Journeys in 2008(Brenda Heather Latu)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation (Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • M Cherif Bassiouni (ed), International Criminal Law (3rd edition)(Neil Boister)
  • Sue Farran, Human Rights in the South Pacific: Challenges and Changes(Natalie Baird)
  • Finn Seyersted, Common Law of International Organizations(Sascha Mueller)
  • Myra Williamson, ‘No Time for Legal Niceties’? Terrorism, War and International Law(Kennedy Graham)

Articles and Commentaries

  • Myths of Globalisation: Power, Legitimacy and Sovereignty (John Goodman)
  • Bird Flu, TRIPS, and the Customary International Law Doctrine of Necessity(Nina Khouri)
  • Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand(Tony Angelo and Ping Xiong)
  • Superior Orders and Detainee Abuse in Iraq(Sunita Patel)
  • Accountability for the Treatment of Civilian Detainees During Military Operations: Developing Principled Practice(Bruce Oswald)
  • From Rhetoric to Reality: Prosecuting War Criminals in New Zealand(Treasa Dunworth)

The Year in Review

  • International Human Rights(Natalie Baird)
  • Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law(Claire Charters)
  • International Humanitarian Law(Treasa Dunworth)
  • International Environmental Law(Ceri Warnock)
  • Law of the Sea and Fisheries(Joanna Mossop)
  • The Antarctic Treaty System(Trevor Hughes)
  • International Economic Law(Michael Hahn)
  • Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation(Kennedy Graham)

The South Pacific

  • The Pacific Islands Forum 2007(Tony Angelo)
  • In and About the Realm of New Zealand(Tony Angelo)
  • Constitutional Developments for Pitcairn Islands(Tony Angelo)
  • Strategies for the Future: Protecting Human Rights in the Pacific- Final Statement

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation(Mark Gobbi)
  • In Search of International Standards and Obligations Relevant to New ƵappRegulations(Mark Gobbi)

Book Reviews

  • Madoka Futamura,War Crimes Tribunals and Transitional Justice: The Tokyo Trial and the Nuremberg Legacy (Neil Boister)
  • Héctor Olásolo,The Triggering Procedure of the International Criminal Court (Michelle Schultz)
  • Christian Joerges and Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (eds),Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation (John Hopkins)

Regionalising International Criminal Law

  • Regions, Regionalism and International Criminal Law (William A. Schabas)
  • International Criminal Tribunals at the Regional Level: Lessons from International Human Rights Law (Richard Burchill)
  • The Internationalization of Justice – A Case for the Universal Application of International Criminal Law Norms (Steven Freeland)
  • Regionalisation of the International Criminal Court (Regina E. Rauxloh)
  • What’s Wrong with Regionalising International Criminal Law? (John Hopkins)

Articles and Commentaries

  • Possible Amendments for the First ICC Review Conference in 2009 (Roger S. Clark)
  • The Road to the Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Claire Charters)
  • 2005 – Year of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – But What Happened to Nuclear Disarmament? (Hine-Wai Loose)
  • Public Participation and Transparency in International Investment Arbitration: Suez v Argentina (Amokura Kawharu)
  • The Executive Treaty-making Prerogative: A History and Critique (Claire Nielsen)
  • Non-International Armed Conflict and the European Court of Human Rights: Chechnya from 1999 (Peter Rowe)

The South Pacific

  • Regional Environmental Organisations under the Pacific Plan (Joanna Mossop)
  • “The Sea is Our Very Close Neighbour…” Small Island Developing States of the Pacific and Climate Change: Adaptation and Alternatives (Ailsa Ceri Warnock)
  • Commentary on the Pacific Islands Forum 2005-2006 (Tony Angelo)
  • Commentary on South Pacific Countries 2006 (Bob Hughes)

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

  • CCAMLR in the Antarctic Treaty System: New Zealand’s Initiative at ATCM XXIX (Trevor Hughes)

New ƵappState Conduct

  • Treaty Action and Implementation (Mark Gobbi)
  • In Search of International Standards and Obligations Relevant to New ƵappActs (Mark Gobbi)

Bibliography and Book Reviews

  • Bibliography of Books and Articles on International Law Relevant to New Ƶapp(Karen Willyams)
  • Book Review: Stephen Tierney and Colin Warbrick (eds.), Towards an “International Legal Community”? The Sovereignty of States and the Sovereignty of International Law (John Hopkins)
  • Book Review: Roy S. Lee (ed.), Swords into Plowshares: Building Peace Through the United Nations (Britta Nuemann)
  • Book Review: Satvinder Singh-Juss, International Migration and Global Justice
    (Lisa Yarwood)
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