

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Cass flora: an illustrated checklist.

07 December 2023

The Cass area offers a diverse range of flora to study. We are compiled an illustrated plant checklist to offer insight into the environments of the Cass Mountain Research Area.


Checklist of the flora of the Cass Mountain Research Area.

The checklist is compiled and is curated byPieter Pelser(School of Biological Sciences) from the results of numerous vegetation surveys in the area and observations by participants of the BIOL305 Practical Field Botany course.




  • Leptostomum inclinansR.Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 10 (1811) 320. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Racomitrium lanuginosum(Hedw.) Brid., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4 (1819) 79. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Polytrichum communeHedw., Sp. Musc. Frond. (1801) 88. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Sphagnum cristatumHampe, Linnaea 38 (1874) 661. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Sphagnum falcatulumBesch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 32 (1885) 67. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Sphagnum.novo-zelandicumMitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4 (1860) 99. Indigenous and non-endemic.



  • Huperzia australiana(Herter) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 20 (1985) 70; --Lycopodium australianumHerter, Bot. Jahrb. 43, Beibl. (1909) 98. Indigenous.

  • Huperzia varia(R.Br.) Trevis., Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 17 (1875) 247, adnot. no. 3; --Lycopodium variumR.Br., Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 1810. Indigenous.

  • Isoetes alpinaKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 7 (1875) 377 (t. 25). Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Lycopodium fastigiatumR.Br., Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 1810; --Austrolycopodium fastigiatum (R.Br.) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 26 (1991) 91. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Lycopodium scariosumG.Forst., Florae Insulae Australiae Prodromus 1786; --Diphasium scariosum(G.Forst.) Rothm., Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 54 (1944). Indigenous.




  • Asplenium appendiculatumC.Presl, Tent. Pterid. (1836) 106. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Asplenium flabellifoliumCav., Descr. Pl. (Cavanilles) (1802) 257. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Asplenium flaccidumG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 80. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Asplenium richardiiǴǰ.., Fl. New Ƶapp2 (1844) 35; HB. 222. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Asplenium trichomanes., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 1080. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Austroblechnum lanceolatum(R.Br.) Gasper & V.A.O.Dittrich, Phytotaxa 275 (2016) 202; --Stegania lanceolataR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 152.--Blechnum chambersiiTindale, Fl. Sydney Reg. (1972) 86. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Austroblechnum penna-marina (Poir.) Gasper & V.A.O.Dittrich, Phytotaxa 275 (2016) 203; --Blechnum penna-marina(Poir.) Kuhn, Filices Africanae 1868 . Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Cranfillia fluviatilis(R.Br.) Gasper & V.A.O.Dittrich, Phytotaxa 275 (2016) 207; --Blechnum fluviatile(R.Br.) E.J. Lowe ex Salomon, Nomencl. Gefässkrypt. (1883) 115; --Stegania fluviatilisR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 152. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Parablechnum minus(R.Br.) Gasper & Salino, Phytotaxa 275 (2016) 216; --Blechnum minusEttingsh., Denkschr. Ak. Wien 23 (1864) 63 t. 8 f. 5, 12. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Parablechnum montanum(T.C.Chambers & P.A.Farrant) Gasper & Salino, Phytotaxa 275 (2016) 216; --Blechnum montanumT.C.Chambers & P.A.Farrant, New ƵappJ. Bot. 36 (1998) 11. Indigenous.


  • Histiopteris incisa(Thunb.) J.Sm., Hist. Fil. (1875) 295; --Pteris incisaThunb., Prodr. Pl. Cap. (1800) 171. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Hypolepis millefoliumHook., Sp. Fil. [W. J. Hooker] 2 (1858) 68, t. 95B. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pteridium esculentum(G.Forst.) Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 39 (1925) 108. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Cystopteris tasmanicaHook., Sp. Fil. [W. J. Hooker] 1 (1846) 199. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Dryopteris affinisNewman, Hist. Brit. Ferns, ed. 3 (1854) 187. Exotic.

  • Polystichum cystostegium(Hook.) J.B.Armstr., Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 13 (1881) 364; --Aspidium cystostegiaHook., Sp. Fil. [W. J. Hooker] 4 (1862) 26 t. 227. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Polystichum vestitum(Sw.) C.Presl, Tent. Pterid. (1836) 83. Synonym ofPolystichum chilense.chilense? Indigenous.


  • Hymenophyllum multifidumSw. Indigenous.

  • Hymenophyllum villosumColenso, Tasmanian J. Nat. Sci. 2 (1844) 185. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Ophioglossum coriaceumA.Cunn., Companion Bot. Mag. 2 (1836) 361. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Microsorum pustulatum(G.Forst.) Copel., Gen. Fil. [Copeland] (1947) 196; --Polypodium pustulatumG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 81. --Phymatosorus diversifolius(Willd.) Pic.Serm., Webbia 28 (1973) 459; --Polypodium diversifoliumWilld., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 5 (1810) 166. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Notogrammitis angustifolia(Jacq.) Parris, New ƵappJ. Bot. 50 (2012) 465; --Asplenium angustifoliumJacq., Coll. 1. (1786) 121. Indigenous.

    • ssp.ԲܲپڴDZ. --Grammitis poeppigiana(Mett.) Pic. Serm., Webbia 32 (1978) 461. Indigenous

  • Notogrammitis billardierei(Willd.) Parris, New ƵappJ. Bot. 50 (2012) 466; --Grammitis billardiereiWilld., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 5 (1810) 139. Indigenous.

  • Notogrammitis crassior(Kirk) Parris, New ƵappJ. Bot. 50 (2012) 467; --Polypodium crassium Kirk, Trans. New ƵappInst. 17 (1885) 232. --Grammitis poeppigiana(Mett.) Pic.Serm.; --Polypodium poeppigianumMett., Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 2 (1857) 37. Indigenous.



  • Pinus contortaDouglas ex Loudon, Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 4 (1838) 2292. Exotic.

  • Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirb.) Franco, Conif. Duarum Nominibus (1950) 4; --Abies menziesiiMirb., Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 13 (1825) 63, 70. Exotic.


  • Phyllocladus alpinusǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1853) 235, t. 53. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Podocarpus laetusHooibr. ex Endl., Syn. Conif. (1847) 214. --Podocarpus cunninghamiiColenso, Mem. Nat. Hist. Reg. Buahine Mt. Range, N. Zeal. 1845-1847 (1884) 58. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Podocarpus nivalisHook., Icon. Pl. 6 (1843) t. 582. Indigenous and endemic.




  • Aciphylla aureaW.R.B.Oliv., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Ƶapp84 (1956) 15. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Aciphylla subflabellataW.R.B.Oliv., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Ƶapp84 (1956) 12. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Anisotome aromaticaǴǰ.., Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1853) 89. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Anisotome filifoliaCockayne & Laing, Trans. New ƵappInst. 43 (1911) 366. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Anisotome flexuosaJ.W.Dawson, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 33 (1961) 51. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Anthriscus caucalisM.Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 1 (1808) 230. Exotic.

  • Azorella pallida(Kirk) Kirk, Stud. Fl. New Ƶapp(1899)193; --Schizeilema pallidumDomin, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40 (1908) 580. Indigenous and endemic.Identification needs verification.

  • Azorella hookeriDrude, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3 (1897) 132; --Schizeilema trifoliolatumDomin, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40 (1908) 578. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Centella unifloraNannf., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 1924, xviii 413. Indigenous and non-endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Chaerophyllum colensoi(Hook.f.) K.F.Chung, Syst. Bot. 32 (2007) 678; --Oreomyrrhis colensoiHook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 92. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Chaerophyllum novae-zelandiaeK.F.Chung, Syst. Bot. 32 (2007) 679. Indigenous and endemic

  • Chaerophyllum ramosum(Hook.f.) K.F.Chung, Syst. Bot. 32 (2007) 679; --Oreomyrrhis ramosaǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 91. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Gingidia montana(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) J.W.Dawson, Kew Bull. 29 (1974) 476; --Gingidium montanumJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 21. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Lignocarpa carnosula(Hook.f.) J.W.Dawson, New ƵappJ. Bot. 5 (1967) 405; --Ligusticum carnosulumǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 96. Indigenous and endemic. Herbarium specimen at CASS.

  • Lilaeopsis ruthianaAffolter, Syst. Bot. Monogr. 6 (1985) 113. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Lilaeopsissp.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Torilis arvensisLink, Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1 (1821) 265. Exotic.

  • Torilis japonica(Houtt.) DC., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 4 (1830) 219; --Caucalis japonicaHoutt., Handl. Pl.-Kruidk. 8 (1779). 42. Exotic.


  • Parsonsia capsularis(G.Forst.) R.Br., Ann. Wiener Mus. Naturgesch. 1 (1836) 175; --Periploca capsularisG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 201. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Ilex aquifolium., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 125. Exotic.


  • Lemnaminor., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 970. Exotic.


  • Hydrocotyle hydrophilaPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 29 (1897) 425; --Hydrocotyle tripartitassp.hydrophila(Petrie) Cheeseman. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Hydrocotyle moschataG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 22. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiaeDC., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 4 (1830) 67. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pseudopanax colensoi(Hook.f.) K.Koch, C.Koch & Fint. Wochenschr. 2 (1859) 366; --Panax colensoiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 94, t. 21; --Neopanax colensoi(Hook.f.) Allan, Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1961) 434. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pseudopanax crassifolius(Sol. ex A.Cunn.) K.Koch, C.Koch & Fint. Wochenschr. 2 (1859) 366; --Aralia crassifoliaSol. ex A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1839) 214. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Raukauaanomalus(Hook.) A.D.Mitch., Frodin & Heads, New ƵappJ. Bot. 35 (1997) 312. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Corokia cotoneasterRaoul, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 3, 2 (1844) 120. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Achillea millefolium., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 899. Exotic.

  • Anaphalioides bellidioides (G.Forst.) D.Glenny, New ƵappJ. Bot. 35 (1997) 467; --Xeranthemum bellidioidesG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 55; --Helichrysum bellidioides(G.Forst.) Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 3 (1803) 1911. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Brachyglottis lagopus(Raoul) B.Nord., Opera Bot. 44 (1978) 31; --Senecio lagopusRaoul, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. II, 2 (1844) 119. --Brachyglottis bellidioides(Hook.f.) B.Nord., Opera Bot. 44 (1978) 30; --Senecio bellidioidesHook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 144. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Brachyglottis bidwillii(Hook.f.) B.Nord., Opera Bot. 44 (1978) 29; --Senecio bidwilliiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 150. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia(Hook.f.) B.Nord., Opera Bot. 44 (1978) 29; --Senecio elaeagnifoliusǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 150. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Brachyscome radicataǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 127. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs to be verified.

  • Brachyscome sinclairiiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 137. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia angustifoliaCockayne, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 1914, xlvii (1915) 114. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia bellidioidesǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 135. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia discolorHook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 123. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia gracilentaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) 1 (1844) 35. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia graminifoliaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) 1 (1844) 35. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia lyalliiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 133. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia sessilifloraǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 135. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Celmisia spectabilisǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) 1 (1844) 35. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Cirsium arvense(L.) Scop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2. 2 (1772) 126; --Serratula arvensis. Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 820. Exotic.

  • Cirsium palustreScop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2. 2 (1772) 128. Exotic.

  • Cirsium vulgare(Savi) Ten., Fl. Napol. 5 (1835) 209; --Carduus vulgarisSavi, Fl. Pis. 2 (1798) 241. Exotic.

  • Craspedia lanata(Hook.f.) Allan, Fl. New Ƶappi. (1961) 722. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Crepis capillaris(L.) Wallr., Erst. Beitr. Fl. Hercyn. (1840) 287; --Lapsana capillarisL., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 812. Exotic.

  • Dolichoglottis lyallii(Hook.f.) B.Nord., Opera Bot. 44 (1978) 36; --Senecio lyalliiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 146. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Euchiton audax(D.G.Drury) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9 (1974) 270; --Gnaphalium audaxD.G.Drury, New ƵappJ. Bot. 10 (1972) 136. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Euchiton japonicus(Thunb.) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9 (1974) 271; --Gnaphalium japonicumThunb., Fl. Jap. (Thunberg) (1784) 311. Indigenous and non-endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Euchiton traversii(Hook.f.) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9 (1974) 271; --Gnaphalium traversiiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 154. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Helichrysum depressumBenth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2 (1873) 311. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Helichrysum filicauleǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 140, t. 36 B. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Helichrysum intermediumG.Simpson, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. Z. lxxv (1945) 201. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Helichrysum lanceolatum(Buchanan) Kirk, Fl. New Ƶapp(1899) 311; --Ozothamnus lanceolatusBuchanan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. ii. (1870) 88. --Helichrysum glomeratum(Raoul) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk, Fl. New Ƶapp(1899) 311. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asHelichrysumglomeratum.

  • Hieracium lepidulum(Stenstr.) Omang. Exotic.

  • Hypochaeris radicata., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 810. Exotic.

  • Jacobaea vulgarisGaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2 (1791) 445. Exotic.

  • Lagenophora barkeriKirk, Fl. New Ƶapp(1899) 257. Endemic.

  • Lagenophora cuneataPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 1918, li (1919) 106. Indigenous and endemic.Identification needs verification.

  • Lagenophora schmidiaede Lange & Jian Wang ter, Ukrayins'k. Bot. Zhurn. 78 (2021) 320. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Leptinella pusillaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 129. Indigenous and endemic

  • Leptinella pyrethrifolia(Hook.f.) D.G.Lloyd & C.J.Webb, New ƵappJ. Bot. 25 (1987) 103; --Cotula pyrethrifoliaǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 142. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Leptinella squalidaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 129. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Leucanthemum vulgare(Vaill.) Lam., Fl. Franç. (Lamarck) 2 (1779) 137. Exotic.

  • Leucogenes grandiceps(Hook.f.) Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève Ser. 2, 2 (1910) 243; --Gnaphalium grandicepsǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 154. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Microseris scapigera(Sol. ex A.Cunn.) Sch.Bip., Jahresber. Pollichia xxii-xxiv. (1866) 310; --Scorzonera scapigeraSol. ex A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1838) 125. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Mycelis muralis(L.) Dumort., Fl. Belg. (Dumortier) (1827) 60; --Prenanthes muralis., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 797. Exotic.

  • Olearia avicenniifolia(Raoul) Hook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 127; --Shawia avicenniifoliaRaoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zel. (1846) 19. t. 13. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Olearia bullataH.D.Wilson & Garn.-Jones, New ƵappJ. Bot. 30 (1992) 365; --Olearia virgataǴǰ.. var.rugosa. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Olearia lineataCockayne, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 1910, xliii (1911) 173. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Olearia nummulariifolia(Hook.f.) Hook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 127; --Eurybia nummularifoliaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 118. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Ozothamnus leptophyllus(G.Forst.) Breitw. & J.M.Ward, New ƵappJ. Bot. 35 (1997) 127; --Calea leptophyllaG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 55; --Cassinia leptophylla(G.Forst.) R.Br., Observ. Compositae (1827) 126. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pilosella aurantiaca(L.) F.W.Schultz & Schip.Bip., Flora 45 (1862) 426; --Hieracium aurantiacum., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 801. Exotic.

  • Pilosella caespitosa(Dumort.) P.D.Sell & C.West, Watsonia 6 (1967) 314; --Hieracium caespitosumDumort., Fl. Belg. (Dumortier) (1827) 62. Exotic.

  • Pilosella officinarumVaill., in Königl. Akad. Wiss. Paris Phys. Abh. 5 (1754) 703. Exotic.

  • Pilosella piloselloides(Vill.) Soják, Preslia 43 (1971) 185. --Pilosella praealta(Gochnat) F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip., Flora 45 (1862) 429, 431; --Hieracium praealtumGochnat, Tent. Med.-Bot. Cichor. (1808) 17. Exotic.

  • Pilosella stoloniflora(Waldst. & Kit.) F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip., Flora 45 (1862) 423; --Hieracium stoloniflorumWaldst. & Kit., Descr. Icon. Pl. Hung. 3 (1806-1812) 303. Exotic.

  • Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum(L.) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 82 (1981) 206; --Gnaphalium luteoalbum., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 851. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Raoulia australisǴǰ.. ex Raoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zel. (1846) 20. t. 15. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Raoulia glabraǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 135. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Raoulia grandifloraǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 136. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Raoulia monroiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1846) 148. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Raoulia parkiiBuchanan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. xiv. (1882) 355. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification. Herbarium specimen at CASS. Species previously recorded from CMRA but likely no longer present (Jo Ward, pers. comm. 4-Mar-15)

  • Raoulia subsericeaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 136. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Senecio dunedinensisBelcher, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. xliii (1956) 56; --Erechtites diversifoliaPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. xix. 1886 (1887) 324. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs to be verified.

  • Senecio matatiniLiew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser, New ƵappJ. Bot. (2021) 15.Indigenous and endemic.

    • subsp.discoideus(Cheeseman) Courtney, de Lange & Pelser, New ƵappJ. Bot. (2021) 17; --Senecio glaucophyllussubsp.discoideus(Cheeseman) Ornduff, Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z., Bot. (1960) 88; --Senecio lautus.discoideusCheeseman, Man. New ƵappFl. (1906) 374. Indigenous and endemic

  • Senecio quadridentatusLabill., Nov. Holl. Pl. 2 (1806) 48, t. 194; --Erechtites quadridentatus(Labill.) DC. Prodromus (1838) 6 . Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Senecio sylvaticus., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 868. Exotic. Herbarium specimen at CASS.

  • Senecio wairauensisBelcher, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. xliii (1956) 55; --Erechtites wairauensis(Belcher) Allan, Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1961) 735. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Sonchus asper(L.) Hill, Herb. Brit. 1 (1769) 47; --Sonchus oleraceusvar.asper., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 794. Exotic.

  • Sonchus oleraceus., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 794. Exotic.

  • Taraxacum officinaleWebb. Exotic.

  • Tragopogon pratensis., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 789. Exotic.

  • Vittadinia australisA.Rich., Ess. Fl. N. Zel. (1832) 251. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Echium vulgare., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 139. Exotic.

  • Myosotis australisR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 415. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Myosotis discolorPers. ex Murray, Syst. Veg., ed. 15 [C.H. Persoon] (1797) 190. Synonym ofMyosotis strictaLink ex Roem. & Schult.? Exotic.

  • Myosotis laxaLehm., Pl. Asperif. Nucif. 1 (1818) 83. Exotic.

  • Myosotis unifloraǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 192. Indigenous and endemic


  • Cardamine debilisBanks ex DC., Syst. Nat. [Candolle] 2 (1821) 265. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Cardamine depressaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) 1 (1844) 6. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Cardamine dimidiaHeenan, Phytotaxa 330 (2017) 69. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Lepidium heterophyllumBenth., Cat. Pl. Pyrenees (1826) 95. Exotic

  • Nasturtium microphyllum(Boenn. ex Rchb.) Rchb., Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 1 (1834) 15; --Nasturtium officinale.microphyllumBoenn. ex Rchb., Fl. Germ. Excurs. (1832) 683; --Rorippamicrophylla(Boenn. ex Rchb.) Hyl., Rep. Univ. Inst. Appl. Sci., Reykjavik, Dept. Agric. Ser. B 3 (1948) 109. Exotic.

  • Nasturtium officinaleR.Br., Hortus Kew. 4 (1812) 110. Exotic

  • Notothlaspi rosulatumHook. f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 15. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Pachycladon cheesemaniiHeenan & A.D.Mitch., New ƵappJ. Bot. 40 (2002) 559. --Sisymbriumnovae-zelandiaeǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 11. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asSisymbriumnovae-zelandiae.


  • Lobelia angulataG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 58. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Lobelia fatiscensHeenan, New ƵappJ. Bot. 46 (2008) 97. --Isotoma fluviatilisnonF.Muell. ex Benth. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asIsotomafluviatilis. Indigenous and possibly endemic.

  • Lobelia ionanthaHeenan, New ƵappJ. Bot. 46 (2008) 95. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Lobelia macrodon(Hook.f.) Lammers, Novon 8 (1998) 34; --Pratia macrodonǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 172. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Wahlenbergia albomarginataHook., Icon. Pl. 9 (1851) t. 818. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Wahlenbergia ramosaG.Simpson, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 75 (1945) 196. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs confirmation, because this is a mainly coastal species.


  • Sambucus nigra., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 269. Exotic.


  • Arenaria serpyllifolia., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 423. Exotic.

  • Cerastium fontanumBaumg., Enum. Stirp. Transsilv. 1 (1816) 425. Exotic.

  • Colobanthus acicularisǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 25. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Colobanthus strictus(Cheeseman) Cheeseman, Trans. & Proc. N. Z. Inst. 53 (1921) 424; --Colobanthus muelleri.strictusCheeseman, Man. New ƵappFl. (1906) 68. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dianthus armeriaL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 410. Exotic.

  • Sagina procumbens., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 128. Exotic.

  • Scleranthus brockieiP.A.Will., Rec. Domin. Mus., N. Zeal. 3 (1956) 16. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Scleranthus uniflorusP.A.Will., Rec. Domin. Mus., N. Zeal. 3 (1956) 14. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Stellaria gracilentaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 2 (1855) 326. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Stellaria graminea., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 422. Exotic.

  • Stellaria media(L.) Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné (Villars) 3 (1789) 615; --Alsine mediaL. Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 272. Exotic.

  • Stellaria parvifloraBanks & Sol. ex Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 25.Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Euonymus europaeusL., Sp. Pl. (1753) 197. Exotic.

  • Stackhousia minimaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 47. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Dichondra repensJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 20. Synonym ofDichondra microcalyx(Hallier f.) Fabris? Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Coriaria plumosaW.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Domin. Mus., Wellington i. (1942) 27. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coriaria sarmentosaG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 71, n. 377. Synonym ofCoriaria ruscifoliasubsp.ruscifolia? Indigenous and endemic.


  • Crassula sieberiana(Schult. & Schult.f.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles 1916 (1917) 485; --Tillaea sieberianaSchult. & Schult.f., Mant. 3 (Schult. & Schult.f.) 3 (1827) 345. Indigenous and non-endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Sedum acre., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 432. Exotic.


  • Carex breviculmisR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 242. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Carex colensoiBoott, in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 281, t. 63. Indigenous and endemic

  • Carex comansBerggr., Minneskr. Kongl. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund 8 (1877) 28. Indigenous and endemic

  • Carex coriaceaHamlin, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 82 (1954) 63. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex corynoideaK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 30; --Uncinia clavata(Kük.) Hamlin in Domin. Mus. Bull. N. Zeal. No. 19 (Rev. Gen. Uncin. N. Zeal.) (1959) 68; --Uncinia australis.clavataKük., Man. New ƵappFl. (1906) 802. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex cyaneaK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 30; --Uncinia leptostachyaRaoul, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. II, 2 (1844) 116. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Carex diandraSchrank, Cent. Bot. Anmerk. (1781) 57. Indigenous and non-endemic. Identification needs to be verified.

  • Carex dipsaceaBerggr., Minneskr. Kongl. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund 8 (1877) 28. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs to be verified.

  • Carex drucei(Hamlin) K.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 31; --Uncinia druceiHamlin, Domin. Mus. Bull. 19 (1959) 5. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex echinataMurray, Prodr. Stirp. Gott. (1773) 76. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Carex eduraK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 31; --Uncinia divaricataBoott, in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 286. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex flaviformisNelmes, Kew Bull. (1955) 84. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Carex hamliniiK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 32; --Uncinia astoniiHamlin, in Domin. Mus. Bull. N. Zeal. No. 19 (Rev. Gen. Uncin. N. Zeal.) (1959) 64. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Carex healyiK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 33; --Uncinia scabraColenso ex Boott in Hook.f.,Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1853) 285.

  • Carex horizontalis(Colenso) K.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 33. --Uncinia rupestrisRaoul, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. II, 2 (1844) 117. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex leporinaL.,Sp. Pl. (1753) 973. --Carex ovalisGooden., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 2 (1794) 148. Exotic.

  • Carex parvispicaK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 35; --Uncinia sinclairiiBoott ex Hook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 309. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex penalpinaK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 35; --Uncinia fuscovaginataKük., Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. 2, 4 (1904) 50. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex puniceaK.A.Ford, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (2015) 36; --Uncinia rubraColenso ex Boott, in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 287, t. 64 A. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex raouliiSol. ex Boott, in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 283. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Carex resectansCheeseman, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 24 1891 (1892) 413. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs to be verified

  • Carex sectaBoott, in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 281. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs to be verified

  • Carex sinclairiiBoott ex Cheeseman, Man. N. Zeal. Fl. (1906) 820. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex solandriBoott in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1853) 284. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carex tenuiculmis(Petrie) Heenan & de Lange, New ƵappJ. Bot. 35 (1997) 159; --Carex sectaBoott var.tenuiculmisPetrie.

  • Carex testaceaSol. ex Boott, in Hook. f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 282. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Carex uncinataL.f., Suppl. Pl. (1782) 413; --Uncinia uncinata(L.f.) Kük., Pflanzenr. (Engler) Cyperac.-Caricoid. (1909) 62. --Uncinia pedicellataKük., Pflanzenr. IV, 20 (1909) 61. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Carex virgataSol. ex Boott, in Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1853) 282. Synonym ofCarex appressavar.virgata(Sol. ex Boott) Kük.? Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs to be confirmed.

  • Carpha alpinaR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 230. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Eleocharis acutaR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 224. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Eleocharis gracilisR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 224. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Eleocharis pusillaR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 225. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Isolepis aucklandicaǴǰ.., Fl. Antarct. (1844) 88. --Isolepis subcucullataBerggr., Minneskr. Fisiog. Sallks. Lund (1877) 22; --Scirpus aucklandicus.subcucullatus(Berggr.) C.B. Clarke ex Cheeseman, Man. New ƵappFl. (1906) 773. Indigenous and non-endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asScirpusaucklandicus.subcucullatus

  • Isolepis subtilissimaBoeckeler, Flora 41 (1858) 416. --Scirpus merrillii(Palla) Kük. ex Merr., Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 1 (1923) 117. Indigenous and non-endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asScirpus merrillii

  • Isolepissp. Indigenous and non-endemic. Identification needs verification

  • Oreobolus pectinatusǴǰ.., Fl. Antarct. (1844) 87. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Schoenus pauciflorus(Hook.f.) Hook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 298; --Chaetospora paucifloraǴǰ.., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1 (1853) 273. Indigenous and endemic.



  • Drosera arcturiHook., J. Bot. (Hooker) 1 (1834) 247. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Aristotelia fruticosaǴǰ.., Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1853) 34. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Acrothamnus colensoi(Hook.f.) Quinn, Austral. Syst. Bot. 18 (2005) 452; --Leucopogon colensoiHook.f. Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1 (1853) 165. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Androstoma empetrifoliaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.). 1 (1844) 44, t. 30. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dracophyllum acerosumBerggr., Minneskr. Kongl. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund 8 (1877) 15. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dracophyllum filifoliumǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 169. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dracophyllum kirkiiBerggr., J. Bot. 18 (1880) 104. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dracophyllum longifolium(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 4 (1819) 385; --Epacris longifoliaJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 10. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dracophyllum pronumW.R.B.Oliv., Trans. & Proc. N. Z. Inst. lix. (1929) 686. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium(G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 4 (1819) 385; --Epacris rosmarinifoliaG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 13.--Dracophyllum uniflorumauct. non Hook.f. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gaultheria antipodaG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 34, n. 196. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gaultheria crassaAllan, Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1961) 508. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gaultheria depressaǴǰ.., London J. Bot. 6 (1847) 267. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Gaultheria depressaxmacrostigma. Indigenous. Identification needs verification

  • Leptecophylla juniperina(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) C.M.Weiller, Muelleria 12 (1999) 200; --Epacris juniperinaJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 10; --Cyathodes juniperina(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916 (1917) 618. Synonym ofStyphelia abietinaLabill.? Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Pentachondra pumilaR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 549. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Styphelia nesophila(DC.) Sleumer, Blumea 12 (1963) 153; --Leucopogon nesophilusDC., Prodr. 7 (1839) 752. Leucopogon fraseriA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1838) 47; --Cyathodes fraseri(A.Cunn.) Allan, Fl. New Ƶappi (1961) 517. Indigenous and non-endemic.


ChamaecytisusLink =Cytisus

  • Carmichaelia australisR.Br., Bot. Reg. 11 (1825) t. 912. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carmichaelia corrugataColenso, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 15 (1883) 320. Indigenous and endemic. Nationally Vulnerable.

  • Carmichaelia monroiHook., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 49. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Carmichaelia nana(Benth.) Colenso ex Hook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 49; --Carmichaelia australisvar.nanaBenth., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1 (1852) 50. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Cytisus proliferus.f.,Suppl. Pl. (1782) 328. --Chamaecytisus palmensis(Christ) F.A.Bisby & K.W.Nicholls, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 74 (1977) 114. Exotic.

  • Cytisus scoparius(L.) Link, Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Regii Berolinensis (1822) 2 . Exotic.

  • Lotus pedunculatusCav., Icon. [Cavanilles] 2. 52. t. 164. Exotic.

  • Lupinus arboreusSims, Bot. Mag. 18 (1803) t. 682. Exotic.

  • Lupinus polyphyllusLindl., A Catalogue of Nevada Flora 1870. Exotic.

  • Sophora microphyllaAiton, Hortus Kew. (W. Aiton) 2 (1789) 43. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Trifolium arvense., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 769. Exotic.

  • Trifolium dubiumSibth., Fl. Oxon. 231. Exotic.

  • Trifolium pratense., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 768. Exotic.

  • Trifolium repens., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 767. Exotic.

  • Ulex europaeus., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 741. Exotic.

  • Vicia sativa., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 736. Exotic.


  • Centaurium erythraeaRafn, Danm. Holst. Fl. 2 (1800) 75. Exotic.

  • Gentianella corymbifera(Kirk) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 3 (1968) 218; --Gentiana corymbiferaKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 27 (1895) 336. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gentianella grisebachii(Hook.f.) T.N.Ho, Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Bot. 23 (1993) 63; --Gentiana grisebachiiǴǰ.., Icon. Pl. 7 (1844) t. 636. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gentianella serotina(Cockayne) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu, Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Bot. 23 (1993) 64; --Gentiana serotinaCockayne Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 1914, 47 (1915) 113. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gentianella tenuifolia(Petrie) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu, Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Bot. 23 (1993) 65; --Gentiana tenuifoliaPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 1912, 45 (1913) 270. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Geranium brevicauleHook., J. Bot. (Hooker) 1 (1834) 252. --Geranium sessiliflorumauct. non Cav. Endemic.

  • Geranium potentilloidesL’Her. ex DC., Prodr. 1 (1824) 639. --Geranium microphyllumauct. non Hook.f. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Griselinia littoralis(Raoul) Raoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zel. (1846) 22. t. 19; --Pukateria littoralisRaoul, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 3, 2 (1844) 120. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Ribes nigrum., Sp. Pl. 1 (175) 201. Exotic.

  • Ribes uva-crispa., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 201. Exotic.


  • Gonocarpus aggregatus(Buchanan) Orchard, Bull. Auckland Inst. Mus. 10 (1975) 180; --Haloragis aggregataBuchanan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 4 (1872) 224. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Gonocarpus micranthusThunb., Nov. Gen. Pl. [Thunberg] 3 (1783) 55. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Myriophyllum propinquumA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 30. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Myriophyllum triphyllumOrchard -- Brunonia 2 (1980) 259. The record ofMyriophyllum elatinoidesby Philipson & Brownlie (1958) possibly refers to this taxon


  • Herpolirion novae-zelandiaeǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 258. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Phormium tenaxJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 24. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Elodea canadensisMichx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1 (1803) 20. Exotic. INaturalist observation.


  • Hypericum perforatum., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 785. Exotic.

  • Hypericum pulchrum., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 786. Exotic.

  • Hypericum pusillumChoisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hyperic. (1821) 50.--Hypericum japonicumauct. non Thunb. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Hypericum tetrapterumFr., Novit. Fl. Svec. (1823) 94. Exotic. Identification needs verification.


  • Juncus acuminatusMichx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Michaux) 1 (1803) 192. Exotic. Identification needs verification.

  • Juncus acutiflorusEhrh. ex Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. (1791) 125. Exotic.Identification needs verification

  • Juncus articulatus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 327. Exotic.Identification needs verification.

  • Juncus bulbosus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 325. Exotic.

  • Juncus conglomeratus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 326. Exotic.Identification needs verification

  • Juncus edgariae.A.S.Johnson & K.L.Wilson, Telopea 9 (2001) 399. Indigenous and endemic.Identification needs verification

  • Juncus effusus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 326. Exotic.Identification needs verification.

  • Juncus squarrosus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 327. Exotic.

  • Juncus tenuisWilld., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 2 (1799) 214. Exotic.Identification needs verification.

  • Luzula banksianaE.Mey., Linnaea 22 (1849) 412. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Luzula crinitaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.). 1 (1844) 84. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Luzula rufaEdgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 4 (1966) 166. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Marrubium vulgare., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 583. Exotic.

  • Mentha cunninghamii(Benth.) Benth., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 12 (1848) 174; --Micromeria cunninghamiiBenth., Labiat. Gen. Spec. (1835) 730. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Mentha spicata., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 576. Exotic.

  • Prunella vulgaris., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 600. Exotic.


  • Cordyline australis(G.Forst.) Endl., Prodr. Fl. Norfolk. (1833) 29. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Utriculariasp. Indigenous and non-endemic


  • Linum catharticum., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 281. Exotic.


  • Alepis flavidaTiegh., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 41 (1895) 605. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Montia fontanaL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 87. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Kunzea ericoides(A.Rich.) Joy Thomps. (s.l.), Telopea 2 (1983) 379; --Leptospermum ericoidesA.Rich., Voy. Astrolabe 1 (1832) 338. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Leptospermum scopariumJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 36. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Fuscospora cliffortioides(Hook.f.) Heenan & Smissen, Phytotaxa 146 (2013) 13; --Nothofagus solandri(Hook.f.) Oerst. var.cliffortioides(Hook.f.) Poole, Trees Shrubs New Ƶapp(1963) 118; --Fagus cliffortioidesHook.f., Icon. Pl. 7 (1844) t. 673. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Fuscospora fusca(Hook.f.) Heenan et Smissen, Phytotaxa 146 (2013) 14; --Nothofagus fusca(Hook.f.) Oerst., Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., Naturvidensk. Math. Afd. Ser. V, ix (1871) 355; --Fagus fuscaǴǰ.. -- Icon. Pl. 7 (1844) t. 630, 631. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Epilobium alsinoidesA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 32. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification

  • Epilobium billardierianumSer. ssp.cinereum(A.Rich.) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn, New ƵappJ. Bot. 9 (1971) 349; --Epilobium cinereumA.Rich., Voy. Astrolabe 1 (1832) 330. Indigenous and non-endemic.Identification needs verification

  • Epilobium chionanthumHausskn., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 29 (1879) 149. Indigenous and endemic

  • Epilobium chlorifoliumHausskn., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 29 (1879) 149. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Epilobium crassumǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 2 (1855) 328. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Epilobium elegansPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 29 (1896) 422. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Epilobium glabellumG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 27. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Epilobium gracilipesKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 27 1894 (1895) 351. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Epilobium hirtigerumA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 33. Indigenous and non-endemic.Identification needs verification

  • Epilobium komarovianumH.Lév., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 5 (1908) 98. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Epilobium melanocaulonHook., Icon. Pl. 9 (1851) t. 813. Indigenous andendemic.

  • Epilobium microphyllumA.Rich., Voy. Astrolabe 1 (1832) 325. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Epilobium nerterioidesA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 32. --Epilobium nerterioides.minimum(Kirk) Cockayne, Rep. Bot. Surv. Stewart Isl. (1909) 43; --Epilobium nummularifolium.minimumKirk, Stud. Fl. New Ƶapp(1899) 174. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asEpilobium nerterioides.minimum.

  • EpilobiumnummulariifoliumR.Cunn. ex A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 31. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Epilobium obscurum(Schreb.) Schreb., Spic. Fl. Lips. 155 (1771) ((index); 147-148). --Epilobium erectumPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 34 (1902) 390. Exotic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asEpilobium erectum.

  • Epilobium pallidiflorumSol. ex A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 34. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Epilobium pictumPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 28 (1895) 538. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Epilobium pubensA.Rich., Voy. Astrolabe 1 (1832) 329. Indigenous and endemic

  • Epilobium pycnostachyumHausskn.,Oesterr. Bot. Z. 29 (1879) 150.Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Epilobium rostratumCheeseman, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 28 (1895) 534. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Epilobium rotundifoliumG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 27. Indigenous and endemic. Known from photos by P.B. Pelser.

  • Epilobium tenuipesǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1852) 59; --Epilobiumalsinoidessubsp.tenuipes(Hook.f.) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn, New ƵappJ. Bot. 9 (1971) 349.Indigenous and endemic.

  • Fuchsia excorticata.f., Suppl. Pl. (1782) 217. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).


  • Caladenia lyalliiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.). 1 (1853) 247.

  • Chiloglottis cornutaǴǰ.., Fl. Antarct. (1844) 69; --Simpliglottis cornuta(Hook.f.) Szlach., Polish Bot. J. 46 (2001) 13. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Corybas cheesemanii(Hook.f. ex Kirk) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 657; --Corysanthes cheesemaniiHook.f. ex Kirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. iii. (1871) 180. Indigenous and endemic

  • Corybas macranthus(Hook.f.) Rchb.f., Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. (1871) 67 ;--Nematoceras macranthumǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 249. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Corybas trilobus(Hook.f.) Rchb.f., Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. (1871) 67; --Nematoceras trilobumǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 249. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Gastrodia cunninghamiiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 251. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Microtis oligantha.B.Moore, New ƵappJ. Bot. 6 (1968) 473. Indigenous and endemic

  • Microtis unifolia(G.Forst.) Rchb.f., Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. (1871) 62; --Ophrys unifoliaG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 59. Indigenous and endemic. The record ofMicrotismagnadeniumby Philipson & Brownlie (1958) possibly refers to this taxon.

  • Prasophyllum colensoiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 241. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pterostylis australisǴǰ.., Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 248. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pterostylis gramineaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 248. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pterostylis oliveriPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 26 (1894) 270. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pterostylis tanypodaD.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem., Orchadian 12 (1997) 273; --Hymenochilus tanypodus(D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy, Austral. Orchid Res. 4 (2002) 74. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Thelymitra cyanea(Lindl.) Benth., Fl. Austral. 6 (1873) 323; --MacdonaldiacyaneaLindl., Sketch Veg. Swan R. (1840) 50. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Thelymitra hatchii.B.Moore, New ƵappJ. Bot. 6 (1968) 477. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Thelymitra longifoliaJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 49. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Euphrasia laingiiPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 44 (1912) 184. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Euphrasia revolutaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 199. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Euphrasia zelandicaWettst., Monogr. Euphrasia (1896) 264. Indigenous and endemic. INaturalist observation.

  • Orobanche minorSm., Engl. Bot. (1779) t. 422. Exotic.

  • Parentucellia viscosa(L.) Caruel, Fl. Ital. (Parlatore) 6 (1885) 482; --Bellardia viscosa(L.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey., Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 2 (1836) 4 ; --Bartsia viscosa., Sp. Pl. (1753) 602. Exotic.


  • Oxalis corniculataL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 435. Exotic. Identification needs verification.

  • Oxalis exilisA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 316. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Eschscholzia californicaCham., Horae Phys. Berol. [Nees] (1820) 74. Exotic.


  • Erythranthe guttata(Fisch. ex DC.) G.L.Nesom, Phytoneuron 2012-39 (2012) 43; --Mimulus guttatusFisch. ex DC., Cat. Pl. Horti Monsp. (1813) 127. Exotic.

  • Erythranthe moschata(Douglas ex Lindl.)G.L.Nesom, Phytoneuron 2012-39 (2012) 38; --Mimulusmoschatus(Douglas ex Lindl.) Prov., Fl. Canad. [Provanchier] 1 (1862) 439; --Mimulus moschatusDouglas ex Lindl. Bot. Reg. 13 (1828) pl. 1118. Exotic.

  • Mazus radicansCheeseman, Man. N. Zeal. Fl. (1906) 486. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Pittosporum divaricatumCockayne, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 47 (1915) 111. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pittosporum tenuifoliumGaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 1 (1788) 286. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Digitalis purpurea., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 621. Exotic.

  • Gratiola concinnaColenso -- Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 19(1887) 264. --Gratiola nanaauct. non Benth. Endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

HebeComm. ex Juss. =Veronica

  • Ourisiasp. Indigenous.

  • Plantago lanceolata., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 113. Exotic.

  • Plantago majorL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 112. Exotic.

  • Plantago spathulataǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 208. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Plantago triandraBerggr., Minneskr. Fisiog. Sallks. Lund 8 (1877) 16. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Plantago udicolaMeudt & Garn.-Jones, New ƵappJ. Bot. 50 (2012) 149. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica arvensis., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 13. Exotic.

  • Veronica brachysiphon(Summerh.) Bean, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew (1934) 224; --Hebe brachysiphonSummerh., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew (1927) 397. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica decora(Ashwin) Garn.-Jones, Taxon 56 (2007) 577; --Parahebe decoraAshwin, Fl. N. Zeal. 1 (1961) 877, 974. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica epacrideaǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 213; --Hebe epacridea(Hook.f.) Andersen, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 56 (1926) 693. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica lyalliiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 196; --Hebe lyallii(Hook.f.) Allan, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 69 (1939) 276; --Parahebe lyallii(Hook.f.) W.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Domin. Mus., Wellington 1 (1944) 230. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica lycopodioidesǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 211; --Hebe lycopodioides(Hook.f.) Allan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 56 (1926) 49; --Leonohebe lycopodioides(Hook.f.) Heads, Bot. Soc. Otago Newsl. 5 (1987) 9. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica odoraǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) 1 (1844) 62, t. 41; --Hebe odora(Hook.f.) Cockayne, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 60 (1929) 472; --Leonohebe odora(Hook.f.) Heads, Bot. Soc. Otago Newsl. 5 (1987) 10. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica pimeleoidesǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 195; --Hebe pimeleoides(Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan -- Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 57 (1927) 17, in obs., 38. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica salicifoliaG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 3; --Hebe salicifolia(G.Forst.) Pennell, Rhodora 23 (1921) 39. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Veronica scutellata., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 12. Exotic.

  • Veronica serpyllifolia., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 12. Exotic.

  • Veronica subalpinaCockayne, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 31 (1899) 420; --Hebe subalpina(Cockayne) Cockayne, Trans. & Proc. N. Z. Inst. 56 (1926) 25. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Veronica tetrastichaHook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 212; --Leonohebe tetrasticha(Hook.f.) Heads,Bot. Soc. Otago Newsl. 5 (1987) 5. Indigenous andendemic.

  • Veronica vernaL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 14. Exotic.


  • Agrostis capillaris., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 62. Exotic.

  • Agrostis castellanaBoiss. & Reut., Diagn. Pl. Nov. Hisp. (1842) 26. Exotic. Identification needs confirmation

  • Agrostis dyeriPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 22 1889 (1896) 441. Indigenous and endemic.Identification needs confirmation

  • Agrostis stolonifera., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 62. Exotic

  • Aira caryophyllea., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 66. Exotic

  • Alopecurus geniculatus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 60. Exotic

  • Anthosachne scabra(R.Br.) Nevski, Trudy Sredne-Aziatsk. Gosud. Univ., Ser. 8b, Bot. 17 (1934) 65; --Elymus scabrus(R.Br.) Á.Löve, Feddes Repert. 95 (1984) 468. Exotic.

  • Anthosachne solandri(Steud.) Barkworth & S.W.L.Jacobs, Telopea 13 (2011) 51. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Anthoxanthum odoratum., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 28. Exotic.

  • Austroderiarichardii(Endl.) N.P.Barker & H.P.Linder -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 97 (2010) 344; --Arundo richardiiEndl., Ann. Wiener Mus. Naturgesch. i. (1836) 158, No. 602.

  • Briza media., Sp. Pl. (1753) 70. Exotic.

  • Briza minor., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 70. Exotic.

  • Bromus diandrusdzٳ, Bot. Abh. Beobacht. (1787) 44. Exotic.

  • Bromus hordeaceus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 77. Exotic.

  • Chionochloa crassiuscula(Kirk) Zotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 103; --Danthonia crassiusculaKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 17 (1885) 224. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Chionochloa flavescensZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 97. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Chionochloa macraZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 8 (1970) 91. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Chionochloa pallensZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 99. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Chionochloa rubraZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 96. Indigenous and endemic.
  • ConnorochloaBarkworth, S.W.L.Jacobs & H.Q.Zhang

  • Connorochloa tenuis(Buchanan) Barkworth, S.W.L.Jacobs & H.Q.Zhang, Breed. Sci. 59 (2009) 686; --Elymus tenuis (Buchanan) Á.Löve & Connor, New ƵappJ. Bot. 20 (1982) 183. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Cynosurus cristatus., Sp. Pl. 1 91753) 72. Exotic.

  • Dactylis glomerataL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 71. Exotic.


  • Deyeuxia avenoides(Hook.f.) Buchanan, Indig. Grass. N. Zeal. 6 (1880); --Agrostis avenoidesHook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 330; -Calamagrostis avenoides(Hook.f.) Cockayne, Rep. Bot. Surv. Tongariro Nat. Park (1908) 35. Indigenous and endemic


  • Echinopogon ovatus(J.R.Forst.) P.Beauv., Ess. Agrostogr. (1812) 42; --Agrostis ovataG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 8. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Festuca matthewsiiCheeseman, Man. New ƵappFl., ed. 2. (1925) 205. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Festuca novae-zealandiae(Hack.) Cockayne, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 48 (1916) 178; --Festuca ovinasubsp.novae-zealandiaeHack., Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 35 (1903) 384. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Festuca rubraL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 74. Exotic. Identification needs verification.

    • ssp.rubra. Exotic

  • Glyceria maxima(Hartm.) Holmb., Bot. Not. 1919 (1919) 9. Exotic.

  • Hierochloe novae-zelandiaeGand., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 66 (1920) 300. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Hierochloe recurvata(Hack. ex Cheeseman) Zotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 11 (1973) 566; --Hierochloe fraseri.recurvataHack. ex Cheeseman, Man. New ƵappFl. (1906) 856. Indigenous and endemic

  • Hierochloe redolens(Vahl) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 2 (1817) 514. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Holcus lanatus., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 1048. Exotic.

  • Koeleria novozelandicaDomin, Biblioth. Bot. 14 (1907) 116. --Koeleria gintliiDomin, Biblioth. Bot. 14 (1907) 126. Indigenous and endemic.Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asKoeleriagintlii.


  • Lachnagrostis filiformisTrin., Fund. Agrost. (Trinius) (1820) 128. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Lolium multiflorumLam., Fl. Franç. 3 (1779) 621. Exotic.

  • Lolium perenne., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 83. Exotic.

  • Pentapogon crinitus(L.f.) P.M.Peterson, Romasch. & Soreng, J. Syst. Evol. 60 (2021) 586; --Dichelachne crinita(L.f.) Hook.f., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1 (1853) 293; --Anthoxanthum crinitum.f., Suppl. Pl. (1782) 90. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Phleum pratense., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 59. Exotic.

  • Poa annuaL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 68. Exotic.

  • Poa citaEdgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 24 (1986) 446. Indigenous and endemic

  • Poa colensoiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 340. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Poa imbecillaSpreng., Mant. Prim. Fl. Hal. 2 (1804) 33. --Poa mathewsii.minorPetrie, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 34 (1902) 393. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958) asPoamatthewsii.minor.

  • Poa kirkiiBuchanan, Indig. Grass. N. Zeal. (1880) t. 51. Indigenous and endemic

  • Poa novae-zelandiaeHack., Trans. & Proc. N. Z. Inst. 35 (1903) 381. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Poa pratensis., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 67. Exotic.

  • Rytidosperma biannulare(Zotov) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 324; --Notodanthonia biannularisZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 116. Indigenous and endemic

  • Rytidosperma buchananii(Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 320; --Danthonia buchananiiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 333. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Rytidosperma exiguum(Kirk) H.P.Linder, Telopea 6 (1996) 614; --Pyrrhanthera exigua(Kirk) Zotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 126; --Triodia exiguaKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 14 (1882) 378. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Rytidosperma gracile(Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 330; --Danthonia gracilisHook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 303, t. 69. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Rytidosperma maculatum(Zotov) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 320;--Notodanthonia maculataZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 108. Indigenous and endemic

  • Rytidosperma merumConnor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 328. Indigenous and endemic

  • Rytidosperma nigricans(Petrie) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1997) 331. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Rytidosperma racemosum(R.Br.) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 327; --Danthonia racemosaR.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. (1810) 177. Exotic

  • Rytidosperma thomsonii(Buchan.) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 322; --Danthonia thomsoniiBuchan., Indig. Grass. N. Zeal. (1880) 175. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Rytidosperma viride(Zotov) Connor & Edgar, New ƵappJ. Bot. 17 (1979) 316; --Notodanthonia viridisZotov, New ƵappJ. Bot. 1 (1963) 108. Indigenous and endemic

  • Trisetum spicatum(L.) K.Richt., Pl. Eur. 1 (1890) 59. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Vulpia bromoides(L.) Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2 (1821) 124; --Festuca bromoides., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 75. Exotic

  • Vulpia myuros(L.) C.C.Gmel., Fl. Bad. 1 (1805) 8; --Festuca myuros., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 74. Exotic.


  • Muehlenbeckia australis(G.Forst.) Meisn., Pl. Vasc. Gen. [Meisner] 2 (1841) 227; --Coccoloba australisG.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 29, n. 176. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Muehlenbeckia axillarisWalp., Ann. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 1 (1849) 552. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Muehlenbeckia complexaMeisn., Pl. Vasc. Gen. [Meisner] 2 (1841) 227. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Rumex acetosella., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 338. Exotic.

  • Rumex crispusL., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 335. Exotic.

  • Rumex flexuosusSol. ex G.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. (1786) 90. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Rumex obtusifolius., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 335. Exotic.


  • Potamogeton cheesemaniiA.Benn., J. Bot. 21 (1883) 66. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Myrsine nummularia(Hook. f.) Hook. f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 184; --Suttonia nummulariaHook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 173; --Rapanea nummularia(Hook.f.) W.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Auckl. Inst. & Mus. 4 (1951) 112. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Clematis afoliataBuchanan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 3 (1871) 211. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Clematis foetidaRaoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zel. (1846) 23. Indigenous and endemic.Identification needs verification.

  • Clematis forsteriJ.F.Gmel., Syst. Nat., ed. 13[bis]. 2 (1791) 873. Indigenous and endemic

  • Clematis marataArmstr., Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 13 (1881) 335. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Clematis petrieiAllan, Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1961) 170, 967. Indigenous and endemic.Identification needs verification.

  • Ranunculus amphitrichusColenso, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 17 (1885) 237. Indigenous and non-endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Ranunculus enysiiKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 12 (1880) 394. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958).

  • Ranunculus foliosusKirk, Stud. Fl. New Ƶapp(1899) 14. Indigenous and endemic

  • Ranunculus glabrifoliusHook., J. Bot. (Hooker) 1 (1834) 243. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Ranunculus macropusǴǰ.., Icon. Pl. 7 (1844) t. 634. Indigenous and endemic. Record by Philipson & Brownlie (1958)

  • Ranunculus multiscapusǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 9., t. 5. Indigenous and endemic

  • Ranunculus reflexusGarn.-Jones, New ƵappJ. Bot. 25 (1987) 126. Indigenous and endemic. Identification needs verification.

  • Ranunculus trichophyllusChaix ex Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 1 (1786) 335. Exotic.


  • Discaria toumatouRaoul, Choix Pl. Nouv.-Zel. (1846) 29. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Acaena agnipilaGand., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 59 (1913) 707. Exotic.

  • Acaena anserinifolia(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles Suppl. 2 (1916) 484; --Ancistrum anserinaefoliumJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 2. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Acaena caesiglaucaBergmans, Vaste Pl. Rotsheest., ed. 2(1939) 65. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Acaena glabraBuchanan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 4 (1872) 226. Indigenous and endemic. Observation from INaturalist.

  • Acaena inermisǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 54. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Acaena juvencaB.H.Macmill., New ƵappJ. Bot. 27 (1989) 109. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Acaena novae-zelandiaeKirk, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 3 (1871) 177. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Acaena profundeincisa(Bitter) B.H.Macmill., New ƵappJ. Bot. 21 (1983) 347;--Acaena sanguisorbaeVahl ssp.profundeincisaBitter. Indigenous and endemic

  • Aphanes inexspectataW.Lippert, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 20 (1984) 458. Exotic.

  • Argentina anserinoides(Raoul) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 12 (1977) 428; --Potentilla anserinoidesRaoul, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 3, 2 (1844) 123. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Cotoneaster franchetiiBois, Rev. Hort. (Paris) 74 (1902) 380. Exotic.

  • Cotoneaster simonsiiBaker, Refug. Bot. 1 (1869) t. 55. Exotic.

  • Crataegus monogynaJacq., Fl. Austriac. (Jacquin) 3 (1775) 50. Exotic.

  • Geum cockaynei(F.Bolle) Molloy & C.J.Webb, New ƵappJ. Bot. 32 (1994) 424; --Oncostylus cockayneiF.Bolle, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 72 (1933) 30. --Geum parviflorumSteud. & Hochst. ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. i. 683. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Geum uniflorumBuchanan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 2 (1870) 88. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Malus domesticaBorkh., Theor. Prakt. Handb. Forstbot. 2 (1803) 1272. Exotic.

  • Potentilla anglicaLaichard., Veg. Europ. 1 (1790) 475. Exotic.

  • Rosa canina., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 491. Exotic.

  • Rosa rubiginosa., Mant. Pl. Altera 2 (1771) 564. Exotic.

  • Rubus cissoidesA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 245. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Rubus echinatusLindl., Syn. Brit. Fl. (1829) 94. Exotic.

  • Rubus fruticosus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 493. Exotic

  • Rubus schmidelioidesA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 (1839) 245. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Rubus squarrosusFritsch, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 36 (1886) 250. Indigenous and endemic


  • Coprosma acerosaA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1838) 207. Indigenous and endemic. Record needs verification.

  • Coprosma atropurpurea(Cockayne & Allan) L.B.Moore, New ƵappJ. Bot. 12 (1974) 141; --Coprosma petrieivar.atropurpureaCockayne & Allan, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 56 (1926) 56. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma cheesemaniiW.R.B.Oliv., Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 132 (1935) 47. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma ciliataǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) 1 (1844) 22. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma depressaColenso ex Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1 (1852) 110. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma dumosa(Cheeseman) G.T.Jane, New ƵappJ. Bot. 43 (2005) 739; --Coprosma parvifloraHook.f. var.dumosaCheeseman, Man. New ƵappFl. (1906) 254. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma fowerakeriD.A.Norton & de Lange, New ƵappJ. Bot. 41 (2003) 224. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma intertextaG.Simpson, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 75 (1945) 194. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma linariifolia(Hook.f.) Hook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 118; --Coprosma propinqua.linariifoliaǴǰ.., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1 (1852) 109. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma microcarpaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 110. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma petrieiCheeseman, Trans. & Proc. New ƵappInst. 18 1885 (1886) 316. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma propinquaA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1838) 206. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma pseudocuneataW.R.B.Oliv. ex Garn.-Jones & Elder, New ƵappJ. Bot. 34 (1996) 140. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma rhamnoidesA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1838) 206. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Coprosma rugosaCheeseman, Man. N. Zeal. Fl. (1906) 1141. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Galium aparine., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 108. Exotic.

  • Galium perpusillum(Hook.f.) Allan, Fl. New Ƶapp1 (1961) 592; --Asperula perpusillaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 114. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Galium propinquumA.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 (1838) 205. Indigenous and non-endemic

  • Leptostigma setulosum(Hook.f.) Fosberg, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 33 (1982) 81; --Nertera setulosaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 112. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Nertera balfourianaCockayne, Proc. N. Z. Inst. 1911, 44 (1912) 50. Indigenous andendemic.


  • Salix cinerea., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 1021. Exotic.

  • Salix fragilis., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) 1017. Exotic.


  • Exocarpos bidwilliiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1853) 223, t. 52. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Verbascum thapsus., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 177. Exotic.


  • Forstera tenellaǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 154. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Phyllachne colensoi(Hook.f.) S.Berggr., Minneskr. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund (1877), n. 8. p. 11; --Helophyllum colensoiHook.f., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 168. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Kelleria dieffenbachii(Hook.) Endl., Gen. Pl. [Endlicher] Suppl. iv. II. (1848) 61; --Drapetes dieffenbachiiHook., Lond. Journ. Bot. 2 (1843) 497. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pimelea mesoaC.J.Burrows, New ƵappJ. Bot. 49 (2011) 63. --Pimelea sericeovillosa auct. non Hook.f.. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pimelea oreophilaC.J.Burrows, Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z., Bot. 1 (1962) 217. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pimelea prostrata(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 1 (1797) 51; --Banksia prostrataJ.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. (1775) 4. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Pimelea traversiiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 243. Indigenous and endemic.


  • Typha orientalisC.Presl, Epimel. Bot. (1851) 239. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Urtica sykesiiGrosse-Veldm. & Weigend, Phytotaxa 245 (2016) 255.--Urtica incisaauct. non Poir. Indigenous and non-endemic.


  • Melicytus alpinus(Kirk) Garn.-Jones, New ƵappJ. Bot. 25 (1987) 127; --Hymenanthera dentatavar.alpinaKirk, Stud. Fl. New Ƶapp(1899) 44; --Hymenanthera alpina(Kirk) W.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Domin. Mus., Wellington i (1944) 211. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Viola cunninghamiiǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 16. Indigenous and non-endemic.

  • Viola filicaulisǴǰ.., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) 1 (1852) 16. Indigenous and endemic.

  • Viola lyalliiǴǰ.., Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. (1864) 16. Indigenous and endemic.

Last updated on 25 October 2023


  1. PHILIPSON, W.R. , BROWNLIE, G. 1958. The Flora of Cass. Botany Department, Ƶapp.

  2. YOUNG, L.M., NORTON, D.A., LAMBERT, M.T. 2016. One hundred years of vegetation change at Cass, eastern South Island high country. New ƵappJournal of Ecology 40: 289-301.

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