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French study options

02 November 2023

Our largest courses are language-acquisition courses. They're available at several different levels and they all help you develop your French reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Check out our French study options at UC.


Our largest courses are language-acquisition courses, at several different levels, all intended to develop your skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to French.

We advise students to combine language and culture courses in their planned degree, rather than concentrating simply on language or on culture. This is because of the dynamic mutual relationship between language and culture, which means that a full understanding of one is not possible without a sound understanding of the other.

We encourage students also to take “French Studies” courses, which treat aspects of France’s fascinating and influential culture, past and present - plus some topics in Francophone culture. Most of these courses expect you to read materials in French, but some are taught solely in English.

Check out our French courses here.

If you are interested in undertaking Master's or PhD study, you need to determine whether our staff share your research interests and can provide the necessary supervision.

Find out more about undertaking aMaster of Arts (MA) at UC.

Find out more about undertaking anDoctor of Philosophy (PhD) at UC.

Visit the College of Arts webpage for information about processes, resources and regulations.

International students

Look at the research interests of the staff in French to see if your own interests are covered. Email your CV, your academic record and your research proposal to theGlobal, Cultural & Language Studies administrator.

The department will advise whether there is a suitable supervisor and if it can support your application.

A number of scholarships and prizes are available to students of French. Students should alsosearch the Scholarships database for funding opportunities.

Scholarships for French undergraduates

  • Alex Baird Memorial Prize- no application required
  • John Connal Scholarships- no application required
  • See theScholarships databasefor general opportunities

Postgraduate funding

  • National Centre for Research on Europe- Masters/doctoral scholarships and awards. Students working on a thesis on a European-related topic are encouraged to apply for scholarships and awards offered by the NCRE, which offers Domestic Fees Scholarships on a competitive basis and Research Awards to support bona fide research or conference expenses. Applications must contain a thesis proposal (1000 words for a Masters thesis, 2000 words for a PhD thesis), and indication of support from the prospective supervising department, an official university academic record and a curriculum vitae. Applications normally close in September for the following year. For further information, contact the Centre's Director,Professor Martin Holland, and consult theCentre's web-page.
  • Consult theScholarships databasefor general funding opportunities

Whatever your background in French you are eligible for several of our courses. We offer language courses at various levels, including for beginners. Follow the link in the box below to find out more.

Whatever your background in French you are eligible for several of our courses. We offer language courses at various levels, including for beginners. Follow the link in the box below to find out more.

More information

See the Course Information website for more details about studyingFrench.


Explore the full list of courses offered in

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