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Student story

Laura Robinson

21 September 2023

Studying towards a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Health Sciences.


UCE Involvement

Summer Startup Programme 2017/18


Education Representative now Vice-President,Ƶapp Students Association (2016/17)

Edsoc and Healthsoc

General Exec, Social Officer then Returning officer, Gentleman's Club (2015-17)

Student President,University Hall


Bachelor of Laws with focus on International Law and a Bachelor of Health Sciences majoring in Public Health.

What is your current job and what do you find the most interesting about it?

Alongside my studies, I am currently working 20 hours a week as Vice-President for the UCSA. I love representing and being the voice of the students. I have had experience in being a director and understand how different models work. The UCSA has different lines of employees and directorships but we all work closely together to make sure we are student focused.

What project are you working on in UCE?

Purpose projects – an international volunteer organisation for students, changing the way students volunteer internationally with an element of community service and sustainable community development abroad.

Where is Purpose Projects now and how have you progressed by being in the programme?

Purpose projects is now an official organisation. Previously, I had the ideabut hadn’t been able to start it up. The main reason I applied for the UCE Summer Startup Programme was to give myself the opportunity to work on my idea full time, I really believe in not do things by half and think it’s important to invest a large amount of time when you’re starting up.

How are you finding the UCE programme?

Before I started I thought my organisation was amazing but not sustainable. I had a vision but did not have the business understanding of not just how to set it up, but make it last.

The UCE Summer Startup Programme really gave me time to focus on my vision, what I wanted my organization to look like. I definitely believe that I reached this over the course of the summer. UCE has been really valuable, a toolkit for understanding business and giving me a realistic perspective of my vision.

What is your most memorable moment this summer at UCE?

Definitely the people I got to meet - I did not expect to get this close with the other students over the last nine weeks and now can say I have friends throughout the university. Seeing everyone’s passion was also the biggest privilege in this course. Seeing other students making bold steps was really motivating and really pushed me to keep working at a higher level.

What advice would you give to a student considering starting up their own venture or considering applying for UCE?

I would say to them, go in with a strong vision and passion for what you want to achieve, but also be prepared to take the opportunity to put that vision into action grow it into something with wheels of motion. The Summer Startup Programme will support and teach you all the necessary steps along the way so be prepared to develop and pivot this vision with advice from a team that has great experience.

What are you working on outside of University and UCE?

I am working alongside my sister on her new business ‘Accessorise with Abby’. I am helping her bring it to Christchurch students.

What are your aspirations for the future?

I want to direct Purpose Projects - a volunteer organisation that transforms local and international communities.

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