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Mātauranga Māori

04 November 2023

The Mātauranga Māori Initial Teacher Education pathway will equip you to work in whare kōhungahunga | early childhood or kura tuatahi | primary. This pathway prioritises te reo Māori me ōna tikanga. It's founded on mātauranga Māori | Māori knowledge, Māori philosophies, and values. Learn more about Mātauranga Māori at UC.


Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā.

E ngākaunui ana koe ki te reo Māori me ōna tikanga? E ngākaunui ana hoki, ki te poipoi i ā tamariki/mokopuna hei rangatira mō āpōpō? Ki te pērā, pānui mai.

Do you have a love for te reo Māori me ōna tikanga? Do you have a passion for empowering our tamariki/mokopuna to be tomorrow’s leaders? If you’ve answered yes to these pātai, keep reading.

Is Mātauranga Māori for me?

Kei Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha tētahi hōtaka hou kei Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako kei raro i te maru o Te Kaupeka Ako. He tohu whakangungu kaiako mātauranga Māori. Ko te tūāpapa, ko te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, ko ngā āhuatanga ako Māori me ngā mātauranga Māori. He hōtaka tēnei ki te whakarite te kaiako whakangungu i ngā horopaki e rua, mō ngā pēpi-nohinohi kei rō ngā puna reo, kura kōhungahunga hoki, tae noa ki ngā tamariki o te kura tuatahi. Ko ngā marau matua e ārahi ana i tēnei tohu kaiako, ko Te Whāriki me ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua. Ko ngā tohu o ngā mata o te marama e arataki ana i te tohu nei, ko te Maramataka me ētahi atu mātauranga o te taiao te iho o te kaupapa.

Te Whare Wānangao Waitaha is offering a ground-breaking new Initial Teacher Education qualification which prioritises te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, and is founded on mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge), Māori philosophies, and values. All courses are imbued with Māori knowledge and pedagogies to prepare kaiako for teaching in the early childhood or primary teaching sectors with bicultural competence. The two main curricula that guide the Mātauranga Māori endorsement areandinformed by the mātā pono of. The endorsement is guided by Te Maramataka Māori — ensuring traditional knowledge systems are at its core.

This programme has a biennial intake model with the next intake commencing in 2025. For more information and to find out more contactMarie Gibson.

What will I learn at UC?

TheAko: Bachelor of Teaching and LearningMātauranga Māoriendorsement prepares you for a teaching career in differentprimary and early childhood settings.The degree takes 3 years of full-time study, or can be studied part-time for up to 6 years.

  • He ako kei rō taiao ako reo rua, kākanorua, he ako ā-whānau. He tohu tēnei mā te hunga e ngākau nui ana ki te whakapākari i ā rātou mōhiotanga ki te reo Māori me ōna tikanga. Hei te tau tuatoru o te tohu paetahi, he reo rumaki ngā kōhi katoa (81+ te reo Māori).

    Learn in a bilingual, bicultural, whānau-style atmosphere. This qualification is open to all who have a commitment to developing competence in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga. By the third year of the degree, the delivery is level 1 (81+% te reo Māori immersion).

  • He ako ā-rorohiko, ā-kanohi kitea hoki te momo ako, nā reira, ka taea te ako mai tawhiti. Heoi anō me matua tae ā-tinana mō ētahi wāhanga o ia tau, he noho marae ki te hau kāinga o Kāi Tahu ia tau.

    This is a mixed method style of delivery with content being available online, therefore there is the ability to learn from anywhere. Kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) delivery will also be included in the programme through scheduled block wānanga each year and one noho marae each year.

  • Ko ngā wheako mahi ngaio, arā ngā kōhi 'Mana Ako', kei rō whare kōhungahunga me ngā kura tuatahi Māori he wāhanga matua kia mārama pū ki ngā āhuatanga o te taiao ako me ngā mahi o te kaiako.

    Professional Practice Exploration experiences may occur in whare kōhungahunga (early childhood centres), bilingual primary, and kura kaupapa Māori settings throughout your degree.

Part of this application process isa selection hui to evaluate your te reo Māori proficiency level.

  • For those with no or limited te reo Māori proficiency at entry, you will be guided to completeTREO110ORAKOT110in Summer School before starting the programme.
  • For those with some knowledge of te reo Māori (basic — conversational), you will follow the normal course programme outlined above including the Mana Reo courses.
  • For those with a high proficiency of te reo Māori, you may receive Recognition of Prior Learning for AKOM192.
  • For those with a high proficiency in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, you may receive Recognition of Prior Learning for AKOM192, AKOM293, and/or AKOM394 (your ability will determine how many of these courses).
  • Alternatively, you may take reo rumaki (Māori language immersion) Summer School courses in the second and third year of the degree to further strengthen your confidence and competence to teach in and through te reo Māori —TREO180andTREO280.

Our teacher education programmes have specialised application processes.Please read theGuide to applyingsection and complete the steps, before applying throughmyUC.

Before applying, it’s important to consider the commitment you are making to a professional education programme. To be successful, you will need to devote a significant amount of time each week to study and preparation, as well as demonstrate a commitment to professionalism in all areas.

This programme has a biennial intake model with the next intake commencing in 2025. He pātai? Any questions, make an appointment with Marie Gibson.

Mā te ara Mātauranga Māori kei Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako koutou e whai mōhiotanga mō ngā mahi o te kaiako kei ngā whare kōhungahunga me ngā kura tuatahi, mai te taumata reo 2 (51%+ te reo Māori). Ka oti tēnei tohu I a koe, kei a koe ngā pūkenga whakaako ki rō Kura Aunoa (Auraki), kei reira e whakanuia ana te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, ngā mōhiotanga o ngā take kākāno rua me ngā ahurea whakamana i te tipu mai o te tamaiti.

The Mātauranga Māori Initial Teacher Education pathway will equip you to work in whare kōhungahunga (early childhood) and/or kura tuatahi (primary) settings working at level 2 (51-80% te reo Māori immersion) or higher. A graduate of the Mātauranga Māori programme has the ability to work in bilingual English medium educational settings, where knowledge of te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, bicultural practice, and culturally empowering pedagogies are valued as a means to support child development.

Useful links

Check out the Education Workforce - Become a teacher scholarships available forMāori Medium, Te ReoMāori and Immersion.

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