

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Environmental engineering

07 February 2024

Our well-equipped, modern laboratory has all the basic environmental chemistry analytical facilities, two temperature-controlled rooms, and a number of laboratory-scale wastewater treatment reactors. Learn more about our Environmental Engineering facilities.


Our well-equipped modern laboratory occupies a floor area of 235 m2 and contains all the basic environmental chemistry analytical facilities, plus two temperature-controlled rooms and a number of laboratory-scale wastewater treatment reactors.

Major equipment includes:

  • Total organic carbon analyser, with autosampler
  • Ion analyser, with heater block and autosampler
  • Gas chromatograph, with autosampler
  • Respirometric BOD apparatus
  • COD reactor (semi-micro)
  • Dissolved oxygen meters
  • Jar test apparatus
  • Stainless steel reactor vessels (7 with capacity of 30l each)
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