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Study Business


08 September 2023

Ōtautahi Christchurch is one of the most entrepreneurial, sustainable cities in Aotearoa and a great place to start your study and work journeys. From accounting and finance to marketing and economics, have a look at all the subjects you can study at UC's Business School.


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Te Kura Umanga | UC Business Schoolcovers a wide range of subjects includingaccounting, entrepreneurship, tourismmarketing and management. You will havethe opportunity to tailor your degree toyour interests and job goals.

Practical learning

There may be opportunities to participatein placements with organisations; createa start-up with Te Pokapū RakahinongaUC Centre for Entrepreneurship (UCE) orstudent-run club Գٰé; learn about tradingat our trading room; or participate inbusiness challenges where you can work onreal-life cases and come up with solutionsfor local organisations, and more.

Global learning

Te Kura Umanga | UC Business School hasvarious international opportunities throughUC global exchange and study tours withour partner universities. An overseasexperience during your studies will give youa multicultural perspective on business thatis highly valued by employers.

Business and culture

Kaupapa Māori is integrated into ourcourses, so you can learn about Māori valuesand culture in a business setting. Alongsideour Māori Indigenous knowledge, learnabout Aotearoa New Zealand’s place indiverse cultural contexts in order to createstrong relationships, locally and globally.

Student life

With 160+ active clubs on campus, you willbe able to pursue your interests outsideyour studies and try new hobbies.You can also enhance your studies with clubsthat are relevant to your degree such as:

  • Investment Society
  • UC Women in Business
  • UC Commerce Society
  • Accounting Society.

Work-Intergrated Learning

Set yourself apart by engaging withWork-Integrated Learning at UC. As part ofyour degree, you are able to apply what youlearn in your courses to practical settingslike internships, projects, and competitionswith industry.

This hands-on approach not only enrichesyour education, but also helps you developessential skills, gain valuable industryinsights, and build a professional network— so you can put your best foot forwardas you transition into work.

Career opportunities

You can open up many career choicesby studying business at UC. As well asbusiness knowledge and skills, you willgain transferable skills that can be used indifferent fields of work.

Graduates have combined their personalinterests and knowledge to work in careerssuch as accounting, human resourcemanagement, finance, economics,marketing, taxation, and operations andsupply chain management.

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