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Student guide to WIL

Aratohu Ākonga, Ako ā-Mahi

13 September 2023

So, you're off on placement as part of your coursework. Great! This will be a stimulating, challenging, exciting, and possibly transformative experience. Whatever it might be, this guide will help you navigate through your Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) experience and help you get the most out of the experience. Check out our student guide to WIL.


Nau mai haere mai ke ako ā-mahi.

So, you are off on placement as part of your coursework. Great! This will be a stimulating, challenging, exciting and possibly even transformative experience. Whatever it may be, this guide has been designed to help you navigate your way through your Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) experience to help you get the most out of the experience.

This guide is in three sections to help you navigate through the experience:

  • Before your WIL starts |I mua ake
  • During your WIL experience |O nāianei
  • After your WIL experience |Ā muri atu

Each section contains important information, tips and advice to help you get the most out of it.

Terms you will come across in this Guide

Ākonga |Students

Host Organisation: This is the organisation who are hosting you during your WIL experience.

HostContact:This is the person who is the main point of contact at the host organisation. There may be a specific term used for this person, such as Field Educator, Partner Supervisor, or another title.

UC Contact: This is the main point of contact for your course while on placement. The role of this person may be different across courses andcouldbe any of the following: Course Coordinator, Placement Coordinator, Clinic Director or another role. If you are unsure who this is, contact the Course Coordinator in the first instance.

WIL: Abbreviation for Work-Integrated Learning. This is the umbrella term used to describe applied learning experiences which integrate the theory you learn during your degree in the classroom, to a real-world environment such as internship (i.e. PACE), placement, final year projects, or practicum (among others). For the purposes of this document, WIL be used in place of a specific term or pathway.

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