2013 Calendar(searchable PDF, 3.38MB)
Sections of the 2013 Calendar
1.General Information pp1-6 (PDF, 81KB)
2. General Regulations and Policies
- Academic Award Regulationpp8-13 (PDF, 221KB)
- Admission Regulationspp14-27 (PDF, 261KB)
- Enrolment and Fees Policies and Regulationspp28-42 (PDF, 144KB)
- General Course and Examination Regulationspp43-57 (PDF, 261KB)
- Other Regulationspp58-62 (PDF, 223KB)
- Academic Policiespp63-64 (PDF, 198KB)
- General Policiespp65-66 (PDF, 198KB)
3. Award Regulations
- Contents pp67-71 (PDF, 97KB)
- Faculty of Commercepp72-102 (PDF, 307KB)
- Faculty of Creative Artspp103-115 (PDF, 255KB)
- Faculty of Educationpp116-172 (PDF, 401KB)
- Faculty of Engineering and Forestrypp173-202 (PDF, 302KB)
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences pp203-333 (PDF, 670MB)
- Faculty of Lawpp334-346 (PDF, 267KB)
- Faculty of Science
- Bridging Programmes Board of Studies pp425-430 (PDF, 218KB)
- Doctoratespp431-448 (PDF, 261KB)
4.Course Cataloguepp449-818 (PDF, 1.58MB)
5.Index pp819-830 (PDF, 148KB)