

Wananga landing Wananga landing


27 August 2024

We have growing checklists of species in and around Ngel Nyaki. They include plants, invertebrates, birds, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, fish, and fungi. From freshwater invertebrates to fungi, learn more about biodiversity at Ngel Nyaki.


  • Freshwater Invertebrates of the Mambilla PlateauDanladi M. Umar, Jon S. Harding & Michael J. Winterbourn. Published by the School of Biological Sciences, Ƶapp, November 2013. 86 pages, colour.
    ISBN (Print) 978-0-473-25489-6, (PDF) 978-0-473-25490-2

  • Nigerian Cameroon chimpanzeePan troglodytes ellioti
  • Putty nose monkeyCercopithecus nicititans
  • Mona monkeyCercopithecus mona
  • Tantalus monkeyChlorocebus tantalus
  • Olive baboonPapio anubis
  • Black and white Colobus monkeyColobus guereza occidentalis
  • Western bushbuckTragelaphus scriptus
  • Blue duikerPhilantomba monticola
  • African pouched ratCricetomys.ԴDZ.
  • Side striped jackalCanis adustus

Mambilla Plateau sightings
  • Cattle Egret
  • Spur-winged Goose
  • Black-shouldered Kite
  • Yellow-billed Kite
  • Hooded Vulture
  • African White-backed Vulture
  • Ruppell's Griffon Vulture
  • Short-toed Eagle
  • Brown Snake Eagle
  • Bateleur
  • African Harrier Hawk
  • Marsh Harrier
  • Red-necked Buzzard
  • African Hawk-Eagle
  • Crowned Eagle
  • Martial Eagle
  • Common Kestrel
  • Fox Kestrel
  • Lanner Falcon
  • Double-spurred Francolin
  • Scaly Francolin
  • Little Button-Quail
  • White-spotted Flufftail
  • Wattled Plover
  • African Green Pigeon
  • Tambourine Dove
  • Blue-spotted Wood Dove
  • Lemon Dove
  • Cameroon Olive Pigeon
  • Red-eyed Dove
  • Adamawa Turtle Dove
  • Laughing Dove
  • Great Blue Turaco
  • Green Turaco
  • White-crested Turaco
  • Levaillants Cuckoo
  • African Cuckoo
  • Senegal Coucal
  • Chestnut-backed Owlet
  • African Wood Owl
  • Marsh Owl
  • Nightjar sp
  • African Palm Swift
  • Swift sp
  • Little Swift
  • Speckled Mousebird
  • Bar-tailed Trogon
  • Grey-headed Kingfisher
  • African Pygmy Kingfisher
  • Black Bee-eater
  • Blue-breasted Bee-eater
  • Piping Hornbill
  • Naked-faced Barbet
  • Western Green Tinkerbird
  • Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
  • Yellow-spotted Barbet
  • Double-toothed Barbet
  • Yellow-billed Barbet
  • Honeyguide sp
  • Cardinal Woodpecker
  • Elliot's Woodpecker
  • Rufous-naped Lark
  • Black Saw-wing
  • Lesser-striped Swallow
  • Rock Martin
  • Barn Swallow
  • House Martin
  • Yellow Wagtail
  • Plain-backed Pipit
  • Tree Pipit
  • Yellow-throated Longclaw
  • Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike
  • Petit's Cuckoo-Shrike
  • Western Mountain Greenbul
  • Little Greenbul
  • Slender-billed Greenbul
  • Yellow-throated Leaf-love
  • Cameroon Olive Greenbul
  • Common Bulbul
  • Nightingale
  • Grey-winged Robin-Chat
  • Red-capped Robin-Chat
  • White-crowned Robin-Chat
  • Common Stonechat
  • Whinchat
  • Heuglin's Wheatear
  • Familiar Chat
  • Sooty Chat
  • African Thrush
  • Bangwa Forest Warbler
  • African Moustached Warbler
  • Melodious Warbler
  • Stout Cisticola
  • Croaking Cisticola
  • Tawny-flanked Prinia
  • White-chinned Prinia
  • Black-collared Apalis
  • Black-throated Apalis
  • Grey Apalis
  • Grey-backed Cameroptera
  • Oriole Warbler
  • Willow Warbler
  • Blackcap
  • Garden Warbler
  • Whitethroat
  • Spotted Flycatcher
  • African Dusky Flycatcher
  • Pied Flycatcher
  • Common Wattle-eye
  • African Blue Flycatcher
  • African Paradise Flycatcher
  • Black-cap Babbler
  • Yellow White-eye
  • Collared Sunbird
  • Pygmy Sunbird
  • Cameroon Sunbird
  • Green-headed Sunbird
  • Variable Sunbird
  • Orange-tufted Sunbird
  • Northern double-collared Sunbird
  • Copper Sunbird
  • Splendid Sunbird
  • Common Fiscal
  • Northern Puffback
  • Pink-footed Puffback
  • Brown-crowned Tchagra
  • Marsh Tchagra
  • Yellow-breasted Boubou
  • Square-tailed Drongo
  • Pied Crow
  • Black-winged Oriole
  • Violet-backed Starling
  • Yellow-billed Oxpecker
  • Grey-headed Sparrow
  • Bush Petronia
  • Bannerman's Weaver
  • Baglafecht Weaver
  • Black-necked Weaver
  • Black-billed Weaver
  • Village Weaver
  • Dark-backed Weaver
  • Western Bluebill
  • Yellow Bishop
  • Pale-fronted Negro-finch
  • Grey-headed Negro-finch
  • Fernando Po Oliveback
  • Dybowski's Twinspot
  • Red-cheeked Cordo-bleu
  • Orange-cheeked Waxbill
  • Black-crowned Waxbill
  • Common Waxbill
  • Bronze Manikin
  • Black and White Manikin
  • Pin-tailed Whydah
  • Yellow-fronted Canary
  • Thick-billed Seed-eater
  • Oriole-Finch
  • Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting

View thebird checklist.

Fungi Identification Guide for Mambilla Plateau, Nigeriahas been produced and is available on request.

Collected by Matt Walters, Bobo, Sasha Roselli, Idirssa Musa and the Field Assistants, December 2012. Identifications by Dr Milen Marinov.

  • Brachythemis impartiata
  • Chalcostephia flavifrons
  • Crocothemis erythraea
  • Crocothemis sanguinolenta
  • Orthetrum abbotti
  • Orthetrum angustiventre
  • Orthetrum camerunense
  • Orthetrum chrysostigma
  • Orthetrum guineense
  • Orthetrum hintzi
  • Orthetrum.
  • Palpopleura portia
  • Pseudagrion.
  • Trithemis imitata

D.P. Knoop has been responsible for taxonomic determinations, for convenience nomenclature and sequence follows Carcasson.

Species confined to the Cameroon-Nigeria Afromontane group are marked with an asterisks (*). ssp. indicates a subspecies.

Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) collected at Ngel Nyaki, Nov-2005

Type faces and position below Super-Family status.





  • Graphium Scopoli, 1777 -Genus

Systematic species list of Lepidoptera




  • 1 species not identified



  • Papilio(Linnaeus, 1758)
    • plagiatus*(Aurivillius, 1898)
    • zenobia(Fabricius, 1775)
    • demodocus(Esper, 1798)
    • dardanus(Brown, 1776)




  • GnophodesWestwood, 1851
    • betsimena.parmeno(Doubleday & Hewitson, 1851)
  • BicyclusKirby, 1871
    • mandanes(Hewitson, 1873) Riverine and lowland forest.
    • golo(Aurivillius, 1893) Montane forest.
    • ?safitza
    • ?sangmelinae


  • YpthimaHubner, 1818
    • albida.occidentalis*(Bartel, 1905)


  • CatopsiliaHubner, 1819
    • florella(Fabricius, 1807)
  • EuremaHubner, 1819
    • brigitta(Stoll, 1780)


  • ColotisHubner, 1819
    • aurora.evarne
  • BelenoisHubner, 1819
    • calypso(Drury, 1773)
    • aurota(Fabricius, 1793)
  • MylothrisHubner, 1819
    • chloris(Fabricius, 1775)
    • jacksoni.knudsoni(Aurivillius, 1891)


  • CharaxesOchsenheimer, 1816
    • fulvescens(Aurivillius, 1891)


  • BebeariaHemming, 1960
    • plistonax(Hewitson, 1874)
    • sophus(Fabricius, 1793)
  • EuphaedraHubner, 1819
    • zaddachi(Dewitz, 1879)
    • medon(Linnaeus, 1763)
    • losinga(Hewitson, 1862)
    • ?prosperina- really bad specimen
  • AtericaBoisduval, 1833
    • galene(Brown, 1776)
  • CynandraSchatz, 1887
    • opis(Drury, 1773)


  • KallimoidesShironzu & Nakanishi, 1984
    • rumia(Westwood, 1850)
  • Protogoniomorpho( ? )
    • parhassus(Drury, 1782)
  • JunoniaHubner, 1819
    • orithia.madagascariensis(Guenee, 1864) Woodland and montane grassland.
    • hierta.cebrene(Trimen, 1870) Woodland and montane grassland.
    • terea(Drury, 1773) Woodland.
  • PrecisHubner, 1819
    • octavia(Cramer, 1777) Woodland, Montane grassland.
    • perlarga(Fabricius, 1775) Woodland.
    • rauana.omissa(Rothschild, 1918) Montane forest.


  • BybliaHubner, 1818
    • anvatara.crameri(Aurivillius, 1894)


  • NeptisFabricius, 1807
    • morosa(Overlaet, 1955)



  • Acraea(Fabricius, 1807)
    • viviana*(Staudinger, 1896) Montane forest, Leinde Fadali.
    • karschi*(Aurivillius, 1898) Montane forest.
    • pharsalus(Ward, 1871) Lowland and montane forest.
    • lycoa(Godart, 1819) Woodland and lowland forest.
    • serena( ? )
    • rogersi*(Hewitson, 1873) Montane forest.
    • bonasia(Fabricius, 1775)

Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) collected at Ngel Nyaki 4-2006

two very good records were added to Ngel Nyaki:

  • Acraea prenna
  • Graphium alamansor


  • Graphium alamansor*
  • Hypolymnas salmacis
  • Protogoniomorpha temora
  • Junonia oenone
  • Belenois zochalia*
  • Pseudargynnis hegemone*
  • Charaxes etheocles
  • Neptis morosa
  • Bicyclus safitza
  • Acraea prenna
    • rogersi
    • egina
  • Amauris damocles
  • *Montane stenotypics

Both are rarely encountered within Nigeria.

  • Acraea orestiaquery v

Species observed in grassland and woodland:


  • Agamacf.sylvanus
  • Trachylepiscf.maculabris
  • Monitor lizardVaranus niloticus


  • Emerald SnakeHapsidophrys smaragdinus
  • Forest CobraNaja melanoleuca
  • Gabon ViperBitis gabonica
  • Yellow-throated Bold Eye Tree Snake Thrasops flavigularis

Species collected in stream near Yelwa:

  • Aphyosemion ?elberti

Preliminary list of amphibians recorded in Ngel Nyaki and Kurmin Danko Forest Reserves, and nearby Yelwa. Data from 2009 and 2012, collated by PhD student Denise Arroyo Lambaer.

SPECIESNgel Nyaki | Kurmin Danko | YELWA
Arthroleptis palavaxx
Cardioglossa pulchrax
Cardioglossa schioetzixx
Leptodactylodon bicolorx
Leptopelis nordequatorialisxx
Amietophrynus maculatusxx
Amietophrynus steindachnerix
Amietophrynus villiersixx
Afrixalus quadrivittatusx
Hyperolius nitidulusx
Hyperolius riggenbachixx
Kassina senegalensisx
Phrynobatrachus dankox
Phrynobatrachus steindachnerix
Xenopus laevisxx

David Blackburn visited Ngel Nyaki in April 2009 and made a preliminary inventory of frogs and reptiles:

Species collected in Ngel Nyaki forest:Arthroleptiscf.sylvaticus;Astylosternus.;Cardioglossa. 1;Cardioglossa. 2;Leptodactylodoncf.bicolor;Leptopelis.;Phrynobatrachus steindachneri;Phrynobatrachus. nov.

Species collected from grasslands or riparian forest:
Arthroleptis. nov.;Bufo?villiersi;Leptopelis nordequatorialis;Ptychadena.

Species heard in grasslands and riparian forest:

Amphibian identifications by D.C. Blackburn and Denise Arroyo Lambaer
Reptile identifications by D.C. Blackburn and L. Welton
Fish identification by E.O. Wiley
Butterfly identifications by D.P. Knoop
Dragonfly identifications by Dr Milen Marinov

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