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Publications, Reports and Data

27 August 2024

Te Taiwhenua o te Hauora | GeoHealth Laboratory has a collection of data and associated reports compiled as part of our GeoHealth Laboratory work programme. These range from alcohol outlets to population vulnerability. If you reuse this data, make sure you use the relevant attribution. Check out our publications, reports, and data.



This page hosts a collection of data and associated reports compiled as part of the GeoHealth Laboratory work programme

If you re-use, publish, distribute or otherwise disseminate this data the relevant attribution should be used


Accounting for multiple environmental influences, such as the clustering of environmental exposures which are either health-promoting‘goods’such as green spaces, or health-constraining‘bads’such as alcohol outlets may represent a more accurate reflection of how environments influence behaviour and health. Nationwide data were collected, processed, and geocoded on a comprehensive range of environmental exposures.

Health-constraining‘bads’are represented by fast-food outlets, takeaway outlets, dairy outlets and convenience stores, alcohol outlets, and gaming venues. Health-promoting‘goods’are represented by green spaces, blue spaces, physical activity facilities, fruit and vegetable outlets, and supermarkets.

This data represents measures of accessibility of environmental‘goods’and‘bads’in New Ƶappby meshblock (2018).

Environmental goods and bads (data download) (ZIP, 103MB)

Environmental Goods and Bads - NZGS 2020 Presentation (PDF, 3MB, 23 pages)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2021). The good, the bad, and the environment: Developing an area-based measure of access to health-promoting and health-constraining environments in New Zealand.International Journal of Health Geographics, 20(1), 16-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-021-00269-x

Alcohol outlet data in New Ƶappwere obtained, cleaned and geocoded. Alcohol outlets were sourced from the Alcohol Regulatory & Licensing Authority (ARLA) for the period 2015-2018 from the current and active licence register. All alcohol outlets (n=19,035) were extracted from the database based on the proprietary classifications provided by ARLA. The sale of alcohol to the public in New Ƶapprequires the seller to have a licence and can be obtained from:.

Data were removed if duplicates (n=3,657) or if conveyance services (n=203) such as airlines who were often registered at the airport rather than actual location of sale. Highways were then checked manually (n=165) as address records often stated the business name and State Highway 1 for instance. Subsequently, 14 records were removed as addresses could not be identified. This resulted in a final sample of 13,989 alcohol outlets to geocode within ArcGIS 10.7.1. Within the output, 13,694 were matched and 295 were tied results. We then tested a random 100 records to investigate if they were geocoded to the correct CAU and 92% were found to be correct. Within this, 2,148 were club licences, 3,423 were off-licence, 8,077 were on-licence and 341 were special licence.

Alcohol outlets (data download) (CSV, 788KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Deng, B.Y., Wiki J., Hobbs, M., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020).GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide alcohol outlets 2015–2018.(Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data

Data on the location of gaming venues (n=1081) were obtained from the 2018 Department of Internal Affairs register and were extracted based on proprietary classification in the register for all licenced gaming venues. Constructs were defined as consistent with the Department of Internal Affairs register and included licensed venues operating gaming machines.

Data were geocoded using Google Maps Geocoding API through Rstudio using the ggmap package with one record not being able to geocode. As in with previous data, we have tested 100 randomly selected record in order to estimate geocoding accuracy (98%).

Gaming venues (data download) (ZIP, 77KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2021). The good, the bad, and the environment: Developing an area-based measure of access to health-promoting and health-constraining environments in New Zealand.International Journal of Health Geographics, 20(1), 16-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-021-00269-x

Data on the location of pharmacies nationwide (2017).

Pharmacies (data download) (ZIP, 186KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Wiki J., Hobbs, M., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide pharmacies. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data

Data on the location of hospitals nationwide (2017).

Hospitals (data download) (ZIP, 5KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Marek, L., Wiki J., Hobbs, M., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide hospital locations. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data

Data on the location of General Practitioners (GPs) nationwide.

General practitioners (data download) (ZIP, 79KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide general practitioner locations. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data

Data on the location ofcommunity oral health services nationwide.

Community oral health services (data download) (ZIP, 108KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide community oral health service locations. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data

Data on the location of food outlets are from two sources, Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Territorial Authorities (TAs). Data on business registrations from MPIs public register was collected in 2017. Data on health licences from 2013–2015 were requested from 66 TAs, excluding Chatham Islands due to their remote nature, and pre-defined categories of business were given by 89.6%. If not given, the business name was used for categorisation, with ambiguous names investigated or excluded if a category could not be defined.

Data was geocoded using Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API), and the geographic coordinates for any un-matched records were manually looked up. Data may be incomplete in rural areas.

Dairy and convenience stores (data download) (ZIP, 371KB, 1 page)

Fast food (data download) (ZIP, 179KB, 1 page)

Fruit and vegetable stores (data download) (ZIP, 59KB, 1 page)

Supermarkets (data download) (ZIP, 132KB, 1 page)

Takeaways (data download) (ZIP, 540KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2019). Accessibility to food retailers and socioeconomic deprivation in urban New Zealand. New ƵappGeographer, 75(1), 3-11.

Nationwide population vulnerability data based on demographic variables, socioeconomic deprivation, long-term health conditions, health behaviours, linguistic barriers and health service awareness at Statistical Area 2 (SA2) level.

Population vulnerability (data download) (ZIP, 300KB, 1 page)

This work is licensed under a

Citation:Wiki, J., Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2021). Understanding vulnerability to COVID-19 in New Zealand: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Academic Publications

Key publications

The staff associated with the GeoHealth Laboratory have published widely in national and international Geography and Public Health journals.Visit the UC Research Repository () to access publications and theses.

A selection of recent key publications are listed below:

  • Hobbs M Marek L., McLeod, G. F. H., Woodward, L. J., Sturman, A., Kingham, S., B., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Epton, M., Eggleton, P., Deng, B., Campbell, M., & Boden, J. 2024. Exploring the feasibility of linking historical air pollution data to the Christchurch Health and Development study: A birth cohort study in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 50, 100675.
  • Campbell, M. (2024) New Data, New Directions: A Commentary on Emerging Big Geospatial Data for Population Research. New ƵappPopulation Review [accepted]
  • Eggleton, P., Campbell, M., Hobbs, M., McLeod, G FH., Boden, J. (2024) Investigating misclassification in exposure to the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence using a birth cohort study. New ƵappPopulation Review [accepted] [in progress]
  • Deng, B., Campbell, M., McLeod, G., Boden, J., Marek, L., Sabel, E.C., Norman, P. D., and Hobbs, M. (2024). Construction of a consistent historic time-series area-level deprivation metric for Aotearoa New Zealand. New ƵappPopulation Review [Accepted on 30th Jan 2024]
  • Deng, B., McLeod, G. F., Boden, J., Sabel, C. E., Campbell, M., Eggleton, P., & Hobbs, M. (2024). The impact of area-level socioeconomic status in childhood on mental health in adolescence and adulthood: A prospective birth cohort study in Aotearoa New Zealand. Health & Place, 88, 103246.
  • Waterman I, Marek L, Ahuriri-Driscoll A, Mohammed J, Epton M, Hobbs M. (2024) Investigating the spatial and temporal variation of vape retailer provision in New Zealand: A cross-sectional and nationwide study.Social Science and Medicine 349 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116848
  • Hetrick SE, Hobbs M, Fortune S, Marek L, Wiki J, Boden JM, Theodore R, Ruhe T, Kokaua JJ, Thabrew H, et al. Proximity of alcohol outlets and presentation to hospital by young people after self-harm: A retrospective geospatial study using the integrated data infrastructure.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Psychiatry 58 (2):152-161 01 Feb 2024.
  • Hobbs M, Puente-Sierra M, Marek L, Broadbent JM, Chambers T. Examining the Structural Inequities in the Quality of Nationwide Drinking Water Data in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Geospatial Cross-Sectional Study.Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 01 Jan 2024.
  • Harvet A, Hobbs M. Beyond the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup Australia - New Zealand: Public health advocacy and the absence of health-conscious sport sponsorship. Public Health Practice, 2023 Dec 27;7:100461.
  • Hills SP, Hobbs M, Brown P, Tipton M, Barwood M. Association between air temperature and unintentional drowning risk in the United Kingdom 2012-2019: A nationwide case-crossover study. Preventive Medicine. 2024 Feb;179:107832.
  • Kindon AJ, Benson RA. Aneurysm Screening: The Next Generation Demands Couture, Not Prêt-à-Porter. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2024 Apr 16:S1078-5884(24)00342-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2024.04.006. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38626872.

  • Hobbs M., McLeod GFH., Mackenbach JD.,Marek L., Wiki J., Deng B., Eggleton P.,Boden JM., Bhubaneswor D. andCampbell M.(2023)Change in the food environment and measured adiposity in adulthood in the Christchurch Health and development birth cohort, Aotearoa, New Zealand: A birth cohort study.Health and Place 83.
  • Marek L.,Hills S.,Wiki J., Campbell M. and Hobbs M. (2023)Towards a better understanding of residential mobility and the environments in which adults reside: A nationwide geospatial study from Aotearoa New Zealand.Habitat International 133.
  • McLeod GFH, Broadbent JM, Kinnersley B, Insch A, Lee M, Schluter PJ, Wade A, Hobbs M. New ƵappDental Journal 119(4):167-176 01 Dec 2023.
  • Schluter PJ, Hobbs M, Ahuriri-Driscoll A, Kokaua J, Singh S, Lee M. The pattern of association between early childhood caries and body mass index in pre-school children within Aotearoa.Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 51(6):1109-1117 01 Dec 2023
  • Hobbs M, Marek L, Young A, Willing E, Dawson P, McIntyre P. Examining spatial variation for immunisation coverage in pregnant women: A nationwide and geospatial retrospective cohort study in Aotearoa New Zealand.Social Science and Medicine 335 01 Oct 2023.
  • Hobbs M, McLeod GFH, Mackenbach JD, Marek L, Wiki J, Deng B, Eggleton P, Boden JM, Bhubaneswor D, Campbell M, et al. Change in the food environment and measured adiposity in adulthood in the Christchurch Health and development birth cohort, Aotearoa, New Zealand: A birth cohort study.Health and Place 83 01 Sep 2023.
  • Hobbs M, Hills S, Marek L, Tipton M, Barwood M. Investigating the spatial clustering of drowning events in the United Kingdom: A geospatial cross-sectional study.Applied Geography 158 01 Sep 2023.
  • Puente-Sierra M, Chambers T, Marek L, Broadbent JM, O'Brien B, Hobbs M. The development and validation of a nationwide dataset of water distribution zones in Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional geospatial study.Data in Brief 49 01 Aug 2023.
  • Hobbs M, Young A, Turner N, Dawson P, Willing E, McIntyre P, McIntosh CG. New ƵappMedical Journal 136(1578):94-99 07 Jul 2023.
  • Lee JJM, Schluter PJ, Hodgett M, Deng B, Hobbs M. Adolescents and oral health service utilization in Canterbury, New Zealand: A geospatial cross-sectional study.Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 51(3):388-398 01 Jun 2023.
  • Chambers T, Hobbs M, Broadbent JM. An assessment of compliance with optimal fluoride levels for oral health benefit by New Ƶappdrinking water suppliers.Journal of Public Health Dentistry 83(2):217-221 01 Jun 2023.
  • Thomas C, Braund R, Bowden N, Hobbs M, Kokaua J, Paterson H. Disparities in utilisation of combined oral contraceptives in Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional whole-of-population study.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 63(3):441-447 01 Jun 2023.
  • Desjardins MR, Murray ET, Baranyi G, Hobbs M, Curtis S. Improving longitudinal research in geospatial health: An agenda.Health and Place 80 01 Mar 2023.
  • Kingsnorth AP, Moltchanova E, Thomas JJC, Whelan ME, Orme MW, Esliger DW, Hobbs M. Interchangeability of Research and Commercial Wearable Device Data for Assessing Associations With Cardiometabolic Risk Markers.Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour 6(3):169-175 01 Jan 2023
  • Kindon AJ, McCombie AM, Frampton C, Khashram M, Clarke G, Roake J. Early Relative Growth Rate of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Future Risk of Rupture or Repair. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2023 Dec;66(6):797-803. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2023.08.006. Epub 2023 Aug 9. PMID: 37567340.

  • Hobbs M.,Stewart T.,Marek L.,Duncan S.,Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2022)Health-promoting and health-constraining environmental features and physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adolescence: a geospatial cross-sectional study.Health and Place 77.
  • Campbell M. and Marek L. (2022) Health Geography and Big Data Adventures. Methodological Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges. In Rosenberg M; Lovell S; Coen S (Ed.),Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography: 227-243.Routledge..
  • Campbell M., Marek L., Wiki J., Hobbs M., Conrow L. and Kingham S. (2022) Regional Patterns of the Pandemic: A View from Aotearoa New Zealand. In Laituri M; Richardson RB; Junghwan K (Ed.),The Geographies of COVID-19. Geospatial Stories of a Global Pandemic.(1 ed.): 165-179.Springer..

  • Campbell M. (2021) Pandemics and emergent digital inequalities. New ƵappGeographer 77(3): 180-184..
  • Kearns R. andCampbell M.(2021) Introduction: Pandemic geographies in Aotearoa New Zealand. New ƵappGeographer 77(3): 153-154..
  • Conrow L., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2021) Transport changes and COVID-19: From present impacts to future possibilities. New ƵappGeographer 77(3): 185-190..
  • Marek L., Hobbs M., Wiki J.,McCarthy J., Tomintz M., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2021)Spatialoral patterns of childhood immunization in New Ƶapp(2006-2017): An improving pattern but not for all?European Journal of Public Health 31(3): 561-566..
  • Levy D., Hills R., Perkins HC., Mackay M.,Campbell M. and Johnston K. (2021)Local benevolent property development entrepreneurs in small town regeneration.Land Use Policy 108.
  • Vannier C., Mulligan H., Wilkinson A., Elder S., Malik A., Morrish D.,Campbell M., Kingham S. and Epton M. (2021)Strengthening community connection and personal well-being through volunteering in New Zealand.Health and Social Care in the Community 29(6): 1971-1979..
  • Conrow L., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2021)Transport changes and COVID-19: From present impacts to future possibilities.New ƵappGeographer 77(3): 185-190..
  • Wiki J., Kingham S. and Campbell M. (2021)A geospatial analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the food environment in urban New Zealand.Social Science and Medicine 288.
  • Wiki, J., Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M.(2021). Understanding vulnerability to COVID-19 in New Zealand: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.https://doi:10.1080/03036758.2021.1900294
  • Campbell, M., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Hobbs, M., Sabel, C., McCarthy, J.,& Kingham, S.(2021). National movement patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand: the unexplored role of neighbourhood deprivation. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Published Online First 16 March 2021.https://doi:10.1136/jech-2020-216108
  • Hobbs, M., Kingham, S., Wiki, J., Marek, L., & Campbell, M.(2021). Unhealthy environments are associated with adverse mental health and psychological distress: Cross-sectional evidence from nationally representative data in New Zealand. Preventive Medicine, 145.Https://doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106416
  • Hobbs, M., Schoeppe, S., Duncan, M. J., Vandelanotte, C.,Marek, L., Wiki, J.. . .Kingham, S.(2021). Objectively measured waist circumference is most strongly associated in father–boy and mother–girl dyads in a large nationally representative sample of New Zealanders. International Journal of Obesity, 45(2), 438-448.https://doi:10.1038/s41366-020-00699-w
  • Hobbs, M., Mackenbach, J. D.,Wiki, J., Marek, L., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. M. (2021). Investigating change in the food environment over 10 years in urban New Zealand: A longitudinal and nationwide geospatial study. Social Science and Medicine, 269.https://doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113522
  • Marek, L., Greenwell, J.,Hobbs, M., McCarthy, J.,Wiki, J., Campbell, M., Kingham, S., & Tomintz, M.(2021). Combining large linked social service microdata and geospatial data to identify vulnerable populations in New Zealand. In M. Birkin, G. Clarke, J. Corcoran, & R. Stimson (Eds.), Big Data Applications in Geography and Planning – An Essential Companion (pp. 52–63). Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Oldroyd, R.A.,Hobbs, M., Campbell, M., Jenneson, V., Morris, M.A., Pontin, F., Sturley, C.,Tomintz, M., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Birkin, M.,& Kingham, S.(2021). Progress towards using linked population-based data for geohealth research: Comparisons of Aotearoa New Ƶappand the United Kingdom. Applied Spatial Analysis.
  • Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M.(2021). The good, the bad, and the environment: Developing an area-based measure of access to health-promoting and health-constraining environments in New Zealand. International Journal of Health Geographics, 20(1), 16- 16.
  • Hobbs, M., Biddle, S. J. H., Kingsnorth, A. P.,Marek, L., Tomintz, M., Wiki, J., McCarthy, J.,Campbell, M., & Kingham, S.(2021). Investigating the association between child television viewing and measured child adiposity outcomes in a large nationally representative sample of New Zealanders: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 1-9.
  • Campbell, M., Wiki, J., Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Wilson, M., &Kingham, S.(2021). The Value of a Policy-Responsive Research Funding Model: The Geohealth Laboratory Collaboration in New Zealand. In A. Rajabifard, G. Foliente, D. Paez (Eds.), COVID-19 Pandemic, Geospatial Information, and Community Resilience: Global Applications and Lessons (pp. 469–473). Taylor & Francis
  • Campbell, M., Marek, L., & Hobbs, M.(2021). Reconsidering movement and exposure: Towards a more dynamic health geography. Geography Compass.

  • Hobbs, M., Marek, L., Clarke, R., McCarthy, J.,Tomintz, M., Wade, A.,Campbell, M., & Kingham, S.(2020). Investigating the prevalence of non-fluoride toothpaste use in adults and children using nationally representative data from New Zealand: a cross-sectional study. British Dental Journal, 228 (4), pp.269-276.https://doi:10.1038/s41415-020-1304-5
  • Hobbs, M., Wade, A., Jones, P.,Marek, L., Tomintz, M., Sharma, K., McCarthy, J., Mattingley, B.,Campbell, M., & Kingham, S.(2020). ‘Area-level deprivation, childhood dental ambulatory sensitive hospitalizations and community water fluoridation: evidence from New Zealand’,International Journal of Epidemiology, dyaa043,
  • Marek, L., Hobbs, M., McCarthy, J.,Wiki, J., Tomintz, M., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S.(2020). Investigating spatial variation and change (2006–2017) in childhood immunisation coverage in New Zealand. Social Science & Medicine, 113292.
  • Marek, L., Wiki, J., Campbell, M., Kingham, S., Sabel, C.,Tomintz, M., & Hobbs, M.(2020). Slipping under the radar: worsened health outcomes in semi-urban areas of New Zealand. The New ƵappMedical Journal (Online), 133(1519), 121-125
  • Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M.(2020). A geospatial analysis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the food environment in urban New Zealand. Social Science & Medicine, 113231.
  • Marek L., Hobbs M., McCarthy J.,Wiki J., Tomintz M., Campbell M., & Kingham S.(2020). Investigating spatial variation and change (2006 – 2017) in childhood immunization coverage in New Zealand. Social Science and Medicine 264:113292
  • Marek L., Hobbs M., Wiki J., McCarthy J.,Tomintz M., Campbell M., & Kingham S.(2020). Spatial-temporal patterns of childhood immunisation in New Ƶapp(2006–2017): an improving pattern but not for all? European Journal of Public Health
  • Hobbs M., Marek L., Wiki J., Campbell M., Deng B., Sharpe H., McCarthy J.,& Kingham S.(2020). Close Proximity to alcohol outlets is associated with increased crime and hazardous drinking: Pooled nationally representative data from New Zealand. Health and Place 65: 102397.
  • Hobbs M., Schoeppe S., Duncan M.J. et al. (2020). Objectively measured waist circumference is most strongly associated in father–boy and mother–girl dyads in a large nationally representative sample of New Zealanders. Int J Obes.
  • Vannier C., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2020)Pathways to urban health and well-being: Measuring and modelling of community services in a medium size city.Geospatial Health 15(1): 156-167..

  • Campbell M., McNair H., Mackay M. and Perkins HC. (2019)Disrupting the regional housing market: Airbnb in New Zealand.Regional Studies, Regional Science 6(1): 139-142..
  • Hobbs, M., Tomintz, M., McCarthy, J.,Marek, L., Vannier, C.,Campbell, M., & Kingham, S.(2019). Obesity risk in women of childbearing age in New Zealand: A nationally representative cross-sectional study. International Journal of Public Health, 64(4), 625-635.
  • Hobbs, M., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A.,Marek, L., Campbell, M., Tomintz, M., & Kingham, S.(2019). Reducing health inequity for Māori people in New Zealand. The Lancet (British Edition), 394(10209), 1613-1614.
  • Perkins HC., Mackay M., Levy D.,Campbell M., Taylor N., Hills R. and Johnston K. (2019)Revealing regional regeneration projects in three small towns in Aotearoa—New Zealand.New ƵappGeographer 75(3): 140-151..
  • Wiki J., Kingham S. and Campbell M. (2019)Accessibility to food retailers and socio-economic deprivation in urban New Zealand.New ƵappGeographer 75(1): 3-11..

  • Apparicio P., Gelb J., Carrier M., Mathieu MÈ. andKingham S.(2018)Exposure to noise and air pollution by mode of transportation during rush hours in Montreal.Journal of Transport Geography 70: 182-192..
  • Hobbs M., Duncan M., Collins P., Mckenna J., Schoeppe S., Rebar AL., Short C. and Vandelanotte C. (2018)Clusters of health behaviours in Queensland adults are associated with different socio-demographic characteristics.Journal of Public Health early access online.
  • Hobbs M., Griffiths C., Green MA., Christensen A. and McKenna J. (2018)Examining longitudinal associations between the recreational physical activity environment, change in body mass index, and obesity by age in 8864 Yorkshire Health Study participants.Social Science and Medicine.
  • Hobbs M., Griffiths C., Green MA., Jordan H., Saunders J. and McKenna J. (2018)Associations between the combined physical activity environment, socioeconomic status, and obesity: a cross-sectional study.Perspectives in Public Health 138(3): 169-172..
  • Hobbs M., Griffiths C., Green MA., Jordan H., Saunders J. and McKenna J. (2018)Neighbourhood typologies and associations with body mass index and obesity: A cross-sectional study.Preventive Medicine 111: 351-357..
  • Marek, L., Campbell, M., Epton, M.,Kingham, S., and Storer, M. (2018). Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and Spatiotemporal Modelling Approach for Better Understanding a Respiratory Disease. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Information 7: 432.
  • Tomintz, M Nand Barnett, R. (2018) Geosimulationapproach for filling the gap of non-response smoking data from the census 2013: A spatial analysis of census area unit geographies. New ƵappGeographer, 152-159, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/nzg.12199.
  • Wiki J., Kingham S. and Campbell, M.(2018) Accessibility to food retailers and socio‐economic deprivation in urban New Zealand. New ƵappGeographer

  • Marek, L., Campbell, M. and Bui, L. (2017) Shaking for innovation: The (re)building of a (smart) city in a post disaster environment.Cities63: 41-50.. (Journal articles)
  • Beere P & Kingham S, 2017, Greenspace Exposure and Academic Achievement in Urban New ƵappPrimary Schools. New ƵappGeographer.http://doi:10.1111/nzg.12155 11
  • Griffin E, McCarthy J, Thomas F & Kingham S, 2017, New ƵappHealthline call data used to measure the effect of travel time on the use of the emergency department. Social Science & Medicine 179, 91–96.
  • Marek L, Campbell M & Bui L, 2017, Shaking for innovation: The (re)building of a (smart) city in a post disaster environment. Cities 63: 41-50. 2016.12.013..
  • Pattinson W, Kingham S, Longley I & Salmond J, 2017, Potential pollution exposure reductions from small-distance bicycle lane separations. Journal of Transport & Health4, 40–52.
  • Tomintz MN, Kosar B & García-Barrios VM, 2017, simSALUD – an open source spatial microsimulation tool for novices and experts.The International Journal of Microsimulation, 10, 2, 118-143,

  • Bowie, C., Campbell, M.,Beere, P. and Kingham, S. (2016) Social and spatial inequalities in Rotaviral enteritis: supporting universally funded vaccination in New Zealand.New ƵappMedical Journal129(1431): 59
  • Campbell, Malcolm. and Ballas, Dimitris. (2016) SimAlba: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach to the Analysis of Health Inequalities.Frontiers in Public Health4. (Journal articles)
  • Apparicio P, Carrier M, Gelb J, Séguin A & Kingham S, 2016, Cyclists’ exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise in central city neighbourhoods of Montreal. Journal of Transport Geography, 57, 63-69.http://doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.09.014
  • Hogg D, Kingham S, Wilson T & Ardagh, M, 2016, The effects of spatially varying earthquake impacts on mood and anxiety symptom treatments among long-term Christchurch residents following the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes, New Zealand. Health & Place 41, 78-88.
  • Hogg D, Kingham S, Wilson T & Ardagh M, 2016, Spatio-temporal variation of mood and anxiety symptom treatments in Christchurch in the context of the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquake sequence. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 19, 91-102.
  • Hogg D, Kingham S, Wilson T, & Ardagh M, 2016, The effects of relocation and level of affectedness on mood and anxiety symptom treatments after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Social Science & Medicine, 152, 18-26.
  • Nutsford D, Pearson A, Kingham S & Reitsma F, 2016, Residential exposure to visible blue space (but not green space) associated with lower psychological distress in a capital city. Health and Place 39, 70-78.
  • Pattinson W, Langstaff J, Longley I & Kingham S, 2016, Using an ambient air pollution exposure model to explore the impact of local residents' proximity to a major highway. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 9, 4, 335–357
  • Sabel C, Hiscock R, Asikainen A, Bi J, Depledge M, van den Elshout S, Friedrich R, Huang G, Hurley F, Jantunen M, Karakitsios S, Keuken M, Kingham S, Kontoroupis P, Kuenzli N, Liu M, Martuzzi M, Morton K, Mudu P, Niittynen M, Perez L, Sarigiannis D, Stahl-Timmins W, Tobollik M, Tuomisto J & Willers S, 2016. Public health impacts of city policies to reduce climate change: findings from the URGENCHE EU-China project. Environmental Health 15 (Supp 1): 25..
  • Schluter P, Ahuriri-Driscoll A, Anderson T, Beere P, Brown J, Dalrymple-Alford J, Davidson A, Gillon D, Hirdes J, Keeling S, Kingham S, Lacey C, Menclova A, Millar N, Mor V & Jamieson H, 2016, Comprehensive Clinical Assessment of Home-based Older Persons within New Zealand: an epidemiological profile of a national cross-section. Australian & New ƵappJournal of Public Health, 40, 4, 349–355.
  • Tomintz MN, Kosar B & Clarke GP, 2016, smokeSALUD: exploring the effect of demographic change on the smoking prevalence at municipality level in Austria,International Journal of Health Geographics, 15, 1
  • Tomintz MN & Garcia-Barrios VM (2016).simSALUD - Towards a Health Decision Support System for Regional Planning, in Lombard J, Clarke GP and Stern E (eds.): Applied spatial modelling and planning, Routledge, London.Tomintz MN, Kosar B & García-Barrios VM, 2016, simSALUD – an open source spatial microsimulation tool for novices and experts.The International Journal of Microsimulation, 10, 2, 118-143,
  • Zmölnig J, Tomintz MN & Clarke GP, 2016, Mapping the distribution of diabetes for public health support in Austria,GIS.Science, Wichmann, 3, 86-97.

  • Campbell M, Beere P, Bowie C, Griffin E, Kingham S, 2015. Suicides and unemployment: is there a relationship in New Zealand?Australasian Epidemiologist
  • Campbell MH, Bowie C, Kingham S, McCarthy JP, 2015. Painting a picture of trans-Tasman mortality.Public Health129, 4, 396-402.
  • Nutsford D, Reitsma F, Pearson A and Kingham S, 2015. Personalising the Viewshed: Visibility analysis from the human perspective.Applied Geography62, 1.
  • Jenkins G, Pearson A, Bentham G, Day P and Kingham S (2015). Neighbourhood influences on children’s weight-related behaviours and BMI. AIMS Public Health 2(3), 501.
  • MacRae J, Kingham S and Griffin E (2015). The effect of spatial barriers on realised accessibility to health services after a natural disaster. Health & Place 35, 1–10.
  • Tomintz MN, Clarke GP and Alfadhli N (2015). Location-allocation models. in: Brunsdon, C and Singleton A (eds.): Geocomputation: a Practical Primer, Sage, London.

  • Hogg D, Kingham S, Wilson T, Griffin E and Ardagh M, 2014, Geographic variation of clinically diagnosed mood and anxiety disorders in Christchurch after the 2010/11 earthquakes.Health and Place30, 270–278.
  • Storer M, Salmond J, Dirks K, Kingham S and Epton M, 2014. Mobile selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) devices and their use for pollution exposure monitoring in breath and ambient air–pilot study.Journal of Breath Research8, 037106.
  • Pearson AL, Bentham G, Day P and Kingham S, 2014, Associations between neighbourhood environmental characteristics and obesity and related behaviours among adult New Zealanders.BMC Public Health14, 553.
  • Pattinson W, Longley I and Kingham S, 2014. Proximity to busy highways and local resident perceptions of air quality.Health and Place31, 154–162.
  • Bowie C, Pearson AL, Campbell M, Barnett R, 2014. Household crowding associated with childhood otitis media hospitalisations in New Zealand.Australia and New ƵappJournal of Public Health. Published online.
  • Campbell M, Apparicio P, Day, P, 2014. Geographic analysis of infant mortality New Zealand, 1995-2008: an ethnicity perspective.Australia and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, in press
  • Pearson AL, Barnard L, Pearce J, Kingham S, Howden-Chapman P, 2014. Housing quality and resilience in New Zealand.Building Research & Information.Vol 42 (2), pp 182-190.
  • Pearson AL, Winter PR, McBreen B, Stewart G, Roets R, Bowie C, Nutsford D, Donnellan N, Wilson N, 2014. Obtaining fruit and vegetables for the lowest prices: Pricing survey of different outlets and geographical analysis of competition effects. PLOS ONE, Vol 9 (3).
  • Tisch C, Pearson AL, Kingham S, Borman B, Briggs D, 2014. Environmental Health Indicators: A review of initiatives worldwide.Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol 25 (4).
  • Walls KL, Benke GR, Kingham S, 2014. Potential increased radon exposure due to greater building energy-efficiency for climate change mitigation.Air Quality & Climate Change,Vol48 (1), pp 16-22.

  • Bowie C, Beere P, Griffin E, Campbell M, Kingham S, 2013. Variation in health and social equity in the spaces where we live: A review of previous literature from the GeoHealth Laboratory.New ƵappSociology Journal, Vol 28 (3), pp 164-191.
  • Campbell, M.H. and Ballas, D. (2013) A spatial microsimulation approach to economic policy analysis in Scotland.Regional Science Policy & Practice5(3): 263-288.
  • Campbell M, Ballas D, Dorling D, Mitchell R, 2013. Mortality inequalities: Scotland versus England and Wales.Health and Place,Vol23, pp 179-186.
  • Nutsford D, Pearson A, Kingham S,2013. An ecological study investigating the association between access to urban green space and mental health.Public Health, Vol 127 (11), pp 1005-1011.
  • Kingham S, Longley I, Salmond J, Pattinson W, Shrestha K, 2013. Variations in exposure to traffic pollution while travelling by different modes in a low density, less congested city.Environmental Pollution, Vol 181, pp 211-218.
  • Kingham S, Pattinson W, Pearson AL, Longley I, Campbell M, Apparicio P, 2013. The use of a land use regression model to predict NO2 air pollution in two small areas of Auckland.Air Quality and Climate Change,Vol47 (3), pp 40-44.
  • Longley I, Kingham S, Dirks K, Somervell E, Pattinson W, Elangasinghe A, 2013.Detailed observations and validated modelling of the impact of traffic on the air quality of roadside communities.New ƵappTransport Agency, pp203.
  • Pearson AL, Pearce J, Kingham S, 2013. Deprived yet healthy: Neighbourhood-level resilience in New Zealand.Social Science and Medicine, Vol 91, pp 238-245.
  • Pearson AL, Griffin E, Davies A, Kingham S, 2013. An ecological study of the relationship between socioeconomic isolation and mental health in the most deprived areas in Auckland, New Zealand.Health and Place,Vol 19, pp 159-166.
  • Pearson A, Kingham S, Mitchell P, Apparicio P, 2013. Exploring hotspots of pneumococcal pneumonia and potential impacts of ejecta dust exposure following the Christchurch earthquakes.Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology,Vol7, pp 1-9.
  • Richardson EA, Pearce J, Mitchell R, Kingham S, 2013. Role of physical activity in the relationship between urban green space and health.Public Health,Vol 127 (4), pp 318-324.
  • Salmond JA, Williams DE, Laing G, Kingham S, Dirks K, Longley I, Henshaw GS, 2013. The influence of vegetation on the horizontal and vertical distribution of pollutants in a street canyon.Science of the Total Environment, Vol 443, pp 287-298.

  • Ballas D, Campbell M, Clarke G, Hanaoka K, Nakaya T, Waley P, 2012. A spatial microsimulation approach to small area income estimation in Britain and Japan.Studies in Regional Science,Vol42 (1), pp 163-187.
  • Kingham S, Longley I, Salmond J, Pattinson W, Shrestha K, 2012. Variations in exposure to traffic pollution while travelling by different modes in a low density, less congested city.Environmental Pollution, accepted.
  • Graham F, White P, Kingham S, Harte D, 2012. Changing Epidemiological Trends of Legionellosis in NewZealand, 1979-2009.Epidemiology and Infection, Vol 140 (8), pp 1481-96.
  • Day P, Breetzke G, Kingham S, Campbell M, 2012. Close proximity to alcohol outlets is associated with increased serious violent crime in New Zealand.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, Vol 36, pp 48–54. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2012.00827.x
  • Moon G, Pearce J, Barnett JR, 2012. Smoking, ethnic residential segregation and ethnic diversity: a spatio-temporal analysis.Annals Association of AmericanGeographers, Vol 102, pp 1-10.
  • Pearce J, Barnett JR, Moon G, Pearce, J, 2012. Socio-spatial inequalities in health-related behaviours: pathways linking place and smoking.Progress in Human Geography,Vol 36, pp 3-24.
  • Hiscock R, Moon G, Pearce J, Barnett R, Daley V, 2012. Do General Medical Practice Characteristics Influence the Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Programs? A Multilevel Analysis.Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Vol 14, pp 703-710.
  • Brewer N, Pearce N, Day P, Borman B, 2012. Travel time and distance to health care only partially account for the ethnic inequalities in cervical cancer stage at diagnosis and mortality in New Zealand.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, Vol 36 (4), pp 335-342. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2012.00843.x

  • Kingham S, 2011. How important is urban air pollution as a health hazard? (invited editorial).New ƵappMedical Journal, Vol 124, pp 1330, 5-7.
  • Richardson EA, Pearce J, Kingham S, 2011. Is particulate air pollution associated with health and health inequalities in New Zealand?Health & Place, Vol 17 (5), pp 1137-1143.
  • Kingham S, and Dorset W, 2011. Assessment of exposure approaches in air pollution and health research in Australia and New Zealand.Air Quality and Climate Change, Vol 45 (2), pp 28-38.
  • Fukuda K, Hider PN, Epton MJ, Jennings LC, Kingham SP, 2011. Including viral infection data supports an association between particulate pollution and respiratory admissions.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, Vol 35 (2), pp 163–169.
  • Kingham S, Sabel CE, Bartie P, 2011. The impact of the ‘school run’ on road traffic accidents: A spatio-temporal analysis.Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 19, pp 705–711.
  • Witten K, Pearce J, Day P, 2011. Neighbourhood Destination Accessibility Index: A GIS tool for measuring infrastructure support for neighbourhood physical activity.Environment and Planning A, Vol 43(1), pp 205–223.
  • Day P, and Pearce J, 2011. Obesity-promoting food environments and the spatial clustering of food outlets around schools.American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol 40 (2), pp 113-121.

  • Wilson JG, Kingham S, Pearce J, 2010. Air pollution and restricted activity days among New Ƶappschool children and staff.International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 41, (1/2), pp 140-154.
  • Barnett JR, and Pearce J, 2010. Ethnic differences in smoking cessation and cancer survival in New Zealand. In R. Taonui (ed),Nga Kete a Rehua Inaugural Maori Research Symposium Te Waipounamu Proceedings. (145-150). Christchurch: Aotahi: School of Maori and Indigenous Studies.
  • Moon G, Barnett R, Pearce J, 2010. Ethnic spatial segregation and tobacco consumption: a multilevel repeated cross-sectional analysis of smoking prevalence in urban New Zealand, 1981-1996.Environment and Planning A, Vol 42 (2), pp 469-486.
  • Richardson EA, Pearce J, Mitchell RJ, Day P, Kingham S. 2010..BMC Public Health10(1):240.

  • Walton M, Pearce J, Day P, 2009. Examining the interaction between food outlets and outdoor food advertisements with primary school food environments.Health and Place, Vol 15, pp 811-818.
  • Thompson L, Barnett R, Pearce J, 2009. Scared straight?: Fear-appeal anti-smoking campaigns, risk, self-efficacy and addiction.Health, Risk and Society, Vol 11, pp 181-196.
  • Pearce J, Hiscock R, Moon G, Barnett R, 2009..Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol63, pp 69-77.
  • Miller L, Pearce J, Barnett R, Willis J, Darlow B, Scott R, 2009. Is population mixing associated with childhood Type 1 diabetes in Canterbury, New Zealand?Social Science and Medicine, Vol 68, pp 625-630.
  • Barnett R, Pearce J, Moon G, 2009. Community inequality and smoking cessation in New Zealand, 1981-2006?Social Science and Medicine,Vol 68, pp 876-884.
  • Pearce J, Hiscock R, Blakely T, Witten K, 2009.,Health and Place, Vol 15, pp 193-197.
  • Pearce J, 2009. Regression, linear and non-linear. In: N. Thrift and P. Kitchen,The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography(online), pp 302-308.

  • Pearce J, Tisch C, Barnett R, 2008. Have geographical inequalities in cause-specific mortality in New Ƶappincreased during the period 1980-2001?New ƵappMedical Journal, Vol 121 (1281), pp 15-27.
  • Haynes R, Pearce J, Barnett R, 2008..Social Science and Medicine, Vol 67, pp 928-937.
  • Witten K, Hiscock R, Pearce J, Blakely T, 2008..Preventive Medicine, Vol 47, pp 299-303.
  • Hiscock R, Pearce J, Blakely T, Witten K, 2008.. Vol 43, pp 2183-2200.
  • Day P, Pearce J, Dorling D, 2008..Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,Vol 62, pp 1002-101.
  • Pearce J, Mason K, Hiscock R, Day P, 2008..Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol 62, pp 862-868.
  • Lake I, Pearce J, Saville M, 2008.Epidemiology and Infection, Vol 136, pp 1383–1387.
  • Pearce J, Kingham S, 2008.Geoforum, Vol 39, pp 980-993.
  • Haynes R, Lake I, Kingham S, Sabel C, Pearce J, Barnett R, 2008..Accident Analysis and Prevention,Vol 40, pp 843-850.
  • Pearce J, Witten K, Hiscock R, Blakely T, 2008..Environment and Planning A, Vol 40, pp 2469-2489.
  • Kingham S, Pearce J, Dorling D, Faulk M, 2008..Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 16, pp 134–141.
  • Pearce J, Witten K, Hiscock R, Blakely T, 2008..Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol 62, pp 198-201.
  • Pearce J, Day P, Witten K, 2008..Urban Policy and Research,Vol 26, pp 213-227.

  • Thompson L, Pearce J, Barnett R, 2007.Moralising geographies: Stigma, smoking islands and responsible subjects.Area,Vol 39, pp 508-517.
  • Dorling D, Mitchell R, Pearce J, 2007.An observational study: the global impact of income inequality on health by age.British Medical Journal,Vol 335, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.39349.507315.DE
  • Pearce J, 2007.Incorporating geographies of health into public policy debates: The GeoHealth Laboratory.New ƵappGeographer, Vol 63, pp 149-153.
  • Pearce J, 2007. Editorial: Investigating place effects on health: an Australasian perspective.Australasian Epidemiologist, Vol 14, pp 2-3.
  • Miller L, Pearce J, Barnett R, 2007. The place of population mixing in the aetiology of disease: a New Ƶappperspective.Australasian Epidemiologist,Vol 14, pp 12-15.
  • Kingham S, Pearce J, Zawar-Reza P, 2007. Driven to injustice? Environmental justice and vehicle pollution in Christchurch, New Zealand.Transportation Research D: Transport and Environment, Vol 12, pp 254-263.
  • Pearce J, Blakely T, Witten K, Bartie P, 2007. Neighborhood deprivation and access to fast food retailing: a national study.American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol 32, pp 375-382.
  • Pearce J, Barnett R, Collings S, Jones I, 2007. Did geographical inequalities in suicide among males aged 15 to 44 in New Ƶappincrease during the period 1980-2001?Australian and New ƵappJournal of Psychiatry, Vol 41, pp 359-365.
  • "Put on a jacket, you wuss": Cultural identities and air pollution in Christchurch , New Ƶapp,Environment and Planning A, Vol 39 (12), pp 2883-2898.

  • Barnett P, and Barnett JR, 2006. New times, new relationships: mental health, primary care and public health in New Ƶapp. In: C. Milligan and D. Conradson (eds),Landscapes of Voluntarism: New Spaces of Health, Welfare and Governance. London: Policy Press, pp 73-90.
  • Barnett JR, Barnett P, Pearce J, Howes P, 2006. Reconsidering the role of a local diabetes society: Patterns of membership in Christchurch , New Zealand.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, Vol 30, pp 275-278.
  • Barnett R, Pearce J, Howes P, 2006, ‘Help, educate, encourage?’: Geographical variations in the provision and utilisation of diabetes education in New Zealand.Social Science and Medicine, Vol 63, pp 1328-1343.
  • Barnett R, Barnett P, Pearce J, Howes P, 2006, Preventing the human time bomb? Barriers to utilising diabetes education in Christchurch, New Zealand.Australian and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, Vol 30, pp 275-278.
  • Barnett JR and Brown LJ, 2006, Getting into hospitals in a big way: The corporate transformation of hospital care in Australia.Environment and Planning D: Society and Space,Vol 24, pp 283–310.
  • Pearce J, Wheeler B, Dorling D, Barnett JR, Rigby J, 2006. Geographical inequalities in health in New Zealand, 1980-2001: the gap widens. Australian and New ƵappJournal of Public Health, Vol 30, pp 461-466.
  • Pearce J, Barnett R, Kingham S, 2006. Slip! Slap! Slop! Cutaneous malignant melanoma incidence and social status in New Zealand, 1995-2000.Health and Place, Vol 12, pp 239-252.
  • Pearce J, and Dorling D, 2006. Increasing geographical inequalities in health in New Zealand, 1980-2001.International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 35, pp 597-603.
  • Pearce J, and Dorling D, 2006. The place of population change in explaining geographical inequalities in health in New Zealand.International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 35, pp 1099-1100.
  • Pearce J, Kingham S, Zawar-Reza P, 2006. Every Breath You Take? Environmental Justice and Air Pollution in Christchurch, New Zealand.Environment and Planning A, Vol 38, pp 919-938.
  • Pearce J, Witten K, Bartie P, 2006. Neighbourhoods and health: a GIS approach to measuring community resource accessibility.Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol 60, pp 389-395.

  • Barnett P, and Barnett JR , 2005. Beyond the market: Recent trends in health service restructuring in New Zealand. In: P. Davis and K. Dews (eds),Health and Society in Aotearoa New Zealand(2nd edition). Auckland: Oxford University Press, pp 178-193.
  • Barnett R, Pearce J, Moon G, 2005. Does social inequality matter? Assessing the effects of changing ethnic socio-economic disparities on Maori smoking in New Zealand, 1981-96.Social Science and Medicine, Vol 60, pp 1515-1526.
  • Pearce J, and Boyle P, 2005. Is the urban excess in lung cancer in Scotland explained by patterns of smoking?Social Science and Medicine, Vol 60, pp 2833-2843.
  • Pearce J, and Boyle P, 2005. Examining the relationship between lung cancer and radon in small areas across Scotland.Health and Place, Vol 11, pp 275-282.
  • Wilson JG, Kingham S, Pearce J, Sturman AP, 2005. A review of intra-urban variations in particulate air pollution: implications for epidemiological research.Atmospheric Environment, Vol 39, pp 6444-6462.

  • Barnett JR, and Barnett P, 2004. Primary health care in New Zealand: Problems and policy approaches.Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, Vol 21, pp 49-66.
  • Barnett JR, Moon G, Kearns R, 2004. Social inequality and Maori smoking in New Zealand.Social Science and Medicine, Vol 59, pp 129-143.
  • Brabyn L, and Barnett JR, 2004. Deprivation and geographic access to general practitioners in rural New Zealand.New ƵappMedical Journal, Vol 117, pp 1-13.
  • Brown L, and Barnett JR, 2004. Is the corporate transformation of hospital creating a new health care space? A case study of the impact of the co-location of public and private hospitals in Australia.Social Science and Medicine, Vol 58, pp 427-444.

  • Barnett JR, and Lauer G, 2003. Urban deprivation and public hospital admissions in Christchurch 1990-1997.Health and Social Care in the Community, Vol 11, pp 299-313.
  • Barnett JR, and Barnett P, 2003. 'If you want to sit on your butts you'll get nothing!' Community activism in response to threats of rural hospital closure in southern New Zealand.Health and Place, Vol 9, pp 59-71.
  • Barnett JR, and Barnett P, 2003. Back to the future?: Reflections on past reforms and future prospects for health services In New Zealand.Geojournal,Vol 59, pp 137-147.
  • Kearns R, and Barnett JR, 2003. Placing private health care: reading Ascot hospital in the landscape of contemporary Auckland.Social Science and Medicine, Vol 56, pp 2303-2315.
  • Pearce J, Boyle P, Flowerdew R, 2003. Predicting smoking behaviour in census output areas across Scotland.Health and Place,Vol 9, pp 139-149.
  • Pearce J, 2003. Emerging new research on the geography of health and impairment.Health and Place,Vol 9, pp 107-108.

  • Barnett JR, 2001. Coping with the costs of primary care?: household and locational variations in the survival strategies of the urban poor.Health and Place,Vol 7, pp 141-157.
  • Dunn C, Kingham S, Rowlingson B, Bhopal R, Cockings S, Foy C, Acquilla S, Halpin J,Diggle P, Walker D, 2001. Analysing spatially referenced public health data: a comparison of three methodological approaches.Health and Place, Vol 7 (1), pp 1-12.
  • Barnett J R, Coyle P, Kearns R, 2000. Holes in the safety net?: Assessing the effects of targeted benefits upon the health care utilisation of poor New Zealanders.Health and Social Care in the Community,Vol 8, pp 1-13.
  • Kingham S, Briggs D, Elliott P, Fischer P, Lebret E, 2000. Differences in concentrations of traffic-related pollutants in indoor and outdoor air in relation to vehicle intensity in Huddersfield, England.Atmospheric Environment, Vol 34 (6), pp 905-916.
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