2012 Calendar(PDF, 2.56MB)
Sections of the Calendar
Note: The following PDFs contain information as at March 2012 and may differ from the printed version of the 2012 Calendar.
1.General Information pp1-6 (PDF, 69KB)
2. General Regulations and Policies
- Academic Award Regulationspp8-12 (PDF, 193KB)
- Admission Regulationspp13-25 (PDF, 239KB)
- Enrolment and Fees Policies and Regulationspp26-40 (PDF, 277KB)
- General Course and Examination Regulationspp41-55 (PDF, 240KB)
- Other Regulationspp56-60 (PDF, 198KB)
- Academic Policiespp61-62 (PDF, 175KB)
- General Policiespp63-64 (PDF, 176KB)
3. Award Regulations
- Contentspp65-68 (PDF, 66KB)
- Faculty of Commercepp69-94 (PDF, 282KB)
- Faculty of Creative Artspp95-104 (PDF, 233KB)
- Faculty of Educationpp105-151 (PDF, 373KB)
- Faculty of Engineering and Forestrypp152-180 (PDF, 300KB)
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencespp181-253 (PDF, 443MB)
- Faculty of Law pp254-261 (PDF, 229KB)
- Faculty of Sciencepp262-322 (PDF, 414KB)
- Board of Studies: International/Students Servicespp323-327 (PDF, 218KB)
- Doctoratespp328-346 (PDF, 268KB)
4.Course Catalogue pp347-718 (PDF, 1.55MB)
5.Index pp719-730 (PDF, 106KB)