2016 Calendar (PDF, 3.8MB)
1.General Information including key dates (PDF, 60KB)
2. General Regulations and Policies
- Academic Award Regulations(PDF, 44KB)
- Admission Regulations(PDF, 80KB)
- Enrolment and Fees Policies and Regulations(PDF, 75KB)
- General Course and Examination Regulations(PDF, 86KB)
- Other Regulations(PDF, 49KB)
- Academic Policies(PDF, 21KB)
- General Policies(PDF, 28KB)
3. Award (qualification) Regulations
- Contents(PDF, 114KB)
- Faculty of Arts(PDF, 552KB)
- Faculty of Commerce(PDF, 158KB)
- Faculty of Education(PDF, 276KB)
- Faculty of Engineering and Forestry(PDF, 153KB)
- Faculty of Law(PDF, 94KB)
- Faculty of Science(PDF, 335KB)
- Bridging Programmes Board of Studies(PDF, 49KB)
- Doctorates(PDF, 124KB)
4.Index (PDF, 53.KB)